Petkewich, M.D., and Campbell, B.G., 2009, Simulation of reclaimed-water injection and pumping scenarios and particle-tracking analysis near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5185, 41 p. Fine, J.M., 2016, MODFLOW-2000 model used in the simulation of reclaimed-water injection and pumping scenarios and particle-tracking analysis near Mount Pleasant, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey data release. 2/19/2010 Model archive created. 11/11/2016 Model updated based on Kuniansky, E.L. review of model archive. 11/30/2016 Updated model archive update with final information for SIR 2009-5185. 12/09/2016 Model archive updated to conform to the structure specified for public release of groundwater flow and transport models. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIR2009-5185/ Description: ----------- The underlying directories contain all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the report and the MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH source codes. Descriptions of the data in each subdirectory are given to facilitate understanding of this data release. Files descriptions are provided for select files to provide additional information that may be of use for understanding this data release. The model simulations were run with MODFLOW-2000 (ver 1.18.01) and the particle tracking simulations were run with MODPATH 5.0. The source code for MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH 5.0 have been included in this data release. Support is provided for correcting errors in the data release and clarification of the modeling conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Users are encouraged to review the model documentation report ( to understand the purpose, construction, and limitations of this model. Reconstructing the data release from the online data release: ------------------------------------------------------------- This data release is available from: The models will run successfully only if the original directory structure is correctly restored. The data release is broken into several pieces to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (bin directory, readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the subdirectory level. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". All zip files should be unzipped into a directory with the same name as the zip file name without the .zip extension. All zip files starting with "output" should be unzipped in the same manner as other zip files but should be placed within a "output" subdirectory created at the same level as the "georef" subdirectory created from "". The highest-level directory structure of the original data release is: SIR2009-5185/ ancillary/ bin/ georef/ model/ output/ source/ The full directory structure of the data release and the zip files associated with each subdirectory are listed below. System requirements: -------------------- The models contained in this data release were run using the mf2k.exe executable in the bin zip file in this data release. The particle tracking simulations contained in this data release were run using the modpath5_0_h5.exe executable in the bin zip file in this data release. The models requires approximately 64 MB of available Random Access Memory (RAM). The models have been run successfully on computers running 64-bit Windows 7 OS (Service Pack 1). Optional system requirements: ----------------------------- None Running the model(s): --------------------- The simulations can be run by copying the executable into the model directory of interest, opening a terminal and typing: mf2k.exe model.mfn for MODFLOW simulations or for MODPATH simulations: modpath5_0_h5.exe model.rsp For example, the calibration/verification simulation can be run by copying the executable into the model directory of interest, opening a terminal and typing: mf2k.exe 2008MPw7.mfn to run the calibration/verification simulation. The other simulations can be run in a similar fashion by replacing "2008MP7.mfn" with the appropriate scenario simulation MODFLOW-2000 name files and running from the appropriate subdirectory in the model/ subdirectory (for example, run the base case scenario (2008MPW7_base.mfn) from the model/model_base_case_scenario/ subdirectory). Possible MODFLOW name files are: 1. 2008MPW7_base.mfn 2. 2008MPW7_scn1.mfn 3. 2008MPW7_scn2.mfn 4. 2008MPW7_20PCT.mfn 5. 