Publication: Michael J. Parsen, Kenneth R. Bradbury, Randall J. Hunt, and Daniel T. Feinstein, 2016, The 2016 groundwater flow model for Dane County, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 110, 56 p. Data Release: Michael J. Parsen, Kenneth R. Bradbury, Randall J. Hunt, and Daniel T. Feinstein, 2016, MODFLOW-NWT 2016 groundwater flow model for Dane County, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey data release, 01/07/2016 Original model archive was created. 08/11/2016 Model archive updated to meet new open data policy requirements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WGNHS2016-Dane County Model/ Description: ----------- The underlying directories contain all of the MODFLOW input and output files for the steady-state and transient model simulations described in the report, the MODFLOW-NWT (v 1.0.8) executable and source code, and model geospatial data. Descriptions of the data in each subdirectory of this model archive are provided to facilitate understanding of this data release. The model simulations were run using MODFLOW-NWT_64 (v 1.0.8). Users are encouraged to review the model documentation report (included in the ancillary directory) to understand the purpose, construction, and limitations of this model. Reconstructing the archive from the online data release: ------------------------------------------------------------- This data release is available from: The models will run successfully only if the original directory structure is correctly restored. The data release is divided into several zipped folders to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the subdirectory level. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". All zip files should be unzipped into a directory the follows the naming conventions and structure of the master directory listed below. The master directory structure of the original data release is: WGNHS2016 – Dane County Model/ ancillary/ bin/ georef/ model/ output/ source/ readme.txt modelgeoref.txt A full listing of sub-directories associated with this data release can be found below. System requirements: -------------------- The models contained in this data release were run using the MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe (v 1.0.8) executable located in the bin zip file in this data release. The models have been run successfully on computers running the following Windows operating systems (OS): o 64-bit Windows 7 OS (Service Pack 1) Optional system requirements: ----------------------------- The steady-state and transients model results can be post-processed or viewed using standard MODFLOW or user-preferred post-processing utilities. Running the model(s): --------------------- The simulations can be run by copying the MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe executable from the bin directory into the model inputs directory of interest, opening a command line/terminal at the inputs directory, and typing the name of the executable and the name file (.nam). For example, to run the steady-state model a user would enter the following into a command line opened at the steady-state model directory: MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe Dane9_ss.nam --OR – Double click the batch file located in the model directory: Dane9_ss.bat The other model simulation can be run in a similar fashion by replacing " Dane9_ss.nam" with the appropriate scenario simulation MODFLOW-NWT name file and running from the appropriate subdirectory in the model/ subdirectory. Possible name (.nam) files associated with this data release are: 1. Dane9_ss.nam - steady-state simulation 2. Dane9_trans.nam - transient simulation The archived output from the steady-state and transient model simulations have file names associated with that simulation (ss or trans) and are stored in the appropriate output directory. For example, steady-state simulations are saved to the output/ directory, under the subdirectory, output.WGNHS2016_steady-state. Files: --------------------- readme.txt : This file documents the structure, directories, input/output files, and instructions on how to run the model in this data release. modelgeoref.txt : ASCII file with the four corners of the model domain in decimal degrees. ancillary/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the associated model report and appendicies published by the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. ZIP File: ---------- bin/ MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe Readme.txt Description: ----------- MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe executable file used to run the model simulations documented in this report. This executable is for a 64-bit Windows 7 Operating System. See MODFLOW-NWT_64 (v. 1.0.8) documentation files in source\ directory more information. ZIP Files: ---------- georef/ WGNHS2016_Dane County.dbf/prj/shp/shx/xml readme.txt Description: ----------- This directory contains a shapefile defining the active and inactive areas of the model, as documented in the model report (in the ancillary directory). The readme.txt file and the .prj file provide projection information. ZIP Files: ---------- model/ WGNHS2016_steady-state/ WGNHS2016_transient/ readme. txt Description: ----------- This directory contains input files for the steady-state and transient model simulations documented in the report (in the ancillary folder). The steady-state model is a base run calibrated to observed target values of heads, stream and spring flows, lake levels, and borehole flows for the period 2006 through 2010 (description begining page 30 of the report); the transient model is a base run calibrated to the 7-week drought period from late May through July 2012 (description begining page 39 of the report). Note, a tranisent simulation of pumping from a hypothetical well (description begining page 50 of the report) and a pre-development steady-state simulation (description begining page 44 of the report) were discussed in the WGNHS model report. These two simulations were done entirely outside of the USGS and are not included in this archive. Additional information on these two simulations may be found in the WGNHS report and by contacting the WGNHS. WGNHS2016_steady-state/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW input files used to create the steady-state simulation documented in the report(included in the ancillary directory). WGNHS2016_transient/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the MODFLOW input files used to create the transient simulation documented in the model report (included in the ancillary directory). output/ output.WGNHS2016_steady-state/ output.WGNHS2016_transient/ readme.txt Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the steady-state and transient simulations documented in the model report (included in the ancillary directory). Simulated results for the transient and steady-state simulation. *.ggo = MODFLOW Gage Package output *.lst = MODFLOW list file *.hds = MODFLOW binary head output *.ddn = MODFLOW drawdown file *.cbb = MODFLOW binary cell – by – cell output *.qsm = Output files of flow rates from each multi-node well node for each stress period. *.byn = BYNODE (flows and other well information) output from MNW2 package *mnw2. wel = Output file with flows from every MNW node written as single-cell fluxes in the format of the original MODFLOW Well Package. source/ Description: ----------- Source files to compile MODFLOW-NWT, version 1.0.8 and original documentation package for the MODFLOW-NWT version 1.0.8 release. ZIP Files: ----------