Publication Voronin, L.M., and Cauller, S.J. 2016, Simulated groundwater flow paths, travel time, and advective transport of nitrogen in the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor watershed, New Jersey U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5169, 17 p. Data Release Voronin, L.M., and Cauller, S.J. 2017, MODPATH particle-tracking analysis of groundwater flow and travel times to the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary and streams within the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor watershed, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey data release MODEL ARCHIVE ------------- Archive created: 2016-06-03 Archive revised: 2017-07-25 georeferencing information updated --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER- THE FILES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE PROVIDED AS A CONVENIENCE TO THOSE WHO WISH TO REPLICATE SIMULATIONS OF GROUND-WATER FLOW THAT ARE DESCRIBED IN U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS REPORT 2016-5169. ANY CHANGES MADE TO THESE FILES COULD HAVE UNINTENDED, UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCES. THESE CONSEQUENCES COULD INCLUDE, BUT MAY NOT BE NOT LIMITED TO: ERRONEOUS MODEL OUTPUT, NUMERICAL INSTABILITIES, AND VIOLATIONS OF UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THE SUBJECT HYDROLOGIC SYSTEM THAT ARE INHERENT IN RESULTS PRESENTED IN U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS REPORT 2016-5169. THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANY CHANGES MADE TO THESE FILES. IF CHANGES ARE MADE TO THE MODEL, THE USER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DOCUMENTING THE CHANGES AND JUSTIFYING THE RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIR2016-5169/ Description: ----------- A groundwater-flow model of Ocean County that was previously developed by the U. S. Geological Survey ( was used in conjunction with the particle-tracking program, MODPATH (, to estimate groundwater-flow paths, travel times, and the subsurface transport of nitrogen to streams and to the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor (BB-LEH) estuary documented in this data release. Two model data sets are archived for this groundwater study. The RASA- Rio model, a modified version of the RASA98 model ( documented in Pope and others (, provides the boundary flows for a smaller, more refined, local model of Ocean County. The RASA98 model was revised to include a model layer representing the Rio Grande water-bearing zone.The RASA-Rio model files are compatible with MODFLOW-2000 version 1.19.1 (the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference groundwater flow model), the most recent version of MODFLOW at the time this model was developed ( Simulations for the local model, the Ocean County model, are compatible with MODFLOW-2005 version 1.8.00, the most recent version of MODFLOW at the time this model was developed ( MODFLOW-2000 and MODFLOW-2005 can be down-loaded from the following U.S. Geological Survey-Office of Groundwater website: or found in the ‘Source’ directory. The underlying directories contain all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the report, input and output data files for the particle-tracking analysis, and the MODFLOW source codes. Descriptions of the data in each subdirectory are given to facilitate understanding of this model archive. Files descriptions are provided for select files to provide additional information that may be of use for understanding this model archive. MODFLOW 2000 and MODFLOW 2005 were compiled using the Intel Fortran Compiler for 64-bit operating systems. The model was run on the Windows Server 2009 Edition (64-bit) operating system (Service Pack 1). Support is provided for correcting errors in the data release and clarification of the modeling conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Users are encouraged to review the original model documentation report ( and this model report ( to understand the purpose, construction, and limitations of this model. Reconstructing the model archive from the online data release: ------------------------------------------------------------- The model archive is available as a data release from: The models will run successfully only if the correct directory structure is correctly restored. The model archive is broken into several pieces to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the subdirectory level. