Water Resources of the United States
Date: Thr, 16 Aug 2012 16:00:23 EDT
Summary: The USGS continues to closely monitor the hydrologic drought conditions in the State of Missouri.
Hydrologic Conditions: Drought conditions continue throughout Missouri. As of August 14, the U.S. Drought Monitor shows 100 percent of the state experiencing severe drought, 95 percent experiencing extreme drought, and 36 percent experiencing exceptional drought.
Streamgages: Lowflow measurements continue to be made at streamgages with zero flows being observed at many locations.
Groundwater levels: Out of a network of 162 real-time groundwater monitoring wells, record lows have been experienced at 54 wells during the past month. Out of the 54 wells, only 16 of the wells have 10 years or more of record.
Special projects: A low-flow seepage run and water-quality sampling effort being conducted on a 10-mile reach of the Big Piney River will conclude today.
Communications and outreach – Numerous data inquiries have been answered regarding the ongoing drought conditions. Several WSC staff have been interviewed by the media concerning low streamflows, decreasing groundwater levels and water-quality conditions.
No WWW page is available or planned.
No news release is planned.
OK to post on Web: yes
Sub-Region: Midwest; Region: Central United States