Streamflow Velocity Methods
Code | Sort Order | Valid Flag | Name | Description |
1 | true | Unspecified | The method was unspecified and the code left blank | |
SADVM | 1 | false | Velocity, Sideways looking ADVM | Stream velocity measured using a sideways looking acoustic doppler velocity meter. |
UADVM | 2 | false | Velocity, Upward looking ADVM | Stream velocity measured using an upward looking acoustic doppler velocity meter. |
V-EST | 3 | true | Stream velocity, estimated | Stream velocity, estimated |
VADCP | 4 | true | Stream velocity, ADCP | Stream velocity, acoustic doppler current profiler |
VADV | 5 | true | Stream velocity, ADV | Stream velocity, acoustic doppler velocimeter |
VELC | 6 | true | Velocity,Electromagnetic Vel Mtr | Stream velocity measured using an Electromagnetic Velocity Meter |
VICE | 7 | true | Stream Velocity, Ice Vane Meter | Stream velocity measured with Ice Vane Meter |
VIPAA | 8 | true | Velocity, Polymer Cup AA Meter | Stream Velocity measured with a Price AA meter with polymer cups |
VIPYG | 9 | true | Velocity,Polymer Cup Pygmy Meter | Stream Velocity measured with a Price Pygmy meter with polymer cups |
VOTT | 10 | true | Stream velocity, horiz. shaft | Stream velocity, horizontal shaft (Ott) meter |
VPAA | 11 | true | Stream velocity, Price AA | Stream velocity, Price AA meter |
VPYG | 12 | true | Stream velocity, pygmy | Stream velocity, Price pygmy meter |
VRAD | 13 | true | Stream velocity, radar | Stream velocity, radar |
VTIME | 14 | true | Stream Velocity, Time of Travel | Stream velocity measured by any time of travel method |
VTRNS | 15 | false | NWIS 4.8 Transferred Velocity | The method used to measure the velocity is not known. |
VULT | 16 | false | Stream velocity, ultrasonic | Stream velocity, ultrasonic meter |