Water Resources of the United States

PROJECT ALERT NOTICE (NC) USGS responds to Flooding in Western North Carolina

Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 11:11:33 EST

Summary: USGS Crews from the North Carolina Water Science Center respond to flooding in portions of western North Carolina (January 31, 2013)

USGS Crews from the North Carolina Water Science Center respond to flooding in portions of western North Carolina (January 31, 2013).

Once again this month, widespread precipitation amounts of more than 2 inches have fallen in the last two days across a large part of western North Carolina. One USGS raingage in Macon County North Carolina reported a total for the 2-day period from January 29 through 30 of 5.66 inches. (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nc/nwis/uv/?site_no=350557083325845).

USGS crews continue to make discharge measurements in response to this event. Three crews (a total of 5 staff members) from the Asheville Field Office of the North Carolina Water Science Center are out today making discharge measurements and ensuring that streamgages are functioning properly. The French Broad River at Blantyre remains above the National Weather Service flood stage of 16.0 feet today and the Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center has forecast it to crest near 17.5 feet early Friday morning, at that location.

Sub-Region: South Atlantic; Region: Eastern United States

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URL: https://water.usgs.gov/alerts/2013/item_2013-01-31_11:11:33.html
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Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 12:58:14 EDT