Publication Fiore, A.R., Voronin, L.M., and Wieben, C.M ., 2018, Hydrogeology of, simulation of groundwater flow in, and potential effects of sea-level rise on the Kirkwood- Cohansey aquifer system in the vicinity of Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5135, 59 p. Data Release Fiore, A.R.,and Voronin, L.M., 2018, MODFLOW-2005 model used to evaluate the potential effects of sea-level rise on the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system in the vicinity of Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey data release MODEL ARCHIVE ------------- Archive created: 2017-08-01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER- THE FILES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE PROVIDED AS A CONVENIENCE TO THOSE WHO WISH TO REPLICATE SIMULATIONS OF GROUNDWATER FLOW THAT ARE DESCRIBED IN U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS REPORT 2017-5135. ANY CHANGES MADE TO THESE FILES COULD HAVE UNINTENDED, UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCES. THESE CONSEQUENCES COULD INCLUDE, BUT MAY NOT BE NOT LIMITED TO: ERRONEOUS MODEL OUTPUT, NUMERICAL INSTABILITIES, AND VIOLATIONS OF UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THE SUBJECT HYDROLOGIC SYSTEM THAT ARE INHERENT IN RESULTS PRESENTED IN U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS REPORT 2017-5135. THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANY CHANGES MADE TO THESE FILES. IF CHANGES ARE MADE TO THE MODEL, THE USER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DOCUMENTING THE CHANGES AND JUSTIFYING THE RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIR2017-5135/ Description: ----------- The underlying directories contain all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the report, input and output data files for the sensitivity, MODFLOW and UCODE source codes. Descriptions of the data in each subdirectory are given to facilitate understanding of this model archive. Files descriptions are provided for select files to provide additional information that may be of use for understanding this model archive. Two model data sets are archived for this groundwater study. The RASA Critical Area 1 model, a modified version of the RASA98 model ( documented in (, provides the boundary flows for a smaller, more refined, local model of the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. The RASA98 model withdrawal data was updated from 1998 to 2003. Simulations for both the regional RASA98 model and the local Forsythe model were run with MODFLOW-2005 version 1.11.00. MODFLOW-2005 can be found in the ‘Source’ directory of this data release. MODFLOW-2005 was compiled using the Intel Fortran Compiler for 64-bit operating systems. The model was run on the Windows Server 2009 Edition (64-bit) operating system (Service Pack 1). Support is provided for correcting errors in the data release and clarification of the modeling conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Users are encouraged to review the complete model report ( to understand the purpose, documentation report construction, and limitations of this model. Reconstructing the model archive from the online data release: -------------------------------------------------------------- The model archive is available as a data release from: The models will run successfully only if the correct directory structure is correctly restored. The model archive is broken into several pieces to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the subdirectory level. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". All zip files should be unzipped into a directory with the same name as the zip file name without the .zip extension. The highest-level directory structure of the original model archive is: SIR2017-5135/ ancillary/ bin/ georef/ model/ output/ source/ The full directory structure of the model archive and the files within each subdirectory are listed below. Running the model(s): -------------------- Six different simulations are included in this archive. One of the simulations is for the regional model which provides the boundary flows for the local model. One simulation is the base run. Three simulations are scenario simulations and one is a sensitivity run. The sensitivity files are in the Ancillary directory. Each simulation has a name, listed below, which has an associated name file used to run the corresponding simulation. When MODFLOW-2005 is executed, a single prompt is issued for the name file that specifies the input files to be used in the simulation, as well as, the output files that are created. Responding to this prompt with the name file listed below will initiate the corresponding simulation. Note: The output for these models is written directly to the output directory. Running the model will overwrite the existing files. The simulations that are documented can be run by opening a command line/terminal in the model subdirectory and typing: ..\..