Entire report (chapters A and B home page): Jones, P.M., Trost, J.J., and Erickson, M.L., eds., 2016, Water levels and groundwater and surface-water exchanges in lakes of the northeast Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota, 2002 through 2015: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5139, https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139. Chapter B modeling report: Jones, P.M., Roth, J.L., Trost, J.J., Christenson, C.A., Diekoff, A.L., and Erickson, M.L., 2017, Simulation and assessment of groundwater flow and groundwater and surface-water exchanges in lakes in the northeast Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota, 2003 through 2013: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5139–B, https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B. Data release Trost, J.J., Roth, J.L., Jones, P.M., and Christenson, C.A., 2017, MODFLOW-NWT model used to Simulate and Assess the of Groundwater Flow and Surface-Water Exchanges in Lakes of the Northeast Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota, 2003 through 2013: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7445JRM. 20170427 Model archive created 20170501 Model archive updated based on T. Cowdery review of the model archive 20170518 Model archive updated based on M.K. Watt peer review of the model archive and metadata 20170503 Model archive approved by T. Cowdery 20170619 Model archive updated based on G. Stanton review of the model archive 20170706 Model archive updated based on K. Lucey review of model archive 20170713 Model archive updated with final information for running the model described in SIR 2016-5139B and uploaded to the NSDI node SIR2016-5139B/ DESCRIPTION: ----------- The underlying directories contain all of the input and output files for 6 soil-water-balance (SWB) models and 9 scenarios simulated with a groundwater flow model for the northeast Twin Cities metropolitan area, Minnesota (https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B). The modified SWB source code (modified from Westenbroek and others, 2010) and MODFLOW-NWT (v 1.0.8)(Niswonger and others, 2011) source code for the versions of the software used to run the models are also provided. Descriptions of the data in each subdirectory are given to facilitate understanding of this data release. Longer files descriptions are provided for select files to provide additional information. Support is provided for correcting errors in the data release and clarification of the modeling conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Users are encouraged to review the model documentation report (https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B) to understand the purpose, construction, and limitations of this model. System requirements: -------------------- The models contained in this data release were run using the MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe executable in the bin zip file in this data release. The models require approximately 4 MB of available Random Access Memory (RAM). The models have been run successfully on computers running the following Windows operating systems (OS): o 64-bit Windows 10 Enterprise OS Reconstructing the data release from the online data release files: ------------------------------------------------------------- This data release is available from: https://doi.org/10.5066/F7445JRM The models will run successfully only if the original directory structure is correctly restored. The data release is broken into several pieces to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the subdirectory level. The highest-level directory structure of the original data release is: SIR2016-5139B/ ancillary/ bin/ georef/ model/ output/ source/ A more complete directory structure is here: SIR2016-5139B/ readme.txt modelgeoref.txt ancillary/ ancillary/scripts/ ancillary/swb/ ancillary/swb/bin/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/masks/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/spatial_input/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/spatial_input/cli/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/spatial_input/fdir/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/spatial_input/lu/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/spatial_input/lu3/ ancillary/swb/externalfiles/spatial_input/s/ ancillary/swb/minus_5_percent_rchg/runs/neml_check/ ancillary/swb/minus_5_percent_rchg/runs/neml_check/output/ ancillary/swb/minus_5_percent_roff/runs/neml_check/ ancillary/swb/minus_5_percent_roff/runs/neml_check/output/ ancillary/swb/neml_SWB_final_rchg/runs/neml_check/ ancillary/swb/neml_SWB_final_rchg/runs/neml_check/output/ ancillary/swb/neml_SWB_final_roff/runs/neml_check/ ancillary/swb/neml_SWB_final_roff/runs/neml_check/output/ ancillary/swb/plus_5_percent_rchg/runs/neml_check/ ancillary/swb/plus_5_percent_rchg/runs/neml_check/output/ ancillary/swb/plus_5_percent_roff/runs/neml_check/ ancillary/swb/plus_5_percent_roff/runs/neml_check/output/ ancillary/tables/ bin/ georef/ model/ model/externalfiles/ model/model1/ model/model2/ model/model3/ model/model4/ model/model5/ model/model6/ model/model7/ model/model8/ model/model9/ output/ output/output.model1/ output/output.model2/ output/output.model3/ output/output.model4/ output/output.model5/ output/output.model6/ output/output.model7/ output/output.model8/ output/output.model9/ source/ source/MODFLOW-NWT_1.0.8/ source/scripts/ source/SWB/ The method to assemble the model files is: (1) Create the directory SIR2016-5139B/. (2) Download the files for this data release into directory SIR2016-5139B/. (3) Uncompress each zip file in the final designated directories, as listed below. It will work best if you first create an empty ancillary directory and copy the ancillary zip files into that directory, and then extract them. If you do not do this, there may be conflicts between the ancillary/bin/ directory and the main bin/ directory. ===zip file name==== ===Final designated directory== ancillary.scripts.