Reference Lists The HYDROML contains many codes that describe an condition and type of item. These codes are contained in reference lists which are contained in the United States Geological Survey's National Water Information System's data base. Listed below are the reference lists with names and definitions of all of the codes used.

Subject: General

XML File NameNameXML DocumentDescription
DataAgingList.xml Data Aging Status List The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid phases of the data aging process.
DateAccuracyList.xml Date Accuracy List Date Accuracy Codes
DstPeriodList.xml DST Period List Not Available
TimeDatumList.xml Time Datum List Not Available
TimeZoneList.xml Time Zone List Time zone offset. An ANSI SQL/92 time zone offset string. Some examples are '-07:00' (Eastern), '+02:00' (Eastern Europe), and '+03:30' (India).

Subject: Site

XML File NameNameXML DocumentDescription
AgencyUseList.xml Agency Site Use List Agency Site Use Codes
HorizontalCoordinateMethodList.xml Horizontal Coordinate Method List Horizontal Coordinate Method Codes
HorizontalDatumList.xml Horizontal Datum List Horizontal Datum Codes
HorizontalDatumAccuracyList.xml Horizontal Datum Accuracy List Horizontal Datum Accuracy Codes
UncertaintyCodeList.xml Method of Determining Uncertainty List Code indicating the method of determining uncertainty
VerticalCoordinateMethodList.xml Vertical Coordinate Method List Vertical Coordinate Method Codes
VerticalDatumList.xml Vertical Datum List Vertical Datum Codes
WaterScienceCenterList.xml Water Science Center List Water Science Center Codes

Subject: Time-series

XML File NameNameXML DocumentDescription
AdSiteList.xml ADAPS Site Type List ADAPS site code. Indicates whether the site is slope-affected, index velocity, a structure like a dam, etc.
DailyValueRemarkList.xml Daily Value Remark Codes List The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the remarks on unit and daily values.
DailyValueTypeList.xml Daily Value Type Codes List The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid daily values types.
RatingTypeList.xml Rating Type List Not Available
StatisticDailyValueList.xml Daily Values Statistics List null
StatisticUnitValueList.xml Unit Values Statistics List null
ThresholdCodeList.xml Data Descriptor Threshold Codes List Not Available
TimeSeriesComputationTypeList.xml Time-series computation Type List Not Available
TransportCodeList.xml Transport Codes List The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid methods used to transport unit values data from the field recorder to the database. This describes the communication path by which data enters ADAPS.
UnitValueRemarkList.xml Unit Value Remark Codes List Unit values remark code.
UnitValueTypeList.xml Unit Value Type Codes List Code indicating the type of unit value
UnitValueFlagsList.xml Unit Value Flags Codes List Individual flag definitions for the unit values flags

