Water Resources of the United States
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 10:01:13 EDT
Summary: Moderate to Major flooding is occurring in north central and western Missouri
Contact name: Paul Rydlund
email: prydlund@usgs.gov
phone: 573-308-3572
Description of hydrologic event:
Moderate to Major flooding is occurring in north central and western Missouri. Rainfall of 2 to 6 inches is causing extensive lowland flooding. Currently there are eleven (11) USGS streamgages in Missouri above flood stage. Six (6) crews have been deployed to make streamflow measurements at streamflow-gaging stations in north central and western (Kansas City area) Missouri.
No news release is planned as of yet.
Any future news releases will be emailed to GS-W_Project_Alert@usgs.gov.
OK to post on Web: yes
Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States