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/scripts ancillary.tables.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/tables ancillary.swb.bin.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/bin ancillary.swb.externalfiles.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/externalfiles ancillary.swb.minus_5_percent_rchg.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/minus_5_percent_rchg ancillary.swb.minus_5_percent_roff.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/minus_5_percent_roff ancillary.swb.neml_SWB_final_rchg.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/neml_SWB_final_rchg ancillary.swb.neml_SWB_final_roff.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/neml_SWB_final_roff ancillary.swb.plus_5_percent_rchg.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/plus_5_percent_rchg ancillary.swb.plus_5_percent_roff.zip /SIR2016-5139B/ancillary/swb/plus_5_percent_roff bin.zip /SIR2016-5139B/bin georef.zip /SIR2016-5139B/georef model.zip /SIR2016-5139B/model output.zip /SIR2016-5139B/output source.zip /SIR2016-5139B/source (4) Delete the zip files. All the files from the zip files are described in the "Files" section. Running the MODFLOW-NWT model(s): ---------------------------- The model numbers correspond to the following grid: (mean = 2003-2013 mean condition) Model Number +30% pump | 7 8 9 mean pump | 4 5 6 -30% pump | 1 2 3 ---------------- -5% mean +5% precip precip precip or, in other words: model1: -5% precip, -30% pump model2: mean precip, -30% pump model3: +5% precip, -30% pump model4: -5% precip, mean pump model5: mean precip, mean pump (base model) model6: +5% precip, mean pump model7: -5% precip, +30% pump model8: mean precip, +30% pump model9: +5% precip, +30% pump The simulations can be run by opening a command line/terminal in the model directory of interest and typing: ..\..\bin\MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe NEML_SS_model#.nam For example, model 1 simulation can be run by opening a terminal in the model\model1\ subdirectory and typing ..\..\bin\MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe NEML_SS_model1.nam The other simulations (2 through 9) can be run in a similar fashion by opening a terminal window in each of the model/model2 through model/model9 subdirectories. all model name files are named like NEML_SS_model#.nam, where #=model number. The output from each model simulation has the same name and is written to the corresponding model output directory. For example model1 output is written to output/output.model1. NOTE1: When the models are run, the output in the corresponding model output directory will be overwritten. NOTE2: The models must be run using the MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe executable in the bin directory created using the bin.zip file in this data release. NOTE3: The file in the model\externalfiles\ directory contianed in the model zip file are required to run the models. Running the Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model(s): --------------------------------------------- In the ancillary directory, there are 6 SWB model directories (minus_5_percent_rchg, minus_5_percent_roff, neml_SWB_final_rchg, neml_SWB_final_roff, plus_5_percent_rchg, plus_5_percent_roff). The SWB simulations can be run for each of these by opening a command line/terminal in the SWB model directory of interest and typing: ..\..\..\bin\swb.exe swb_input.ctl The control file for each model is named swb_input.ctl. The following list links the SWB models with the corresponding MODFLOW-NWT model. mean = mean 2003-2013 condition, the values in the SWB recharge and SWB runoff columns are the subdirectory names within the ancillary\swb directory: model# Precip Pumping SWB recharge SWB runoff model1 -5% -30% minus_5_percent_rchg minus_5_percent_roff model2 mean -30% neml_SWB_final_rchg neml_SWB_final_roff model3 +5% -30% plus_5_percent_rchg plus_5_percent_roff model4 -5% mean minus_5_percent_rchg minus_5_percent_roff model5 mean mean neml_SWB_final_rchg neml_SWB_final_roff model6 +5% mean plus_5_percent_rchg plus_5_percent_roff model7 -5% +30% minus_5_percent_rchg minus_5_percent_roff model8 mean +30% neml_SWB_final_rchg neml_SWB_final_roff model9 +5% +30% plus_5_percent_rchg plus_5_percent_roff NOTE1: When the SWB models are run, the output in the corresponding model output directory will be overwritten. NOTE2: The models must be run using the SWB.exe executable in the ancillary\SWB\bin directory created using the ancillary.swb.bin.zip