Publication LeBlanc, D.R., McCobb, T.D., and Barbaro, J.R., 2019, Simulated water-table and pond-level responses to proposed public water-supply withdrawals in the Hyannis Ponds Wildlife Management Area, Barnstable, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5121, 32 p. Data release McCobb, T.D., and Walter, D.A., 2019, MODFLOW2005 groundwater-flow model used to simulate water-supply pumping scenarios near the Hyannis Ponds Wildlife Management Area, Barnstable, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey data release 03/21/2019 Model archive created 06/14/2019 Model archive update based on reviews 10/23/2019 Model archive update with final information for SIR2019-5121 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIR2019-5121/ Description: ----------- The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts, modified an existing numerical, steady-state regional MODFLOW-2005 groundwater-flow model to evaluate changes in water levels from a reference condition (2015) for nine pumping and wastewater return-flow scenarios prepared by the Hyannis Water System. The three-dimensional, steady-state groundwater-flow model used to simulate water level changes is a modified and recalibrated version of an existing model that was used to simulate the potential effects of sea-level rise on groundwater levels of the Sagamore and Monomoy freshwater lenses of the Cape Cod aquifer (Walter and others, 2016) ( Two modifications, (1) the addition of spatially variable natural recharge from precipitation, and (2) a revised representation of wastewater return-flow recharge to septic systems in the Town of Barnstable, were made to the existing regional groundwater-flow model for this study. The modified model was recalibrated to the same observations of heads and streamflows as those used in the original model. The modifications and results of the recalibration are described in the appendix section of the model documentation report ( The model is a mathematical representation of the groundwater-flow system. Several assumptions and limitations of the modeling approach are discussed in the report, as well as the scientific investigations report describing the original model( This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associated model documentation report ( The modified model supersedes the original model described by Walter and others ( The directories described below contain all the input and output files for the simulations of the nine pumping scenarios described in the associated scientific investigations report, including the MODFLOW-2005 source code. The data release also contains all the input and output files for two simulations of areas of fine-grained sediments and 87 simulations of a single well at various locations. Descriptions of the data in each subdirectory are provided to facilitate understanding of this data release. Additional descriptions are provided for selected files to provide information that may be of use when working with this model archive. Hydrologic simulations were run with MODFLOW-2005 (v. 1.11.00). No modifications were made to this code. Support is provided for correcting errors in the data release and clarification of the modeling conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Users are encouraged to review the documentation of the model in the associated scientific investigations reports ( and to understand the purpose, construction, and limitations of this model. Reconstructing the data release from the online data release: ------------------------------------------------------------- This data release is available from: The models will run successfully only if the original directory structure is correctly restored. The data release is divided into several sections to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the subdirectory level. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". All zip files should be unzipped into a directory with the same name as the zip file name without the .zip extension. Please create a model folder on your computer and place the zipped compressed files starting with "/model/" in the download pathname in a "/model/" subdirectory. Example: /sir2019-5121/model/ Also, create an output folder on your computer and place the zipped compressed files starting with "/output/" in the download pathname in a "/output/" subdirectory. Example: /sir2019-5121/output/ The highest-level directory structure of the original data release is: SIR2019-5121/ ancillary/ bin/ georef/ model/ output/ source/ The full directory structure of the data release and the zip files associated with each subdirectory are listed below. System requirements: -------------------- The models contained in this data release were run using the mf2005.exe executable in the bin zip file in this data release. The models requires approximately 60 MB of available Random Access Memory (RAM). The models have been run successfully on computers running the following Windows operating systems (OS): o 64-bit Windows 7 OS (Service Pack 1) Summary of the simulations --------------------------- *Details of each scenario are described in table 1 of the associated report SIMULATION DESCRIPTION OF SIMULATION TIME PERIOD SIMULATED ----------- ------------------------- --------------------- calibration Steady-state (SS) conditions Average 1995-2000 current SS conditions with 2015 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario1 SS conditions with Scenario 1 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario2 SS conditions with Scenario 2 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario3 SS conditions with Scenario 3 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario4 SS conditions with Scenario 4 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario5 SS conditions with Scenario 5 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario5a SS conditions with Scenario 5a pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario6 SS conditions with Scenario 6 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario7 SS conditions with Scenario 7 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow scenario7a SS conditions with Scenario 7a pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow fgs20 SS conditions with Scenario 4 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow with area of fine-grained sediments (hydraulic conductivity (K-fines) = 20% of the calibrated K) in layer 2 near the Hyannis Ponds Wildlife Management Area fgs01 SS conditions with Scenario 4 pumping Average 2015 and wastewater return flow with area of fine-grained sediments (K-fines = 1% of calibrated K) in layer 2 near the Hyannis Ponds Wildlife Management Area Running the model(s): --------------------- The