Water Resources of the United States
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 09:21:10 EDT
Summary: Flooding in Eastern and South Central Iowa
Flooding continues and expand in eastern and south central Iowa with 23 streamgages above NWS flood stage and 6 streamgages above NWS major flooding levels. Crews continue to make discharge measurements and in some locations are having a difficult time accessing the streamgages due to flooded roadways. Multiple crews are out measuring streamflow and over road flow at several sites. Thirty high-flow measurements have been made since Wednesday afternoon with a number of check measurements made to confirm shifts; discharge measurements have also been made at 9 crest stage gages since the flooding began.
Old Man's Creek near Iowa City, IA 05455100 has had a temporary orifice line installed due to damage from the high flows. The Hach Nitratax real-time nitrate sensor at this site was lost when debris and high flow damaged the river line and nitrate sensor installation.
Community's in the flooding area continue to assess damage including a mudslide on the campus of the University of Iowa. Maximum 24 hr rainfall total occurred in North Liberty, Ia which recorded 8.3 inches in 24 hours.
Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States