\bin\mf2005.exe .nam Summary of the simulations --------------------------- MODEL SIMULATION SIMULATION DESCRIPTION OF TIME PERIOD SUBDIRECTORY NAME SIMULATION SIMULATE ---------------- ---------- -------------- ----------- RASACritialArea1 SS03a Steady-state Annual 2003 confined withdrawals regional model Forsythe_ss_base Forsythe Steady-state Annual confined 2009 local model withdrawals calibration Scenario1 Scen1_20cm Steady-state Annual confined 2009 local scenario withdrawals and 20 cm sea level rise Scenario2 Scen2_40cm Steady-state Annual confined 2009 local scenario withdrawals and 40 cm sea level rise Scenario3 Scen3_60cm Steady-state Annual confined 2009 local scenario withdrawals and 20 cm sea level rise Files: ----- readme.txt: This file documents the structure of the model archive. modelgeoref.txt: ASCII file with the four corners of the model domain. Model data files are provided as decimal degrees in NAD 1983 projection. ancillary/ Description: ----------- This directory contains 2 subdirectories; BoundaryFlowFiles that contains the files needed to reproduce the boundary flow file and Forsythe_ss_sen that contains the files to reproduce the sensitivity and parameter estimation. BoundaryFlowFiles/ Description: ----------- This directory contains ancillary data including FORTRAN programs to read the unformatted regional model output flows and write data for the local model boundary flows in the FHB package input file. Files: ----- BndflxssLMV.for The FORTRAN code for the program to take regional flows and format the flows into the .FHB package for the local steady-state model. RowColForFace1_4.txt Input file for the BndflxssLMV FORTRAN program for face 1 to 4 RowColTblforFace5Layer3.txt Input file for the BndflxssLMV FORTRAN program for face 5 layer 3 RowColTblforUpdDipLim4Face3.txt Input file for the BndflxssLMV FORTRAN program for Updip limit at face 3 layer 3 SS03A.Bud Output of cell-by-cell RASACritialArea1 model budget Forsythe_ss_sen/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the input files used to run the sensitivity analysis of the Forsythe model documented in the report. The sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the relative effects of the various parameters in the model. The sensitivity of hydraulic heads and flow to the model parameters was calculated using parameter-estimation software, UCODE-2005 (Poeter and others, 2005). The following provides a brief description of the input files for the sensitivity analysis. UCODE processing starts with a MODFLOW simulation, in this case the Forsythe steady-state simulation (Forsythe_ss_base). During the sensitivity and parameter-estimation simulation, parameters are changed. In order to avoid changing the original Forsythe_ss_base MODFLOW files, a copy of all of the Forsythe_ss_base MODFLOW files are located in this directory. This directory contains 2 subdirectories; externalfiles which contains a copy of the files in the Input directory for Forsythe_ss_base MODFLOW files, and an output directory which contains the output files from the sensitivity run. The file descriptions for the UCODE input and output files are documented below. MODFLOW input and output file descriptions are listed later in the readme file under the Model and output directories. The file descriptions are listed below: Files: ----- ForsytheDRNObsoutput.txt.jif: Instruction file to read the MODFLOW drain and flow observations ForsytheHDObsoutput.txt.jif: Instruction file to read the MODFLOW head observations Sen2000ts.mtc: ModelMate file ForsytheSinsitivity2000ts_pval.jtf: Template file ForsytheSinsitivity2000ts.nam: The MODFLOW name file Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out.omit: Data to be omitted Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._gm: Defines observation groups Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._scgrp: Observation group composite scale sensitivity Name of the instruction file that UCODE uses to extract values from the model output file ModelMate.exe: ModelMate (no version number) 64-bit windows executable accjupiter.dll: file used by ModelMate Gwchart.exe: executable for plotting program lf90wiod.dll: file used by ModelMate ReadFlow.dll: file used by ModelMate ReadFlow96.dll: file used by ModelMate Forsythe_ss_sen/output/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for sensitivity analysis under steady-state conditions for the model run-Forsythe documented in the report Files: ----- ForsytheDRNObsoutput.txt: MODFLOW drain and flow observations ForsytheHDObsoutput.txt: MODFLOW head observations Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out.#uout: Main output from the UCODE run for the sensitivity analysis Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._dm: Information related to model structure, fit, and parsimony Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._mc: Parameter correlation coefficient matrix Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._mv: Parameter variance-covariance matrix Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._nm: Weighted residuals and probability plotting positions Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._os: Unweighted simulated equivalents and observed or prior values Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._pa: All defined parameters: values formatted in columns Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._paopt: All defined parameters Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._pasub: All defined parameters: formatted to substitute in Parameter_Values input block Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._pc: Adjusted parameters Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._pcc: Large parameter correlation coefficients(>=0.85)formatted for presentation Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._r: Unweighted residuals Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._s1: One-percent scaled sensitivities. (applicable in limited circumstances) Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._sc: Composite scaled sensitivities for each parameter Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._sc_svd: File for the composite scale sensitivity singular value decomposition Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._sd: Dimensionless scaled sensitivities for each observation and each parameter Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._so: Leverage statistics with observations and, if defined, prior information Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._ss: Sum of squared weighted residuals Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._su: Unscaled sensitivities for observations Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._w: Weighted residuals for observations and prior information Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._ws: Simulated equivalents and weighted residuals Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._wt: Weighting for observations Sen2000ts_Ucode_main_out._ww: Weighted simulated equivalents and weighted observations or prior information Forsythe.zta: Fresh/salt-water interface, binary format Forsythe.cbc: Output of cell-by-cell model budget Forsythe.Bhd: Output of simulated heads Forsythe.lst: Summary output of MODFLOW run bin/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the 64-bit executables used to do the analysis documented in the report MODFLOW-2005 was used for all simulations documented in this data release. Files: ----- MF2005.exe: MODFLOW-2005 (version 1.11.00) 64-bit windows executable ucode_2005.exe: UCODE (version 1.028) 64-bit windows executable georef/ Description: ----------- This directory contains a shapefile defining the active and inactive areas of the model documented in the report, Files: ----- SIR2017_5135.dbf: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile SIR2017_5135.prj: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile SIR2017_5135.shp: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile SIR2017_5135.shx: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile SIR2017_5135.sbx: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile SIR2017_5135.cpg: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile SIR2017_5135.sbn: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile SIR2017_5135.shp.xml: part of the SIR2017_5135.shp shapefile model/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the input files for the regional model run (RASACritialArea1), and the 4 local model runs (Forsythe) documented in the report, Files: ----- None externalfiles/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the shared or common files used to run the Forsythe simulations documented in the report Files: ----- Forsythe.fhb: Flow and head boundary package for the steady-state simulations Forsythe.DROB: Drain observation package file Forsythe.HOB: Head observation package file Forsythe.Bas: Basic package file Forsythe.dis: Discretization file Forsythe.drn: Drain package Forsythe.gmg: Solver package Forsythe.lpf: Layer-property-flow package Forsythe.mult: Input array to define multipliers Forsythe.oc: Output control file Forsythe.rch: Recharge package file Forsythe.zon: Zone package file Forsythe.ETS: Evapotranspiration Segments package file Forsythe.SWI: Saltwater Intrusion package file ForsytheQ2009.WEL: Well package file Forsythe.GHB: General Head Boundary package file Forsythe.PVAL: Parameter value file InitialZR92L1.txt: initial zeta surface for layer 1 InitialZR92L2.txt: initial zeta surface for layer 2 InitialZR92L3.txt: initial zeta surface for layer 3 Bot1.txt: bottom elevation for layer 1 Bot2.txt: bottom elevation for layer 2 Bot3.txt: bottom elevation for layer 3 Top.txt: Top elevation for layer 1 DelCFt.txt: grid column width, in feet DelRFt.txt: grid row width, in feet IBNDLay1.txt: Active or inactive cell designation for layer 1 Isource.txt: File used by the SWI2 package to define source type of any external sources or sinks. ForsytheETmult.txt: file used by the ET package ForsytheRchmult.txt: file used by the RCH package R92SWI.Bnd: file used by the SWI package RASACritialArea1/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the RASAcritialArea1 name file and all of the input files used to run a steady-state simulation of the regional model documented in the report. Files: ----- ibnd_98b: boundary condition array rivers: river package shead78: initial heads array ss03a.ba6: basic package ss03a.bc6: block-centered flow package ss03a.dis: discretization package ss03a.drn: drain package ss03a.oc: output control package ss03a.rch: recharge package ss03a.sip: strongly implicit procedure package ss03a.nam: name file vcontl4: vertical hydraulic conductivity array wel03a: well package usgs.model.reference: file to register model in time and space Forsythe_ss_base/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the base model name file and all of the input files used to run this steady-state simulation of the Forsythe model documented in the report Files: ----- Forsythe.