simulations can be run by opening a command line/terminal in the model subdirectory of interest and typing: ../../bin/mf2005.exe (Some systems may require the full pathname) and then typing at the prompt the name file (with the suffix '.nam') for the model of interest: calibration: MODEL_Calibrated.nam current: MODEL_Current.nam scenario1: MODEL_Scenario1.nam scenario2: MODEL_Scenario2.nam scenario3: MODEL_Scenario3.nam scenario4: MODEL_Scenario4.nam scenario5: MODEL_Scenario5.nam scenario5a: MODEL_Scenario5a.nam scenario6: MODEL_Scenario6.nam scenario7: MODEL_Scenario7.nam scenario7a: MODEL_Scenario7a.nam fgs20: MODEL_FGS20.nam fgs01: MODEL_FGS01.nam pondresponse: MODEL_pr_sq%%.nam (%% ranges from 01 to 87) Files: ------ readme.txt: This file documents the structure, directories and files, and instructions on how to run the simulations included in this data release. modelgeoref.txt: ASCII file with the four corners of the model domain in decimal degrees. ancillary/ /GIS Description ----------- This directory contains a GIS shapefile of the model grid. /pest Description ----------- This directory contains all files and directories related to calibration by parameter estimation using PEST. This includes all of the input MODFLOW-2005 files, PEST files, and Python programs used to run the PEST process, as well as output files from the best-fit calibration. The structure of the PEST directory must be maintained, including containing the executable files 'mf2005.exe' and 'fac2real.exe', to be executed. The PEST calibration can be rerun (NOPTMAX=0) by opening a command line/terminal in the pest/pest_calibration/ subdirectory and typing, 'pest MODEL_PESTCal.pst' /model Files: ----- MODEL_PESTCal.DRN: MODFLOW drain package file MODEL_PESTCal.GHB: MODFLOW general-head boundary package MODEL_PESTCal.GMG: MODFLOW solver MODEL_PESTCal.HFB: MODFLOW horizontal flow barrier package MODEL_PESTCal.LPF: MODFLOW layer-property flow package file MODEL_PESTCal.OC: MODFLOW output control file MODEL_PESTCal.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_PESTCal.WEL: MODFLOW well package file MODEL_PESTCal.ZON: MODFLOW zone option MODEL_PESTCal.BA6: MODFLOW basic package file MODEL_PESTCal.CHD: MODFLOW time-variant specified-head package MODEL_PESTCal.DIS: MODFLOW discretization file MODEL_PESTCal.MLT: MODFLOW multiplier Option MODEL_PESTCal.DROB: MODFLOW drain observation file MODEL_PESTCal.HOB: MODFLOW head observation file MODEL_PESTCal.PVL: MODFLOW parameter value file MODEL_PESTCal.nam: MODFLOW name file HF_OBS: MODFLOW head and flow output file Python script to copy hydraulic conductivity for vertical groups Python script to extract derived observation heads Python script to set zoned hydraulic conductivity fields ObsDerived: Output file from Obs_Derived_3.6 script factors%.dat: (% either 1,7,16) points%.dat: (% either 1,7,16) pointsz%.dat: (% either 1,7,16) Input file for fac2real program for spatial interpolation of pilot point values Input file for fac2real program for spatial interpolation of pilot point values Input file containing name file Configuration file for Directories: ----------- /BotsLin This directory contains bottom elevation arrays used in the calibration simulations. /IbsLin This directory contains Ibound arrays used in the the calibration simulations. /ShdsLin This directory contains starting head arrays used in the the calibration simulations. /K_fields_lin This directory contains hydraulic conductivity arrays used in the calibration simulations. /Mults This directory contains two files with multipliers in the calibration simulations. /WdsLin This directory contains five files with wetting thresholds used in the calibration simulations. /ZonesLin This directory contains zone arrays used in the the calibration simulations. /pest_calibration Files: ----- model_pestcal.pst: PEST control file model_pestcal.jst: PEST contains restart information from previous iteration model_pestcal.par: PEST parameter value file model_pestcal.rec: PEST run record file model_pestcal.rei: PEST interim residuals file model_pestcal.res: PEST residuals file model_pestcal.rst: PEST contains restart information from present iteration model_pestcal.sen: PEST composite parameter sensitivities model_pestcal.seo: PEST composite observation sensitivities model_pestcal.svd: PEST record of SVD calculations MODEL_PESTCal.HFB.tpl: HFB PEST template file MODEL_PESTCal.PVL.tpl: PVL PEST template file points%.tpl: Pilot points template file (horizontal K) pointsz%.tpl: Pilot points template file (vertical K) derived.ins: Instruction file to read derived observations created by hfobs.ins: Instruction file to read observations from HF_Obs file RunPPS.bat: Batch file to execute preprocessing,copying, and model runs /Utils This directory contains utility files needed for working with binary files in Python scripts /pondresponse Description: ----------- This directory contains name files and MODFLOW input and output files from 87 simulations to test drawdown for a single well placed at 87 locations. Files: ------ MODEL_pr_sq%%.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation. %% ranges from 01 to 87 corresponding to the 87 well locations. MODEL_pondresponse.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /response_WEL Description: ----------- This directory contains 87 well package files. Files: ------ Model_pr_sq%%.RCH MODFLOW recharge package file. %% ranges from 01 to 87 corresponding to the 87 well locations. /output.pondresponse Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the "sq01" simulation. Output files from run number 01 are presented as an example. The other 86 output sets can be generated by running the corresponding name file (01-87). Files: ----- MODEL_pr_sq01.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_pr_sq01.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_pr_sq01.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_pr_sq01.