Water Resources of the United States
Date: Thr, 16 Aug 2012 16:52:39 EDT
Summary: Kansas WSC Drought Update for the week of August 13, 2012
Summary of Event Impact:
Kansas WSC Drought Update for the week of August 16, 2012
Event Information:
Hydrologic Conditions: The U.S. Drought Monitor for August 14, 2012 shows the entire state of Kansas in severe drought or worse, with “exceptional” drought (the most severe category) covering most of the state. 62 of the 194 streamgages in the state are currently measuring no flow, and 12 of the remaining sites that are flowing (with >30 years of record) are at record low flows for the day of the year. All of that said, light rain showers fell over most of the state earlier this week, so streamflow conditions in parts of Kansas are slightly better than they were a week ago.
Streamgages: Routine measurements are being made. No emergency repairs caused by low flows were needed during the last week.
Water quality: Several of the sites in the state where QW is monitored are still dry.
Special projects: Synoptic flow measurement "seepage runs" are planned for early next month on 3 smaller basins (Verdigris, Fall and Neosho).
Communications and outreach: The Kansas Drought Webpage was updated. http://ks.water.usgs.gov/waterwatch/drought/index.shtml
Brian Loving was quoted (along with Brian Kelly, MO WSC) in the Kansas City Star on August 15, explaining that the major rivers in the Kansas City metro area are fed by reservoirs, and are therefore not at the extremely low levels other streams in the area are. http://www.kansascity.com/2012/08/15/3764660/area-lakes-are-drying-but-not.html#storylink=misearch
Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States