Water Resources of the United States
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 09:01:34 EDT
Summary: Rivers in eastern Iowa are in moderate flood stage after 2-3 inches of rain on snow pack and frozen ground.
Crews from the Eastern Field Unit of the USGS Iowa Water Science Center went into the field on Sunday March 10th to measure high flow and repair river orifice lines damaged by high flow. Eastern Iowa received 2-3" of rain starting late Saturday and through the day Sunday; this rain fell on the snow pack and frozen ground in this area of the state. Multiple crews went into the field Sunday to measure high flow and repair river orifice lines that were damaged by the high flow. Rivers in the Iowa, lower Des Moines, Cedar, Skunk, Upper Mississippi, and Turkey/Maqouketa Basins are above flood stage. Crews are out again today measuring high flow and continue to repair orifice lines damaged by the high flow. Multiple highwater measurements will be made and repairs have been and or will be made to 6 gages.
Iowa Flood page
Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States