Water Resources of the United States
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 10:34:00 EDT
Summary: USGS high-water measurements - Eastern New York
Flooding is occurring in the Schoharie, Mohawk and Hudson River basins
as a result of 2-3 inches of rain during the past 24 hrs. Several USGS streamgages have reached the NWS minor flood category. Run-off has been particularly high as a result of saturated soils and above normal streamflows due to 6-14 inches of rain during the past 3-4 weeks in these basins.
Five USGS crews (10 staff members) from the Troy, NY Data Section of the
New York Water Science Center are making discharge measurements today
to document the conditions and verify and update stage-discharge and
index-velocity relationships at USGS streamgages.
Sub-Region: Mid Atlantic; Region: Eastern United States