SIR2017-5074 Model Archive Archive: Megan J. Haserodt, Daniel T. Feinstein, Charles P. Dunning, Cheryl Buchwald, Randall J. Hunt, 2017, GWM-2005, MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, and SEAWAT-2000 groundwater flow models of the Bedrock Aquifers at the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey data release, Associated Report: Charles P. Dunning, Daniel T. Feinstein, Cheryl Buchwald, Randall J. Hunt, and Megan J. Haserodt 2017, Groundwater Resources of the Bedrock Aquifers at the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017–5074, The underlying directories contain the model source code, the geospatial information, and all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the report. ======================================================================================================== SIR2017-5074 Model Archive Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt: directory structure and instructions for running simulations modelgeoref.txt: model extent in decimal degreees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \bin: compiled code Readme.txt: Describes which executable is used for each model simulation archived in the model directory \CO_PT_calib and KMS_unconfined_Silu MODFLOW-NWT_SWR1.exe: MODFLOW-NWT 1.09 executable \CO_PT_cycled MF2005.exe: MODFLOW-2005 1.11.00 executable \KMS_confined_GWM_Silu gwm2005.exe: GWM-2005 1.5.1 executable \ModifiedLMB swt_v44.exe: SEAWAT-2000 4.00.00 executable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \georef: model shapefiles SIR2017_5074.cpg/dbf/prj/sbn/sbx/shp/shp.xml/shx: Model domain shapefile and metadata for the KMS model readme.txt: Information on the shapefile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \model: model input files CO_PT MODELS \CO_PT_calib: MODFLOW-NWT input files unique to the pumping test model calibrated to the 3-day field pumping test with western constant-head boundary corresponding to the Lake Michigan Basin topographic divide. \CO_PT_calib_senCHD: MODFLOW-NWT input files unique to the pumping test model calibrated to the 3-day field pumping test with western constant-head boundary corresponding to the Maquoketa Shale subcrop. \CO_PT_cycled_2wel_ave800gpm: MODFLOW-2005 input files for the pumping test model with two Cambrian-Ordovician wells, each pumping for 20 years at 300 gpm for eight months and 600 gpm for four months. The average annual total pumping rate is 800 gpm (western constant-head boundary corresponding to Lake Michigan Basin topographic divide). \CO_PT_cycled_3wel_ave900gpm: MODFLOW-2005 input files for the pumping test model with three Cambrian-Ordovician wells, each pumping for 20 years at 200 gpm for eight months and 500 gpm for four months. The average annual total pumping rate is 900 gpm (western constant-head boundary corresponding to Lake Michigan Basin topographic divide). \CO_PT_cycled_3wel_ave900gpm_senCHD: MODFLOW-2005 input files for the pumping test model with three Cambrian-Ordovician wells, each pumping for 20 years at 200 gpm for eight months and 500 gpm for four months. The average annual total pumping rate is 900 gpm (western constant-head boundary corresponding to Lake Michigan Basin topographic divide). *NOTE* Field data from the pumping test are discussed in the modeling report (SIR 2017-5074) and are archived at the USGS Wisconsin Water Science Center. The original field data are available, upon request. Processed data are available from the National Water Information System (NWIS) for the pumping well (433635088050701 SB-13/20E/10-3158) and the monitoring well (433624088045501 SB-13/20E/10-3159). KMS_confined MODELS \KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8: Confined KMS model with pumping maximized from three of six candidate Silurian wells, all constraints active except the springflow constraint (see report for details) . \KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8a - same as Silu8 but pumping maximized for only two of six candidate Silurian wells (see report for details). \KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8b - same as Silu8 but the six candidate Silurian wells only penetrate the top weathered layer of the Silurian aquifer (see report for details) . \KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8c - same as Silu8 but with springflow constraint active (see report for details). \KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8d - same as Silu8 but only three Silurian candidate well locations fixed (see report for details). \KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8e - same as Silu8 but neither the spring nor the creek base flow constraint is active (see report for details). KMS_unconfined MODELS \KMS_unconfined_Silu_base - unconfined KMS model with no added candidate wells. \KMS_unconfined_Silu_430gpm - same as KMS_unconfined_Silu_base but added total pumping rate of 430 gpm from three candidate Silurian wells (see report for details). \KMS_unconfined_Silu_480gpm - same as KMS_unconfined_Silu_base but added total pumping rate of 480 gpm from three candidate Silurian wells (see report for details). \KMS_unconfined_Silu_520gpm - same as KMS_unconfined_Silu_base but added total pumping rate of 520 gpm from three candidate Silurian wells (see report for details). Modified LMB MODELS \ModifiedLMB_20yr - modified version of published LMB unconfined model to include pumping test results and Cambrian Ordovician transmissivity and storativity in area around the Hatchery (see report for details) . \ModifiedLMB_20yr_800gpm - same as ModifiedLMB_20yr but single Cambrian-Ordovician well added at hatchery site pumping 800 gpm for 20 years \ModifiedLMB_20yr_900gpm - same as ModifiedLMB_20yr but single Cambrian-Ordovician well added at hatchery site pumping 900 gpm for 20 years readme.txt: information on input files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \output: model output files Model output files for each model scenario include some combination of the following file types: *.byn = BYNODE output for multi-node wells from MNW2 package (flow between node and aquifer for all nodes in multi-node wells and calculated heads in both the well and cell) *.cbb = MODFLOW binary cell-by-cell output *.ddn = MODFLOW binary