file in this data release. NOTE3: The files in the ancillary\swb\externalfiles\ directory contained in the ancillary.swb.externalfiles.zip file are required to run the SWB models. Files: ------ The files in each directory are described below, by directory and subdirectory: SIR2016-5139B\ modelgeoref.txt ASCII file with the four corners of the model domain. Neither the SWB nor MODFLOW models are rotated. readme.txt This file documents the structure, directories and files, and instructions on how to run the model for this data release. \ancillary Description: ----------- Contains ancillary SWB (Soil-Water-Balance) models used to simulate recharge and runoff input for the MODFLOW models. It also contains tables with more detailed information about water level observations and pumping wells used in the MODFLOW model. \scripts Description: ----------- Contains R scripts used to process SWB model output to create the final recharge and runoff inputs for the MODFLOW models. Files: ----- processing_swb_rchg.R [R script that processes SWB annual recharge grids to make recharge arrays required for the MODFLOW models to run] processing_swb_roff.R [R script that processes SWB runoff output to compute specified runoff for the 6 lakes simulated with the LAK package] \swb_arrays_for_modflow Description: ----------- Contains processed SWB recharge output that could be used as input for a MODFLOW model run. Files: ----- minus_5_percent_rchg.arr [recharge array, in meters/day, for the scenarios with 2003-2013 mean precip decreased by 5% ] neml_SWB_final_rchg.arr [recharge array, in meters/day, for the scenarios with 2003-2013 mean precip] plus_5_percent_rchg.arr [recharge array, in meters/day, for the scenarios with 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% ] \swb_ascii_for_gis Description: ----------- Contains processed SWB recharge output that can be viewed in a GIS platform. Files: ----- minus_5_percent_rchg.asc [recharge grid, in meters/day, for the scenarios with 2003-2013 mean precip decreased by 5% ] neml_SWB_final_rchg.asc [recharge grid, in meters/day, for the scenarios with 2003-2013 mean precip] plus_5_percent_rchg.asc [recharge grid, in meters/day, for the scenarios with 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% ] \swb_roff_for_LAK_pkg Description: ----------- Contains a summary file with runoff values for each lake modelled with the LAK package. Files: ----- swb_roff_smry.csv [summary file with runoff values for each lake modelled with the LAK package LAKE_ID: MN DNR lake identification number; LAKE: lake number in MODFLOW simulations; roff.mult: calibrated runoff multiplier for each lake; roff_RAW_m3d: pre-processed SWB runoff, in meters^3/day; scenario: description of precipitation scenario; roff_LAK_m3d: final runoff value to be used as specified runoff in LAK package, in meters^3/day] \swb Description: ----------- Contains SWB executable files, SWB model inputs, and SWB-simulated outputs for the 6 SWB models used to simulate recharge and runoff input for the MODFLOW models. 6 of the 8 subdirectories in \swb contain inputs and outputs from the SWB models. 3 models were used for simulating recharge for the MODFLOW model, files for these 3 models are in the following directories: \minus_5_percent_rchg \neml_SWB_final_rchg \plus_5_percent_rchg 3 models were used for simulating runoff to the 6 lakes used in the MODFLOW LAK package \minus_5_percent_roff \neml_SWB_final_roff \plus_5_percent_roff \bin Description: ----------- Contains the SWB and swbstats executable files. Files: ----- swb.exe swbstats.exe \externalfiles Description: ----------- Contains common input files required to run all 6 SWB models. \masks Description: ----------- Contains a mask of the watershed extent for each of the lakes modeled with the LAK package. The file name is the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Lake ID. These masks were used to extract runoff for each lake from the SWB model runoff output. Files: ----- 62006100.asc [Turtle Lake mask] 62007300.asc [Snail Lake mask] 82005200.asc [Big Marine Lake mask] 82010600.asc [Lake Elmo mask] 82012200.asc [Pine Tree Lake mask] 82016700.asc [White Bear Lake mask] \spatial_input Description: ----------- Contains gridded land cover, soil hydrology, flow direction and daily climate data required for all of the SWB models to run. See the SIR 2016-5139B for references for data sources. \cli Description: ----------- NetCDF files with daily climate data (precipitation, maximum daily temperature, minimum daily temperature). Files: ----- prcp_YYYY.nc4 [daily precip, millimeters, YYYY=year, 14 files, 2000-2013] tmax_YYYY.nc4 [daily max temp, Celsius, YYYY=year, 14 files,2000-2013] tmin_YYYY.nc4 [daily min temp, Celsius, YYYY=year, 14 files,2000-2013] \fdir Description: ----------- Contains a flow direction grid for routing water in the SWB models. Files: ----- neml_fdr.asc \lu Description: ----------- Contains annual land cover grids for the runoff SWB models: minus_5_percent_roff, neml_SWB_final_roff, plus_5_percent_roff. Files: ----- nlcd_YYYY_125m.asc [YYYY=year, 14 files, 2000-2013] \lu3 Description: ----------- Contains annual land cover grids for the recharge SWB models: minus_5_percent_rchg, neml_SWB_final_rchg, plus_5_percent_rchg. Files: ----- nlcd_YYYY_125m.asc [YYYY=year, 14 files, 2000-2013] \s Description: ----------- Contains grids with soil hydrology information required for SWB models. awc = available water capacity, inches per foot hsg = hydrologic soil group, HSG A = 1; HSG B = 2; HSG C = 3, HSG D = 4; organic soils = 5 rtzn = root zone depth, in feet Files: ----- awc_inpft_125.asc awc_inpft_125.prj hsg_xd2x_125.asc hsg_xd2x_125.prj rtzn_ft_125.asc rtzn_ft_125.prj \minus_5_percent_rchg Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate recharge for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation decreased by 5 percent. NOTE: ONLY THE RECHARGE OUTPUT (AFTER PROCESSING) WAS TAKEN FROM THIS SWB MODEL AND USED IN THE MODFLOW MODEL. SEE SIR2016-5139B FOR DETAILS \runs\neml_check Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model run in this directory. Files: ----- lu_lookup.txt [SWB lookup table] MASS_BALANCE* [automatic SWB model output, mass balance grids] nemlCALC* [automatic SWB output derived from flow direction grid] nemlINPUT* [automatic SWB output summarizing input files] SWB_*.csv [automatic SWB summary outputs] swb_input.ctl [SWB control file, required to run SWB model] SWB_LOGFILE* [automatic SWB output, summarizes each model run] swb_routing* [automatic SWB output, summarizes flow routing \output Description: ----------- Contains model-specific processed inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model run in this directory. Daily, monthly, and annual SWB output can be extracted from the *.bin files with swbstats. Files: ----- MEAN_RECHARGE_2002_2013.asc neml_ACT_ET.bin neml_RECHARGE.bin neml_REFERENCE_ET.bin neml_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE.bin \annual Description: ----------- Contains grids of SWB-simulated output, aggregrated on an annual basis. Files: ----- neml_ACT_ET_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_AcT_ET_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RECHARGE_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RECHARGE_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_REFERENCE_ET_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_REFERENCE_ET_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] \daily Description: ----------- Empty directory but part of the standard directory setup for running SWB. Daily output was not specified as an output in the SWB models. \future Description: ----------- Contains automatic gridded output from SWB model. 2 files are generated per year and represent conditions on December 31 of the simulated year. These files may be used with the INITIAL_SOIL_MOISTURE and INITIAL_SNOW_COVER options in the SWB control file. Files: ----- swb_future_final_pct_sm_YYYY.asc [percent maximum water capacity, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] swb_future_final_snow_cover_YYYY.asc [snow-water equivalent in inches, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] \monthly Description: ----------- Empty directory but part of the standard directory setup for running SWB. Monthly output was not specified as an output in the SWB models. \neml_SWB_final_rchg Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate recharge for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation. NOTE: ONLY THE RECHARGE OUTPUT (AFTER PROCESSING) WAS TAKEN FROM THIS SWB MODEL AND USED IN THE MODFLOW MODEL. SEE SIR2016-5139B FOR DETAILS NOTE2: The recharge input array for the MODFLOW models derived from this SWB model used the mean 2002-2013 recharge (whereas the +5% and -5% precipitation scenarios used the 2003-2013 SWB-simulated recharge). Files and subdirectories: ------------------------ Same naming and structure as the detailed explanation provided for the \minus_5_percent_rchg directory, refer to that description. \plus_5_percent_rchg Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate recharge for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation increased by 5 percent. NOTE: ONLY THE RECHARGE OUTPUT (AFTER PROCESSING) WAS TAKEN FROM THIS SWB MODEL AND USED IN THE MODFLOW MODEL. SEE SIR2016-5139B FOR DETAILS Files and subdirectories: ------------------------ Same naming and structure as the detailed explanation provided for the \minus_5_percent_rchg directory, refer to that description. \minus_5_percent_roff Description: ----------- Contains model-specific processed inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate runoff to the lakes used in the MODFLOW LAK package for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation decreased by 5 percent. NOTE: THE RUNOFF WITHIN EACH LAKE'S WATERSHED MASK WAS USED AS SPECIFIED RUNOFF IN THE LAKE PACKAGE. NO OTHER OUTPUT FROM THIS SWB MODEL WAS INCORPORATED INTO THE MODFLOW MODELS. SEE SIR 2016-5139B FOR DETAILS. \runs\neml_check Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate runoff to the lakes used in the MODFLOW LAK package for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation decreased by 5 percent. Files: ----- lu_lookup.txt [SWB lookup table] MASS_BALANCE* [automatic SWB model ouput, mass balance grids] nemlCALC* [automatic SWB output derived from flow direction grid] nemlINPUT* [automatic SWB output summarizing input files] SWB_*.csv [automatic SWB summary outputs] swb_input.ctl [SWB control file, required to run SWB model] SWB_LOGFILE* [automatic