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation usgs.model.reference: file to register model in time and space Scenario1/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the scenario 1 name file and all of the input files used to run this steady-state simulation of the Forsythe model documented in the report Files: ----- Scen1_20cm.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation Scen1GHB.txt: General Head Boundary package file usgs.model.reference: file to register model in time and space Scenario2/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the scenario 2 name file and all of the input files used to run this steady-state simulation of the Forsythe model documented in the report Files: ----- Scen2_40cm.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation Scen2GHB.txt: General Head Boundary package file usgs.model.reference: file to register model in time and space Scenario3/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the scenario 3 name file and all of the input files used to run this steady-state simulation of the Forsythe model documented in the report Files: ----- Scen3_60cm.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation Scen3GHB.txt: General Head Boundary package file usgs.model.reference: file to register model in time and space output/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the RASACritialArea1, base run, the sensitivity run, and the 3 scenario simulations documented in the report, Files: ----- None output.RASACritialArea1/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the Regional model simulation--RASACritialArea1 documented in the report. Files: ----- SS03A.BUD: Output of cell-by-cell model budget SS03A.lst: Summary output of MODFLOW simulation output.forsythe_ss_base/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the base simulation under steady-state conditions for the local model simulation--Forsythe documented in the report, Files: ----- forsythe.cbc: Output of cell-by-cell model budget, binary format forsythe.Bhd: Output of simulated heads, binary format forsythe.lst: Summary output of MODFLOW simulation forsythe.zta: fresh/salt-water interface, binary format output.scenario1/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the 20 cm sea-level rise scenario under steady-state model simulation--Forsythe model documented in the report Files: ----- scen1.cbc: Output of cell-by-cell model budget, binary format scen1.bhd: Output of simulated heads, binary format scen1.lst: Summary output of MODFLOW simulation ZetaScen1.zta: fresh/salt-water interface, binary format output.scenario2/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the 40 cm sea-level rise scenario under steady-state model simulation--Forsythe model documented in the report Files: ----- scen2.cbc: Output of cell-by-cell model budget, binary format scen2.bhd: Output of simulated heads, binary format scen2.lst: Summary output of MODFLOW simulation ZetaScen2.zeta: fresh/salt-water interface, binary format output.scenario3/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the 60 cm sea-level rise scenario under steady-state model simulation--Forsythe model documented in the report Files: ----- scen3.cbc: Output of cell-by-cell model budget, binary format scen3.bhd: Output of simulated heads, binary format scen3.lst: Summary output of MODFLOW simulation ZetaScen3.zeta: Fresh/salt-water interface, binary format source/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the source files for the standard code version of MODFLOW-2005 (version 1.11) used to run model simulations included in this data release. The source code for UCODE2005 (version 1.028) was used for the sensitivity analysis also is included. Files: ----- None MF2005.1_11: MODFLOW-2005 source code used to run model simulations. UCODE_2005_1.028: UCODE2005 source code used for the model sensitivity analysis. REFERENCES Harbaugh, A.W., Banta, E.R., Hill, M.C., and McDonald, M.G., 2000, MODFLOW-2000. The U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model--- User guide to modularization concepts and the ground-water flow process: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-92, 121 p. Harbaugh, A.W., 2005, MODFLOW-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model--the Ground-Water Flow Process: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A16, 253 p. Poeter, E.P., Hill, M.C., Banta, E.R., Mehl, Steffen, and Christensen, Steen, 2005, UCODE_2005 and six other computer codes for universal sensitivity analysis, calibration, and uncertainty evaluation constructed using the Jupiter API: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A11, 283 p., Spitz, F.J., Watt, M.K., and dePaul, V.T., 2008, Recovery of ground-water levels from 1988 to 2003 and analysis of potential water-supply management options in Critical Area 1, east-central New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5193, 40 p. Voronin, L.M., 2004, Documentation of revisions to the regional aquifer system analysis model of the New Jersey coastal plain: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Resources Investigations Report 03-4268, 58 p.