Subject: Site Visit

Site Visit
XML File NameNameXML DocumentDescription
AccuracyCodeList.xml Accuracy determination Method List Method for determining accuracy (or uncertainty)
AdcpFrequencyList.xml Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Frequency List A reference table for codes that describe the frequencies used by a Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) meter used for stream discharge measurements.
AreaComputationMethodList.xml ADCP Area Computation Method List A reference table for codes that describe the area computation methods for a Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) stream discharge measurement.
BaseFlowList.xml Stream Base Flow List A reference table for codes that describe if the streamflow is base flow or not.
BottomEstimateList.xml ADCP Bottom Estimate Method List Code indicating method used for bottom estimate
BottomModeList.xml Bottom Mode List Mode used for bottom tracking
CalibrationCodeList.xml Calibration Type List Code indicating whether the reading is for calibration or recalibration
ChannelEvennessList.xml Stream Channel Evenness Types List The code identifying the evenness of the channel (even, uneven, etc.)
ChannelMaterialList.xml Stream Channel Material Types List The code identifying the material of the channel (sand, gravel, silt, etc.)
ChannelStabilityList.xml Stream Channel Stability Types List The code identifying the stability of the channel (firm, soft, etc.)
ControlCleanedList.xml Stream Control Cleaning List A reference table for codes that describe the whether the streamflow control section was cleaned.
ControlConditionsList.xml Stream Control Conditions List A reference table for codes that describe the condition of the streamflow control section.
ControlDescriptionList.xml Stream Control Description List A reference table for codes that describe the state of the streamflow control section.
CheckReadingCodeList.xml QW Monitor Check Reading Time Code List A code indicating if the check reading was before or after cleaning or after calibration (final)
ConductanceStandardList.xml Specific Conductance Standard Type List The type of the specific conductance standard, KCl or NaCl
CrestStageGageInspectionReadList.xml Crest stage gage Insection Read List A reference table for codes that indicate if a reading of the crest-stage gage intake was done.
CrossSectionSurveyMethodList.xml Cross Section Survey Method List Code indicating the cross section survey method (parameter code 82398)
CurrentMeterInspectionLocationList.xml Current Meter Location Inspection Performed List Code indicating the location of the velocity meter inspection (office, field, etc.)
CurrentMeterSuspensionList.xml Current Meter Suspension List A reference table for codes that describe the types of velocity meter suspensions.
DesiccantConditionList.xml Desiccant Condition List Code indicating the condition of the desiccant
DischargeMeasurementAdjustmentList.xml Stream Discharge Measurement Adjustment List Discharge code. The code describing the method of adjustment for the discharge value.
DischargeMeasurementQualityList.xml Stream Discharge Measurement Quality List The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid stream discharge measurement quality qualifiers.
DischargeDeploymentMethodList.xml Discharge Deployment Method List The code identifying a stream discharge measurement type (wading, bridge, ice, boat, etc.)
DissolvedOxygenReadingList.xml Dissolved Oxygen Reading Type List A code indicating the type of dissolved oxygen reading, saturated air, saturated water, etc.
EquipmentCodeList.xml Equipment Types List Equipment code.
EstimatedVelocityList.xml Type of Estimated Velocity List A reference table for codes that describe the origin of the estimated velocity.
ExpandList.xml Curve Expansion type List The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid curve expansion methods.
GageMeasurementPointCodeList.xml Gage Measurement Point List The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid gage measurement points.gage_mp_cd
GageRelativeLocationList.xml Relative Location from Gage List Code indicating the location of the control in effect for the discharge measurement relative to the gage.
GasSystemList.xml Manometer Gas System List Code indicating type of gas system
HorizontalFlowDistributionList.xml Stream Horizontal Flow Distribution List The code identifying the horizontal flow distribution in the stream cross-section. That is, whether the flow is evenly or unevenly distributed bank to bank
IntakeHoleConditionList.xml Intake Hole Condition List The code indicating the condition of the crest-stage gage intake holes.
IntakeServicedList.xml Intake Serviced List A reference table for codes that describe the type of servicing of a water level intake.
MagneticVariationList.xml Magnetic Variation Determination Method List Code for method of determining magetic variation
MeasuredDischargeMethodList.xml Streamflow Measured Discharge Methods List null
MethodList.xml Method List null
MethodTypeList.xml Method Type List null
NavigationMethodList.xml ADCP Navigation Method List A reference table for codes that describe the navigation method for an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) discharge measurement.
OrificeServicedList.xml Orifice Serviced List A reference table for codes that describe the type of servicing of a bubbler gage orifice.
QwMonitorStageConditionList.xml QW Monitor Check Reading Time Code List Code indicating the condition of the stage at the time of the qw monitor inspection
QwRemarkList.xml QW Remark Codes List Result remark.
SensorTypeReflist.xml Sensor Type List null
StageMethodList.xml Streamflow Stage Methods List null
StartPointList.xml Measurement Starting Point List A reference table for codes that describe the type of starting point
StreamMixingList.xml Quality of Stream Mixing List Code indicating the quality of the stream mixing
SuspensionWeightList.xml Type of Suspension Weight Used List The code describing the type and size of suspension weight
TopEstimateList.xml ADCP Top Estimate Method List Code indicating method used for top estimate
TurbidityStandardList.xml Turbidity Standard Type List A code indicating the type of turbidity standard being used, formazin, polymer bead, etc.
VelocityDistributionList.xml Velocity Distribution List A reference table for codes that describe velocity flow distribution within the cross-section over time. I.e. whether the velocity distribution of flow within the cross-section is mostly steady or pulsating.
VelocityMethodList.xml Streamflow Velocity Methods List null
VelocityObservationList.xml Stream Velocity Observation List A reference table for codes that describe the types of velocity observations for a stream discharge measurement.
VentHoleConditionList.xml Vent Hole Condition List A reference table for codes that describe the condition of the vent holes for a crest-stage gage.
VerticalVelocityDistributionList.xml Vertical Velocity Distribution List A reference table for codes that describe the vertical velocity distribution within the cross-section. I.e. whether the vertical distribution of velocity within the cross-section is mostly uniform, standard profile, or non-standard profile.
VolumetricUnitsList.xml Volumetric Units List Volumetric Units for SiteVisit Volumetric Measurements
WaterModeList.xml ADCP Water Mode List The water mode is a number used with ADCP's made by RD Instruments to indicate the method used to collect water velocity profiles. The possible values are 1, 5, 8, and 11.
WiperList.xml Wiper cleaned and changed codes List Wiper code.

Subject: Ground Water

Ground Water
XML File NameNameXML DocumentDescription
WaterLevelAccuracyList.xml Ground Water Level Accuracy List Ground Water Level Accuracy
WaterLevelMethodList.xml Ground Water Level Method List Ground Water Level Method
WaterLevelSourceList.xml Ground Water Level Source List Ground Water Level Source
WaterLevelStatisticsList.xml Ground Water Level Statistics List Ground Water Level Statistics
WaterLevelStatusList.xml Ground Water Level Status List Ground Water Level Status
WaterLevelTypeList.xml Ground Water Level Type List Ground Water Level Type