drawdown file *.glo = MODFLOW-2000 global listing file *.hds = MODFLOW binary head output *.lst = MODFLOW list file *.mno = Temporary GWM-2005 output file combining unmanaged and managed MNW wells *.qsm = Output files of flow rates from each multi-node well node for each stress period. *.qsu = QSUM output for multi-node wells from MNW2 package (well inflows, outflows, net flow, and head in the well) *streamflow.dat = output for streamflow data *.wel = MODFLOW well input file *mnw2.wel = Output file with flows from every MNW node written as single-cell fluxes in the format of the original MODFLOW Well Package. *.wot = Output file from MNW showing cell location of multi-node wells GWM-*_Combined_Input.txt = temporary GWM-2005 input file containing MNW input GWM-*.OUT = output file from GWM-2005 readme.txt: information on the output files \output.CO_PT_cycled_2wel_ave800gpm test24g-2wells-cycled-PCG.byn test24g-2wells-cycled-PCG.cbb test24g-2wells-cycled-PCG.ddn test24g-2wells-cycled-PCG.hds test24g-2wells-cycled-PCG.lst test24g-2wells-cycled-PCG.qsm test24g-2wells-cycled-PCG_mnw.wel \output.CO_PT_cycled_3wel_ave900gpm test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG.byn test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG.cbb test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG.ddn test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG.hds test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG.lst test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG.qsm test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG_mnw.wel \output.CO_PT_cycled_3wel_ave900gpm_senCHD test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG-SEN-CHD.byn test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG-SEN-CHD.cbb test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG-SEN-CHD.ddn test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG-SEN-CHD.hds test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG-SEN-CHD.lst test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG-SEN-CHD.qsm test24g-3wells-cycled-PCG-SEN-CHD_mnw2.wel \output.CO_PT_calib TEST24g.byn TEST24g.cbb TEST24g.ddn TEST24g.hds TEST24g.lst TEST24g.qsm TEST24g_mnw2.wel \output.CO_PT_calib_senCHD TEST24g-SEN-CHD.byn TEST24g-SEN-CHD.cbb TEST24g-SEN-CHD.ddn TEST24g-SEN-CHD.hds TEST24g-SEN-CHD.lst TEST24g-SEN-CHD.qsm TEST24g-SEN-CHD_mnw2.wel \output.KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8 GWM_Silu8.OUT GWM_Silu8_MNW_Combined_Input.txt MNW2005-relax-6-silu8-MNW2.wel MNW2005-relax-6-silu8.byn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8.cbb MNW2005-relax-6-silu8.ddn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8.hds (padded binary file - readable with the compiled version of GWM-2005 included in this archive) MNW2005-relax-6-silu8.lst MNW2005-relax-6-silu8.qsm MNW2005-relax-6-silu8.wel \output.KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8a GWM_Silu8a.OUT GWM_Silu8a_MNW_Combined_Input.txt MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a-MNW2.wel MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a.byn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a.cbb MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a.ddn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a.hds (padded binary file - readable with the compiled version of GWM-2005 included in this archive) MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a.lst MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a.qsm MNW2005-relax-6-silu8a.wel \output.KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8b GWM_silu8b.OUT GWM_Silu8b_MNW_Combined_Input.txt MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b-MNW2.wel MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b.byn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b.cbb MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b.ddn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b.hds (padded binary file - readable with the compiled version of GWM-2005 included in this archive) MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b.lst MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b.qsm MNW2005-relax-6-silu8b.wel \output.KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8c GWM_Silu8c.OUT GWM_Silu8c_MNW_Combined_Input.txt MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c-MNW2.wel MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c.byn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c.cbb MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c.ddn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c.hds (padded binary file - readable with the compiled version of GWM-2005 included in this archive) MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c.lst MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c.qsm MNW2005-relax-6-silu8c.wel \output.KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8d GWM_Silu8d.OUT GWM_Silu8d_MNW_Combined_Input.txt MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d-MNW2.wel MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d.byn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d.cbb MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d.ddn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d.hds (padded binary file - readable with the compiled version of GWM-2005 included in this archive) MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d.lst MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d.qsm MNW2005-relax-6-silu8d.wel \output.KMS_confined_GWM_Silu8e GWM_Silu8e.OUT GWM_Silu8e_MNW_Combined_Input.txt MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e-MNW2.wel MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e.byn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e.cbb MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e.ddn MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e.hds (padded binary file - readable with the compiled version of GWM-2005 included in this archive) MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e.lst MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e.qsm MNW2005-relax-6-silu8e.wel \output.ModfiedLMB_20yr SLMB-U-HATCH-20YR.BYN SLMB-U-HATCH-20yr.cbb SLMB-U-HATCH-20yr.ddn SLMB-U-HATCH-20yr.glo SLMB-U-HATCH-20yr.hds SLMB-U-HATCH-20yr.lst SLMB-U-HATCH-20YR.MNO