Water Resources of the United States
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 13:53:37 EDT
Summary: Moderate flooding continues along the middle and lower Wabash River as well as the lower White River.
The Indiana USGS is continuing to make discharge measurements along the middle/lower Wabash River and the lower White River this week. Moderate flooding is occurring along these reaches for the next several days. There have been at least 2 deaths attributed to flooding around the state so far. Over 100 homes were also evacuated in the Kokomo and Elwood areas due to high water according to the Indianapolis Star. USGS crews were interviewed twice last week by local news organizations while performing measurements in the Indianapolis area.
Four crews (8 people) will measure discharge at 10 locations following the crest as it progresses down the Wabash and the White. Three crews (5 people) are out today flagging high water marks at 3 locations. These marks will be used to take indirect measurements of discharge at each of these locations where the rating was exceeded.
No gages are down in areas where flooding is occurring or expected to occur. There were at least 3 gages with peak of record that have over 20 years of data in the north central portion of the state.
The Indiana office has been working with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and NWS Ohio River Forecast Center to coordinate ongoing flood response efforts.
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