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /externalfiles Description: ----------- This directory contains the shared or common files used to run the ancillary pond response simulations documented in the report. /Bots This directory contains bottom elevation arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Ibs This directory contains Ibound arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Init_Heads This directory contains starting head arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Ks This directory contains hydraulic conductivity arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Mults This directory contains three files with multipliers used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Wds This directory contains five files with wetting thresholds used in calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Zones This directory contains zone arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. Files: ----- MODEL.BA6: MODFLOW basic package file MODEL.CHD: MODFLOW time-variant specified-head package MODEL.DIS: MODFLOW discretization file MODEL.DRN: MODFLOW drain package file MODEL.GHB: MODFLOW general-head boundary package MODEL.GMG: MODFLOW solver MODEL.HFB: MODFLOW horizontal flow barrier package MODEL.LPF: MODFLOW layer-property flow package file MODEL.OC: MODFLOW output control file MODEL_Calibrated.PVL: MODFLOW parameter value file MODEL_Current.MLT: MODFLOW multiplier option MODEL_Current.ZON: MODFLOW zone option bin/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the 64-bit executables used to do the analysis documented in MODFLOW-2005 was used for the simulations. PEST was used for the parameter estimation calibration. These executables were compiled for the 64-bit Windows 7 Operating System. Files: ----- MF2005.exe: USGS MODFLOW2005 (version 1.11.00) 64-bit windows executable pest.exe: PEST(version 16.1) executable to run model in series fac2real.exe Groundwater utility carries out spatial interpolation based on pilot point values contained in a pilot points file. georef/ Description: ----------- This directory contains a shapefile defining the active and inactive areas of the model documented in the report Files: ----- sir2019_5121.CPG: sir2019_5121.CPG is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile sir2019_5121.dbf: sir2019_5121.dbf is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile sir2019_5121.prj: sir2019_5121.prj is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile sir2019_5121.sbn: sir2019_5121.sbn is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile sir2019_5121.sbx: sir2019_5121.sbx is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile sir2019_5121.shp: sir2019_5121.shp is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile sir2019_5121.shp.xml: sir2019_5121.shp.xml is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile sir2019_5121.shx: sir2019_5121.shx is part of the sir2019_5121 shapefile model/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the input files for the calibrated model, the ten scenario models (including 'current'), and two models testing areas of fine-grained sediments as documented in the associated scientific investigations report ( Scenarios Model subdirectory --------- ------------------ calibrated calibrated/ current current/ scenario1 scenario1/ scenario2 scenario2/ scenario3 scenario3/ scenario4 scenario4/ scenario5 scenario5/ scenario5a scenario5a/ scenario6 scenario6/ scenario7 scenario7/ scenario7a scenario7a/ fgs01 fgs01/ fgs20 fgs20/ Files: ----- None /calibrated Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the calibrated model. Files: ------ MODEL_Calibrated.MULT: MODFLOW multiplier option file MODEL_Calibrated.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Calibrated.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Calibrated.WEL: MODFLOW well package file MODEL_Calibrated.ZON: MODFLOW zone option file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /current Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation representing current (2015) hydrologic conditions. Files: ------ MODEL_Current.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Current.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Current.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario1 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 1. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario1.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario1.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario1.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario2 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 2. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario2.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario2.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario2.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario3 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 3. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario3.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario3.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario3.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario4 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 4. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario4.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario4.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario4.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario5 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 5. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario5.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario5.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario5.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario5a Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 5a. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario5a.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario5a.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario5a.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario6 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 6. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario6.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario6.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario6.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario7 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 7. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario7.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario7.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario7.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /scenario7a Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for scenario 7a. Files: ------ MODEL_Scenario7a.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_Scenario7a.RCH: MODFLOW recharge package file MODEL_Scenario7a.WEL: MODFLOW well package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /fgs01 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for run fgs01. Files: ------ FGS01.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_FGS01.LPF: MODFLOW layer-property flow package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /fgs20 Description: ----------- This directory contains the name file and MODFLOW input files used to run the simulation for run fgs20. Files: ------ FGS20.