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". All zip files should be unzipped into a directory with the same name as the zip file name without the .zip extension. The highest-level directory structure of the original model archive is: SIR2016-5169/ ancillary/ bin/ georef/ model/ output/ source/ The full directory structure of the model archive and the files within each subdirectory are listed below. Running the model(s): -------------------- The simulations that are documented in this data release can be run by opening a command line/terminal in the model subdirectory and typing: ../../bin/mf2k.exe rasa_rio.nam The rasa_rio simulation for the regional model ../../bin/mf2005.exe SSavg.nam The steady-state simulations for the Ocean County model ../../bin/Mpathr4_3.exe ptd.MP The steady-state particle-tracking simulations Summary of the simulations --------------------------- SIMULATIONS DESCRIPTION OF SIMULATION TIME PERIOD SIMULATED ----------- ------------------------- ---------------------- Rasa_rio Steady-state conditions 2003 withdrawals SSmodel Steady-state conditions Average 2000-03 withdrawals bbleh_sspt Particle tracking Average 2000-03 withdrawals *Please note that the SSmodel simulation corresponds to the SSpostdev simulation in the original Ocean County model report ( and data release ( Files: ----- readme.txt : This file which documents the structure, directories and files, and instructions on how to run the model simulationsincluded in this data release. modelgeoref.txt : ASCII file with the four corners of the model domain. ancillary/ Description: ----------- This directory contains ancillary data including a FORTRAN program to read the unformatted regional model output flows and write data for the local model boundary flows in the FHB package input file. Files: ----- The FORTRAN code for the program to take regional flows and format the flows into the .FHB package for the local steady-state model to use. bin/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the 64-bit executables used to do the analysis documented in MODFLOW-2000 was used for the simulation with the Rasa model. MODFLOW-2005 was used for the simulation with the Ocean County model. MODPATH4_3 was used for the particle-tracking analysis with the Ocean County model. Files: ----- MF2k.exe : MODFLOW2000 (version 1.19.01) 64-bit windows executable MF2005.exe: MODFLOW2005 (version 1.8.00) 64-bit windows executable Mpathr4_3.exe: MODPATH (version 4.3) 64-bit windows executable georef/ Description: ----------- This directory a shapefile defining the active and inactive areas of the model documented in the report: Files: ----- SIR2016_5169.dbf : SIR2016_5169.dbf is part of the SIR2016_5169 shapefile SIR2016_5169.prj : SIR2016_5169.prj is part of the SIR2016_5169 SIR2016_5169.shp : SIR2016_5169.shp is part of the SIR2016_5169 shapefile SIR2016_5169.shx : SIR2016_5169.shx is part of the SIR2016_5169 shapefile model/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the input files for the regional model run (rasa_rio), the local model run (ssmodel), and the particle tracking run (bbleh_sspt) documented in the report. Files: ----- None externalfiles/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the shared or common files used to run the Ocean County simulations documented in the report Files: ----- Bndflx_ss2003.fhb: Flow and head boundary package Rch.array: Array of recharge data SoOcn.ba6: Basic package SoOcn.drn: Drain package SoOcn.gmg: Solver package SoOcn.lpf: Layer-property-flow package SoOcn.riv: River package SoOcn.zon: Zone package file SS2003.dis: Discretization file SS2003.mlt: Input array to define multipliers SS2003.oc: Output control file SS2003.rch: Recharge package /Arrays Description: ----------- This directory contains the Ibound arrays and starting heads used to run the Ocean County simulation documented in the report Files: ----- Iboundly1.array Lay1hzone.array Lay2znumber.array Lay3znumber.array Lay4znumber.array Lay5znumber.array Lay6znumber.array Lay7znumber.array Lay8hzone.array Lay9hzone.array Lay10znumber.array Lay11znumber.array Layer2active.array Pzone.array s1.array s2.array s3.array s4.array s5.array s6.array s7.array s8.array s9.array s10.array s11.array s12.array sheadly1.array ssavg_SHeads.hed NOTE—Ssavg_Sheads.HED, found in this directory, is the starting head file for the BB-LEH model which differ from the starting heads used in the original Ocean County model steady-state simul- ations ( The starting heads for the BB-LEH model are model output heads from early simulations of the original Ocean County model. These starting heads were used to provide faster processing time. Extremely small differences in the constant head and river leakage can be noted in the budget files between the original Ocean County steady-state model simulation and the BB-LEH steady-state model simulation documented in this data release as a result of the different starting head files. Very small differences are noted in the model output heads between the original Ocean County steady- state model simulation and the BB-LEH steady-state model simulation in this data release; particle tracking endpoints and pathlines are identical. rasa_rio/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the rasa_rio name file and all of the input files used to run a steady-state simulation of the regional model documented in the report. Files: ----- Ibnd.dat: IBOUND array RASA_rio.ba6: Basic package file RASA_rio.bc6: Block-centered flow package file RASA_rio.dis: Discretization file RASA_rio.drn: Drain package RASA_rio.