SWB output, summarizes each model run] swb_routing* [automatic SWB output, summarizes flow routing] \output Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate runoff to the lakes used in the MODFLOW LAK package for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation decreased by 5 percent. Daily, monthly, and annual SWB output can be extracted from the *.bin files with swbstats. Files: ----- MEAN_RECHARGE_2002_2013.asc neml_AcT_ET.bin neml_RECHARGE.bin neml_REFERENCE_ET.bin neml_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE.bin \annual Description: ----------- Contains grids of SWB-simulated output, aggregrated on an annual basis. Files: ----- neml_ACT_ET_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_AcT_ET_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RECHARGE_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RECHARGE_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_REFERENCE_ET_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_REFERENCE_ET_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_YYYY_MEAN.asc [daily mean,inches/day, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] neml_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_YYYY_SUM.asc [annual total, inches/year, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] \daily Description: ----------- Empty directory but part of the standard directory setup for running SWB. Daily output was not specified as an output in the SWB models. \future Description: ----------- Contains automatic gridded output from SWB model. 2 files are generated per year and represent conditions on December 31 of the simulated year. These files may be used with the INITIAL_SOIL_MOISTURE and INITIAL_SNOW_COVER options in the SWB control file. Files: ----- swb_future_final_pct_sm_YYYY.asc [percent maximum water capacity, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] swb_future_final_snow_cover_YYYY.asc [snow-water equivalent in inches, YYYY=year, 12 files, 2002-2013] \monthly Description: ----------- Empty directory but part of the standard directory setup for running SWB. Monthly output was not specified as an output in the SWB models. \processed_roff Description: ----------- This directory was populated with the R-script D:\SIR2016-5139B\ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_roff.R. The *.ssf files are the daily runoff time series within each lake's watershed, extracted from the neml_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE.bin file. This process was only done for lakes modelled with the MODFLOW LAK package. Files: ----- SWB_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_01012002-12312013_62006100.ssf [daily time series, runoff in cubic feet per second, for Turtle Lake] SWB_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_01012002-12312013_62007300.ssf [daily time series, runoff in cubic feet per second, for Snail Lake] SWB_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_01012002-12312013_82005200.ssf [daily time series, runoff in cubic feet per second, for Big Marine Lake] SWB_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_01012002-12312013_82010600.ssf [daily time series, runoff in cubic feet per second, for Lake Elmo] SWB_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_01012002-12312013_82012200.ssf [daily time series, runoff in cubic feet per second, for Pine Tree Lake] SWB_RUNOFF_OUTSIDE_01012002-12312013_82016700.ssf [daily time series, runoff in cubic feet per second, for White Bear Lake] SWBSTATS_LOGFILE_* [automatic SWB logfile generated when extracting daily time series] \neml_SWB_final_roff Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate runoff to the lakes used in the MODFLOW LAK package for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation. NOTE: THE RUNOFF WITHIN EACH LAKE'S WATERSHED MASK WAS USED AS SPECIFIED RUNOFF IN THE LAKE PACKAGE. NO OTHER OUTPUT FROM THIS SWB MODEL WAS INCORPORATED INTO THE MODFLOW MODELS. SEE SIR 2016-5139B FOR DETAILS. NOTE2: The land-cover grids used for this archived version of the neml_SWB_final_roff model were slightly different than the land-cover grids used in the original SWB model that simulated the specified runoff for the 6 lakes in the archived mean precipitation MODFLOW models (models 2, 5, 8). The change in land-cover grids for the SWB model archive was done so that all three runoff SWB models (minus_5_percent_roff, neml_SWB_final_roff, plus_5_percent_roff) used the same land-cover grids. The change in land-cover grids only affected the specified runoff volumes for Snail Lake and Turtle Lake. In a MODFLOW base model (model 5) simulation that used the updated specified runoff values for Turtle and Snail Lakes, all of the water budget components for Turtle Lake changed by less than 1.5 percent compared to the archived version of model 5. The Snail Lake specified runoff changed by 5 percent, from 1285.9 m3/d to 1218.9 m3/d. This caused other changes in the Snail Lake water budget components. The following is a summary of the differences between the Snail Lake water budgets from the archived version of model 5 and a MODFLOW run that used the specified runoff volumes from the archived version of the neml_SWB_final_roff SWB model. Component model5 archive model5 with runoff