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation MODEL_FGS20.LPF: MODFLOW layer-property flow package file usgs.model.reference: USGS required file that registers the model in time and space /externalfiles Description: ----------- This directory contains the shared or common files used to run the calibration, current, and scenario simulations documented in the report /Bots This directory contains bottom elevation arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Ibs This directory contains Ibound arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Init_Heads This directory contains starting head arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Init_Heads_Scen4 This directory contains starting head arrays used in the fgs01 and fgs20 simulations. /Ks This directory contains hydraulic conductivity arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Mults This directory contains three files with multipliers used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Wds This directory contains five files with wetting thresholds used in calibration, current, and scenario simulations. /Zones This directory contains zone arrays used in the calibration, current, and scenario simulations. Files: ----- MODEL.BA6: MODFLOW basic package file MODEL_FGS.BA6: MODFLOW basic package file used for fgs01 and fgs20 MODEL.CHD: MODFLOW time-variant specified-head package MODEL.DIS: MODFLOW discretization file MODEL.DRN: MODFLOW drain package file MODEL.GHB: MODFLOW general-head boundary package MODEL.GMG: MODFLOW solver MODEL.HFB: MODFLOW horizontal flow barrier package MODEL.LPF: MODFLOW layer-property flow package file MODEL.OC: MODFLOW output control file MODEL_Calibrated.PVL: MODFLOW parameter value file MODEL_Current.MLT: MODFLOW multiplier option MODEL_Current.ZON: MODFLOW zone option /output Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the calibrated run, 10 scenario runs (inc. current), and the two fine-grained sediment simulations (fgs01 and fgs20) documented in the report ( /output.calibrated Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the calibration simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Calibrated.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Calibrated.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Calibrated.LST: MODFLOW list file /output.current Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the current conditions simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Current.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Current.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Current.LST: MODFLOW list file /output.scenario1 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario1 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario1.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario1.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario1.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario1.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario2 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario2 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario2.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario2.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario2.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario2.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario3 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario3 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario3.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario3.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario3.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario3.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario4 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario4 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario4.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario4.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario4.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario4.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario5 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario5 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario5.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario5.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario5.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario5.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario5a Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario5a simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario5a.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario5a.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario5a.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario5a.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario6 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario6 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario6.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario6.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario6.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario6.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario7 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario7 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario7.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario7.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario7.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario7.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.scenario7a Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the scenario7a simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_Scenario7a.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_Scenario7a.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_Scenario7a.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_Scenario7a.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.FGS01 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the FGS01 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_FGS01.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_FGS01.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_FGS01.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_FGS01.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /output.FGS20 Description ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW output files from the FGS20 simulation. Files: ----- MODEL_FGS20.BUD: MODFLOW cell-by-cell flows MODEL_FGS20.HED: MODFLOW head file MODEL_FGS20.LST: MODFLOW list file MODEL_FGS20.DDN: MODFLOW drawdown file /source Description: ----------- This directory contains the standard code version of MODFLOW2005 used to run model documented in the report as well as the version of PEST used for model calibration. /MF2005.1_11 This directory contains the MODFLOW 2005 version 1.11.0 source code used to run the simulations as documented in the report. /PEST16 This directory contains PEST version 16.1 source code used to calibrate the model documented in the associated report.