Water Resources of the United States

PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (TN) Flooding in Middle Tennessee

Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 16:30:20 EDT

Summary: Flooding along Cumberland River tributaries in Middle Tennessee has resulted in numerous road closures and some swift water rescues by local emergency management agencies.

Approximately 3 to 4 inches of rainfall on April 27 and April 28 resulted in flashing flooding along Cumberland River tributaries in the Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee areas. Tributaries affected included Mill Creek and Whites Creek in Nashville and the Red River at Port Royal, Tennessee.
Approximate annual exceedance probabilities were in the 10 to 20 percent range and the peak stream flows were less than half the period of record extremes which occurred during the May 2010 flood. The flooding resulted in several road closures and the local media reports that some swift water rescues were needed but no deaths are reported. One stream gage on Whites Creek near Nashville was damaged. The USGS Tennessee Water Science Center has two crews deployed on April 28 to make discharge measurements and has been working closely with Metro Nashville staff throughout the weekend.

Sub-Region: Central South; Region: Central United States

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/2013/item_2013-04-28_16:30:20.html
Page Contact Information: Water Webserver Team
Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:58:14 EDT