SLMB-U-HATCH-20YR.QSM \output.ModfiedLMB_20yr_800gpm SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.BYN SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.cbb SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.ddn SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.glo SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.hds SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.lst SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.MNO SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-800.QSM \output.ModfiedLMB_20yr_900gpm SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.BYN SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.cbb SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.ddn SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.glo SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.hds SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.lst SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.MNO SLMB-U-HATCH-CO-20yr-900.QSM \output.KMS_unconfined_Silu_430gpm HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2.byn HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2.cbb HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2.ddn HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2.hds HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2.lst HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2.qsm HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2.wot HAT16_it9-silu8c-430-2_streamflow.dat \output.KMS_unconfined_Silu_480gpm HAT16_it9-silu8-480.byn HAT16_it9-silu8-480.cbb HAT16_it9-silu8-480.ddn HAT16_it9-silu8-480.hds HAT16_it9-silu8-480.lst HAT16_it9-silu8-480.qsm HAT16_it9-silu8-480.wot HAT16_it9-silu8-480_streamflow.dat \output.KMS_unconfined_Silu_520gpm HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2.byn HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2.cbb HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2.ddn HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2.hds HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2.lst HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2.qsm HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2.wot HAT16_it9-silu8e-520-2_streamflow.dat \output.KMS_unconfined_Silu_base HAT16_it9-base.byn HAT16_it9-base.cbb HAT16_it9-base.ddn HAT16_it9-base.hds HAT16_it9-base.lst HAT16_it9-base.qsm HAT16_it9-base.wot hat16_it9-base_streamflow.dat readme.txt: information on the organization of the output files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \source: source files for compiling the code executables readme.txt: information on the source codes included \GWM-2005 \MODFLOW-2005 \MODFLOW-NWT \SWT-2000 ======================================================================================================== ---Instructions for Running Simulations--- All models can be run using the batch files (*.bat) included in each input subdirectory. Begin by downloading the input files of interest and the bin directory. Place the bin directory at the same level as model. Place the input files in subdirectories within the model directory, as structured in this model archive. Double click the batch file (*.bat) in the input directory of choice to initiate the model run. Alternatively, runs can be initiated by copying the correct exectable into the input directory as explained below. CO-PT_calib Models: Download the input files for the CO-PT_calib model of interest and the bin directory and place files into a new directory. Copy the MODFLOW-NWT_SWR1.exe from the bin folder into the newly created directory. Open a DOS prompt and navigate to the directory with the executable and the input files; then run >MODFLOW-NWT_SWR1.exe .nam. Replace "" with the name (*.nam) file corresponding to the model simulation of interest. CO-PT_cycled Models: Download the input files for the CO-PT_cycled model of interest and place files into a new directory. Copy the MF2005.exe from the bin folder into the newly created directory. Open a DOS prompt and navigate to the directory with the executable and the input files; then run >MF2005.exe .nam. Replace "" with the name (*.nam) file corresponding to the model simulation of interest. KMS_confined_GWM_Silu Models: Download the input files for the KMS_confined_GWM_Silu model of interest and place files into a new directory. Copy the gwm2005.exe from the bin folder into the newly created directory. Open a DOS prompt and navigate to the directory with the executable and the input files; then run >gwm2005.exe .nam. Replace "" with the name (*.nam) file corresponding to the model simulation of interest. ***NOTE*** Because of the numerical method used in the GWM optimization processes, output from model runs can vary slightly from run to run. Such differences may be noted between output generated by running the archived input files and comparing with the archived output files. Differences are inconsequential to the final results. KMS_unconfined_Silu Models: Download the input files for the KMS_unconfined_Silu model of interest and place files into a new directory. Copy the MODFLOW-NWT_SWR1.exe from the bin folder into the newly created directory. Open a DOS prompt and navigate to the directory with the executable and the input files; then run >MODFLOW-NWT_SWR1.exe .nam. Replace "" with the name (*.nam) file corresponding to the model simulation of interest. ***NOTE*** Models runs produce hundreds of well output OUTput_MNW.##.txt files. These files were not used for the purposes of this publication and, to save space, were not included in the archive. ModifiedLMB_20yr Models: Download the input files for the ModfiedLMB_20yr model of interest and place files into a new directory. Copy the swt_v44.exe from the bin folder into the newly created directory. Open a DOS prompt and navigate to the directory with the executable and the input files; then run >swt_v44.exe .nam. Replace "" with the name (*.nam) file corresponding to the model simulation of interest. Warning, this model run can take over half a day to complete. ***NOTE*** Models runs produce hundreds of well output OUTput_MNW.##.txt files. These files were not used for the purposes of this publication and, to save space, were not included in the archive.