
Streamflow Velocity Methods





Reference List

Code Sort Order Valid Flag Name Description
1 true Unspecified The method was unspecified and the code left blank
SADVM 15 false Velocity, Sideways looking ADVM Stream velocity measured using a sideways looking acoustic doppler velocity meter.
UADVM 16 false Velocity, Upward looking ADVM Stream velocity measured using an upward looking acoustic doppler velocity meter.
V-EST 17 true Stream velocity, estimated Stream velocity, estimated
VADCP 3 true Stream velocity, ADCP Stream velocity, acoustic doppler current profiler
VADV 2 true Stream velocity, ADV Stream velocity, acoustic doppler velocimeter
VELC 9 true Velocity,Electromagnetic Vel Mtr Stream velocity measured using an Electromagnetic Velocity Meter
VICE 6 true Stream Velocity, Ice Vane Meter Stream velocity measured with Ice Vane Meter
VIPAA 7 true Velocity, Polymer Cup AA Meter Stream Velocity measured with a Price AA meter with polymer cups
VIPYG 8 true Velocity,Polymer Cup Pygmy Meter Stream Velocity measured with a Price Pygmy meter with polymer cups
VOPT 10 true Stream velocity, optical current Velocity measured by a surface velocity stroboscopic device
VOTT 11 true Stream velocity, horiz. shaft Stream velocity, horizontal shaft (Ott) meter
VPAA 4 true Stream velocity, Price AA Stream velocity, Price AA meter
VPYG 5 true Stream velocity, pygmy Stream velocity, Price pygmy meter
VRAD 12 true Stream velocity, radar Stream velocity, radar
VTIME 13 true Stream Velocity, Time of Travel Stream velocity measured by any time of travel method
VTRNS 18 false NWIS 4.8 Transferred Velocity The method used to measure the velocity is not known.
VULT 14 false Stream velocity, ultrasonic Stream velocity, ultrasonic meter