#Publication #Davis, K.W., and Long, A.J., 2018, Construction and Calibration of a #Groundwater-flow Model to Assess Groundwater Availability in the #Uppermost Principal Aquifer Systems of the Williston Structural Basin, #United States and Canada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific #Investigations Report 2017-5158 #https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20175158. #Data Release #Davis, K.W., and Long, A.J., 2018, MODFLOW-NWT model used to assess #groundwater availability in the uppermost principal aquifer systems #of the Williston structural basin, United States and Canada: U.S. #Geological Survey data release #https://doi.org/10.5066/F75B01CZ #In the Lambert Conformal Conic projection (NAD 83), in feet, the #four corners of the model domain are: #upper left -1127950.503855, 19526863.910193 #upper right 1328737.574557, 19526863.910193 #lower right 1328737.574557, 17133167.833749 #lower left -1127950.503855, 17133167.833749 # Datum in latitude/longitude (NAD 83) upper_left -108.801363, 50.847684 upper_right -98.345982, 50.816586 lower_right -98.915245, 44.308885 lower_left -108.317650, 44.337399