volumes from archived neml_SWB_final_roff Stage (ft) 880.80 880.74 Volume (m3) 1125977 1116377 Precip (m3/d) 1297.524 1289.823 Evaporation (m3/d) 1120.044 1113.397 Specified Runoff (m3/d) 1285.9 1218.9 Computed Runoff (m3/d) 8.790 6.692 Groundwater inflow (m3/d) 505.79 523.86 Groundwater outflow (m3/d) 1978 1925.9 Surface water outflow (m3/d)0 0 Water use (m3/d) 0 0 Surface area (m2) 570490 567100 Files and subdirectories: ------------------------ Same naming and structure as the detailed explanations provided for the \minus_5_percent_roff directory, refer to that description. \plus_5_percent_roff Description: ----------- Contains model-specific inputs and simulated outputs for the SWB model used to simulate runoff to the lakes used in the MODFLOW LAK package for scenarios with the mean 2003-2013 precipitation increased by 5 percent. NOTE: THE RUNOFF WITHIN EACH LAKE'S WATERSHED MASK WAS USED AS SPECIFIED RUNOFF IN THE LAKE PACKAGE. NO OTHER OUTPUT FROM THIS SWB MODEL WAS INCORPORATED INTO THE MODFLOW MODELS. SEE SIR 2016-5139B FOR DETAILS. Files and subdirectories: ------------------------ Same naming and structure as the detailed explanations provided for the \minus_5_percent_roff directory, refer to that description. \tables Description: ----------- Contains tables with more detailed information about water level observation wells, pumping wells, and lake datums. Files: ----- ArchiveTable1_ListofCalibrationData.xlsx [list of well information and groundwater levels used in model calibration] ArchiveTable2_PumpingWells.xlsx [Naming, pumping, and location information for permitted high-capacity wells used in the MODFLOW models] ArchiveTable3_LakeDatumConversions.xlsx [Datum adjustment factors used to convert lake-water levels from their published reference datum to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88)] \bin Description: ----------- Executable files for SWB and MODFLOW-NWT (ver 1.0.8) used to run the models included in this data release. Files: ------ MODFLOW-NWT_64.exe swb.exe swbstats.exe \georef Description: ----------- This directory contains a shapefile defining the active and inactive areas of the model documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ------ SIR2016_5139B.dbf : SIR2016_5139B.dbf is part of the SIR2016_5139B shapefile SIR2016_5139B.prj : SIR2016_5139B.prj is part of the SIR2016_5139B shapefile SIR2016_5139B.shp : SIR2016_5139B.shp is part of the SIR2016_5139B shapefile SIR2016_5139B.shx : SIR2016_5139B.shx is part of the SIR2016_5139B shapefile \model Description: ----------- Contains all of the input files for the base model (model 5) and the 8 other scenarios documented in the SIR (https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B) and the data release (https://doi.org/10.5066/F7445JRM). The model numbers correspond to the following grid: (mean = 2003-2013 mean condition) Model Number +30% pump | 7 8 9 mean pump | 4 5 6 -30% pump | 1 2 3 ---------------- -5% mean +5% precip precip precip or, in other words: model1: -5% precip, -30% pump model2: mean precip, -30% pump model3: +5% precip, -30% pump model4: -5% precip, mean pump model5: mean precip, mean pump (base model) model6: +5% precip, mean pump model7: -5% precip, +30% pump model8: mean precip, +30% pump model9: +5% precip, +30% pump Files: ----- none \externalfiles Description: ----------- Contains common files used by all 9 MODFLOW models. Files: ----- NEML_SS.bas [basic package global options file; specifies basic model information including ibnd arrays and starting head values] NEML_SS.chd [constant head boundary package input file; specifies constant head boundary conditions by cell] NEML_SS.dis [discretization input file, specifies number of model rows, columns, layers, cell size, presence of quasi-3D confining beds, and time step lengths] NEML_SS.gag [gage package input file; makes it possible export information about the lakes modelled with the LAK package to a separate output file] NEML_SS.hob [head observation input file, specifies head levels and locations of observations in the model] NEML_SS.nwt [Newton solver input file] NEML_SS.oc [process output control option file; specifies which head, drawdown, or budget data should be printed/saved] NEML_SS.riv [river package input file] NEML_SS.upw [upstream weighting package input file, refers to hcon, vcon, and vkcb arrays] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \arrays Description: ----------- Arrays of model cell properties used by all 9 MODFLOW models. Each array file represents 1 model layer for a particular property. Files: ----- bcon_#.arr [# = model layer number, 8 files, layers 4 - 11] [bottom elevation of the quasi-3D confining layers, in meters NAVD88] bot_#.arr [# = model layer number, 12 files, layers 1-12] [bottom elevation of each layer, in meters NAVD88] hcon_#.arr [# = model layer number, 12 files, layers 1-12] [horizontal hydraulic conductivity, in meters/day] ibnd_#.arr [, # = model layer number, 12 files, layers 1-12] [specifies active/inactive model cells 1 = active, 0 = inactive, -1 = constant head] lak_bnd_#.arr [[# = model layer number, 4 files, layers 1-4] [specifies cells in LAK package, 0 = grid cell not a lake volume cell, if value>0, value is the identification number of lake] lak_con_#.arr [[# = model