Water Resources of the United States
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 10:56:10 EDT
Summary: The drought continues in Oklahoma with a chance of some rain later in the week.
Event Information: U.S. Drought Monitor report for September 11, 2012 shows 95 percent of Oklahoma continues to be in extreme drought and 40 percent in exceptional drought conditions.
Hydrologic Conditions: There are currently 33 stations that have reached or are close to historic low. There are 23 stations with no flow and 5 of these stations have reached zero flow for the first time in the historic record.
Streamgages: Field crews are continually visiting gages and verifying lowflows. Where necessary, zero flows have been verified and orifice lines have been extended.
Groundwater levels: Groundwater levels are measured continuously at 18 sites as part of routine programs. Several groundwater wells are close to or have reached record lows for the station’s historical record.
Water quality: No specific water-quality samples have been collected in response to the drought conditions.
Sub-Region: Central South; Region: Central United States