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation RASA_rio.oc: Output control file RASA_rio.rch: Recharge package RASA_rio.riv: River package RASA_rio.sip: SIP solver RASA_rio.wel: Well package file Sheads78: Starting head array tran.dat: Transmissivity array file Vcont.dat: Vertical hydraulic conductivity array file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the regional model SSmodel/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the steady-state name file and all of the input files used to run this steady-state simulation of the Ocean County model documented in the report. Files: ----- ssAvg.nam: MODFLOW name file that contains input and output files for the simulation SSavgWell.txt: Well package file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the regional model bbleh_sspt/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the necessary files needed for the particle-tracking analysis done to produce the specific figures in the report Figure 4. A, Percentage of simulated groundwater discharge from the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system to surface-water bodies, wells, and boundary flows; B, land use at time and point of recharge, and travel time through the groundwater flow system, of particles that discharge to the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary; and C, land use at time and point of recharge, and travel time through the groundwater flow system, of particles that discharge to streams in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor watershed, N.J Figure 6. Average nitrogen concentrations in groundwater discharge, per model cell, Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor watershed, N.J. Figure 7. Land use at time and point of recharge, and travel time through the groundwater flow system, of particles that discharge to the Toms River upstream of streamflow-gaging station, Toms River near Toms River, N.J., 01408500 Figure 8. Location of simulated groundwater particles that discharge to the Toms River upstream of streamflow-gaging station 01408500, Toms River near Toms River, NJ, or to the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary and adjoining coastal wetlands, N.J For these figures, particles were tracked forward from the water table to discharge locations under 2000-03 withdrawal conditions. Files: ----- MPATH name file: ss03.mpn MPATH basic data file: ptd.MP Response file: mpathAvg03.rsp output/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the regional model run (rasa_rio), the local model run (ssmodel), and the particle tracking run (bbleh_sspt) documented in the report. Files: ----- None output.rasa_rio/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the Regional model run--RASA-Rio documented in the report. Files: ----- rasa-rio.bud Output of cell-by-cell model budget rasa_rio.hed Output of simulated heads rasa_rio.lst Summary output of MODFLOW run output.ssmodel/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the average 2000-03 withdrawals under steady-state conditions for the local model documented in the report Files: ----- ssAvg.bud Output of cell-by-cell model budget ssAvg.hed Output of simulated heads ssAvg.lst Summary output of MODFLOW run output.bbleh_sspt/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the particle tracking done with average 2000-03 withdrawals under steady-state conditions documented in the report Files: ----- ss03AvgEndpoint MPATH endpoint file summary.pth MPATH summary output file ss03AvgPathline Mpath pathline file source/ Description: ----------- Source files for the standard code versions used to run model simulations included in the model archive are MODFLOW2000 version 1.19.01 and MODFLOW2005 version 1.8.00. Particle tracking for the steady-state model was done with MODPATH4_3. Files: ----- None REFERENCES Cauller, S.J., Voronin, L.M., and Chepiga, M.M., 2016, Simulated Effects of Groundwater Withdrawals from Aquifers in Ocean County and Vicinity, New Jersey: Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5035, 77 p. Harbaugh, A.W., Banta, E.R., Hill, M.C., and McDonald, M.G., 2000, MODFLOW- 2000. The U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model---User guide to modularization concepts and the ground-water flow process: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-92, 121 p. Harbaugh, A.W., 2005, MODFLOW-2005, The U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model--the ground-water flow process: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A16, 253 p. Pollock, D.W., 1994, User's guide for MODPATH/MODPATH-PLOT, Version 3; a particle tracking post-processing package for MODFLOW, the U.S. Geological Survey finite-difference ground-water flow model: Open File Report 94-464, 248 p. Pope, D.A., Carleton, G.B., Buxton, D.E., Walker, R.L., Shourds, J.L., and Reilly, P.A., 2012, Simulated effects of alternative withdrawal strategies on groundwater flow in the unconfined Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, the Rio Grande water-bearing zone, and the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in the Great Egg Harbor and Mullica River Basins, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5187, 139 p. Voronin, L.M., 2004, Documentation of revisions to the regional aquifer system analysis model of the New Jersey Coastal Plain: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4268, 49 p., and CD-ROM.