layer number, 4 files, layers 1-4] [lakebed leakance, in day^-1] shed_#.arr [# = model layer number, 12 files, layers 1-12] [elevation of starting heads, in meters NAVD88] spst_#.arr [# = model layer number, 6 files, layers 1-6] [specific storage, meters^3/meters^3] spyd_#.arr [# = model layer number, 6 files, layers 1-6] [specific yield, meters^3/meters^3] top_#.arr [# = model layer number, 1 file, layer 1] [elevation of the top of layer 1, in meters NAVD88] uzf_bnd.arr [defines active area of UZF package, 1 = active] uzf_dep.arr [the evapotranspiration (ET) extinction depth, in meters] uzf_eps.arr [The Brooks-Corey epsilon of the unsaturated zone. Epsilon is used in the relation of water content to hydraulic conductivity] uzf_pet.arr [ET demand rates in meters per day within the ET extinction depth interval for each vertical column of cells.] uzf_rte.arr [defines contributing areas of uzf surface leakage to lakes modelled with the LAK package, 0 = not routed; -1 to -6, one integer value per lake] uzf_ths.arr [The saturated water content of the unsaturated zone in units of volume of water to total volume (meters^3/meters^3).] vcon_#.arr [# = model layer number, 12 files, layers 1-12] [vertical hydraulic conductivity, in meters/day] vkcb_#.arr [# = model layer number, 12 files, layers 1-12] [hydraulic conductivity of quasi-3D confining layers, in meters/day] \model1 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip reduced by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping reduced by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_minus5percent.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model1.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_LOW.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_LOW.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_LOW.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model2 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping reduced by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_MEAN.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model2.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_MEAN.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_LOW.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_MEAN.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model3 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping reduced by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_plus5percent.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model3.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_HIGH.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_LOW.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_HIGH.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model4 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip reduced by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_minus5percent.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model4.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_LOW.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_MEAN.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_LOW.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model5 Description: ----------- BASE MODEL. Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the base model with the 2003-2013 mean precip and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_MEAN.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model5.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_MEAN.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_MEAN.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_MEAN.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model6 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_plus5percent.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model6.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_HIGH.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_MEAN.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_HIGH.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model7 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip reduced by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping increased by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_minus5percent.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model7.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_LOW.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_HIGH.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_LOW.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model8 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping increased by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_MEAN.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model8.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_MEAN.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_HIGH.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_MEAN.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \model9 Description: ----------- Contains input files (in addition to those in the \externalfiles directory) used to run the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping increased by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- neml_RECHARGE_2003_2013_plus5percent.arr [SWB recharge, after being processed by the script \ancillary\scripts\processing_swb_rchg.R, in meters per day] NEML_SS_model9.nam [MODFLOW-NWT name file] NEML_SS_HIGH.lak [MODFLOW-NWT LAK package input file] NEML_SS_HIGH.mnw [MODFLOW_NWT multi-node well package input file] NEML_SS_HIGH.uzf [MODFLOW-NWT unsaturated zone flow package input file] usgs.model.reference [temporal and spatial reference for the model] \tables Description: ----------- Contains files with lake bathymetric data required for using the LAK package to model 6 lakes. Files: ----- 62006100_sva.txt [Turtle Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 62007300_sva.txt [Snail Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82005200_sva.txt [Big Marine Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82010600_sva.txt [Lake Elmo data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82012200_sva.txt [Pine Tree Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] 82016700_sva.txt [White Bear Lake data; Column 1: lake stage (in meters NAVD88); Column 2: lake volume (meters^3); Column 3: lake surface area (meters^2)] \output Description: ----------- Contains all of the output files for the base model (model5) and 8 additional scenario runs included with this data release. There are 9 subdirectories in this directory. The files in each subdirectory are named identically; only the files for the model1 output are listed and described. A description of each scenario is given under each directory name below. \output.model1 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip reduced by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping reduced by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- 62006100_mod.txt [Simulated stage and volume of Turtle Lake] 62007300_mod.txt [Simulated stage and volume of Snail Lake] 82005200_mod.txt [Simulated stage and volume of Big Marine Lake] 82010600_mod.txt [Simulated stage and volume of Lake Elmo] 82012200_mod.txt [Simulated stage and volume of Pine Tree Lake] 82016700_mod.txt [Simulated stage and volume of White Bear Lake] hed_obs.txt [Simulated and observed heads, in meters NAVD88] NEML_SS.cbb [cell-by-cell budget output file] NEML_SS.hds [head output file] NEML_SS.lst [global listing file] \output.model2 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping reduced by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \output.model3 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping reduced by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \output.model4 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip reduced by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \output.model5 Description: ----------- BASE MODEL. Contains the output files from the base model with the 2003-2013 mean precip and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \output.model6 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \output.model7 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip reduced by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping increased by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \output.model8 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping increased by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \output.model9 Description: ----------- Contains the output files from the scenario with the 2003-2013 mean precip increased by 5% and the 2003-2013 mean groundwater pumping increased by 30%, as documented in the report https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20165139B Files: ----- Same as the example list in the output.model1 directory. \source Description: ----------- Source files for code versions used to run model simulations included in the model data release. This directory also contains 2 scripts used to process SWB model output to create the final recharge and runoff inputs for the MODFLOW models. Files: ----- none \MODFLOW-NWT_1.0.8 Description: ----------- Source files for standard code versions and documentation for the MODFLOW-NWT model used for the simulations in this data release. This is the information that was available when this version (1.0.8) of MODFLOW_NWT was available through the USGS ` Office of Groundwater MODFLOW-NWT page (https://water.usgs.gov/ogw/modflow-nwt/#downloads) \bin Description: ----------- Executable files \data Description: ----------- Example data sets. \doc Description: ----------- Documentation of and instructions for MODFLOW-NWT version 1.0.8. \output_test Description: ----------- Results of example test runs \output_test_64 Description: ----------- Results of example test runs \src Description: ----------- Source files for standard code versions used to run MODFLOW model simulations included in the model data release.] \scripts Description: ----------- Contains R scripts used to process SWB model output to create the final recharge and runoff inputs for the MODFLOW models. Files: ----- processing_swb_rchg.R [R script that processes SWB annual recharge grids to make recharge arrays required for the MODFLOW models to run] processing_swb_roff.R [R script that processes SWB runoff output to compute specified runoff for the 6 lakes simulated with the LAK package] \SWB Description: ----------- Source files for modified code versions used to run SWB model (code compiled on Jun 8 2015 09:56:18) simulations included in the model data release.