2008MPW7_30PCT.mfn Possible MODPATH name files are: 1. particle_set20PCT.rsp 2. particle_set30PCT.rsp The output from the calibration/verification and scenario simulations all have the same name but are created in the appropriate output directory. For example, calibration/verification model results are saved to the output/output.model.calibration directory. NOTE: The models must be run using the mf2k.exe or modpath5_0_h5.exe executables located in the bin directory in this data release. Files: ----- readme.txt : This file documents the structure, directories and files, and instructions on how to run the model for this data release. modelgeoref.txt : ASCII file with the four corners of the model domain. Model data files are in the NAD 1983 StatePlane South Carolina FIPS_3900_Feet projection. ancillary/ Description: ----------- This directory contains ancillary data including hydraulic conductivity, water-level and water-use data. This data was used to compile the model datasets. Folders: ------ hydraulic_conductivity water_levels water_use hydraulic_conductivity/ Description: ----------- This directory contains hydraulic conductivity data used in the calibration of the model. Files: ------ Ks_layer1_calibrated : Ks_layer1_original : Ks_layer3_calibrated : Ks_layer3_original : Ks_layer5_calibrated : Ks_layer5_original : Ks_layer7_calibrated : Ks_layer7_original : Ks_layer9_calibrated : Ks_layer9_original : water_levels/ Description: ----------- This directory contains water-level data used in the calibration of the model. Folders: ------ 2004 Continuous_water_level_data Early_80s predevelopment 2004/ Description: ----------- This directory contains discrete water-level data collected in 2004. Files: ------ 2004_All.txt : Continuous_water_level_data/ Description: ----------- This directory contains continuous water-level data. Files: ------ Continuous_WLS_all.txt : Well identifier and location information Lay3_WLEs.txt : Lay5_WLEs.txt : Lay7_WLEs.txt : Lay9_WLEs.txt : Early_80s/ Description: ----------- This directory contains discrete water-level data collected around the 1980 time period. Files: ------ Early_80s_ALL.txt : predevelopment/ Description: ----------- This directory contains discrete predevelopment water-level data. Files: ------ Predevelopment_ALL.txt : water_use/ Description: ----------- This directory contains water-use data used in the calibration of the model. Files: ------ MPW7_base.txt : bin/ Description: ----------- Executable file for MODFLOW-2000 (ver 1.18.01) and MODPATH 5 used to run the models documented in the report ( Files: ------ mk2k.exe modpath5_0_h5.exe georef/ Description: ----------- This directory contains a shapefile defining the active and inactive areas of the model documented in the report. Files: ------ SIR2009_5185.dbf : SIR2009_5185.dbf is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile SIR2009_5185.prj : SIR2009_5185.prj is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile SIR2009_5185.shp : SIR2009_5185.shp is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile SIR2009_5185.shx : SIR2009_5185.shx is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile SIR2009_5185.CPG : SIR2009_5185.CPG is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile SIR2009_5185.sbn : SIR2009_5185.sbn is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile SIR2009_5185.sbx : SIR2009_5185.sbx is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile SIR2009_5185.shp.xml : SIR2009_5185.shp.xml is part of the SIR2009_5185 shapefile model/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the input files for the calibration/verification (model_calibration/) run and the 5 scenario and 2 particle tracking runs documented in the report. Scenario Model subdirectory -------- ------------------ base future conditions model_base_case_scenario/ scenario 1 model_scenario1/ scenario 2 model_scenario2/ MODPATH_20_PCT_porosity model_MODPATH_20_PCT_porosity/ MODPATH_30_PCT_porosity model_MODPATH_30_PCT_porosity/ MODFLOW_20_PCT_porosity model_MODFLOW_20_PCT_porosity/ MODFLOW_30_PCT_porosity model_MODFLOW_30_PCT_porosity/ Files: ------ none externalfiles/ Description: ----------- This directory contains external files used by the base_case, scenario1 and scenario2 simulations documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_base.ba6 : MODFLOW-2000 basic package global options file 2008MPW7_base.chd : MODFLOW-2000 constant-head boundary package file 2008MPW7_base.dis : MODFLOW-2000 discretization file 2008MPW7_base.gmg : MODFLOW-2000 geometric multi-grid solver package 2008MPW7_base.hob : MODFLOW-2000 head-observation input file 2008MPW7_base.lpf : MODFLOW-2000 layer-property flow package file 2008MPW7_base.oc : MODFLOW-2000 process output control option file 2008MPW7_base.rch : MODFLOW-2000 recharge package file 2008MPW7_base.riv : MODFLOW-2000 river input file 2008MPW7_base.rvob : MODFLOW-2000 river observation package file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_calibration/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the calibration/verification name file and several MODFLOW input files used to make the calibration/verification run documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7.ba6 : MODFLOW-2000 basic package global options file 2008MPW7.chd : MODFLOW-2000 constant-head boundary package file 2008MPW7.dis : MODFLOW-2000 discretization file 2008MPW7.gmg : MODFLOW-2000 geometric multi-grid solver package 2008MPW7.hob : MODFLOW-2000 head-observation input file 2008MPW7.lpf : MODFLOW-2000 layer-property flow package file 2008MPW7.mfn : MODFLOW-2000 name file 2008MPW7.obs : MODFLOW-2000 observation-process file 2008MPW7.oc : MODFLOW-2000 process output control option file 2008MPW7.rch : MODFLOW-2000 recharge package file 2008MPW7.riv : MODFLOW-2000 river package file 2008MPW7.rvob : MODFLOW-2000 river observation input file 2008MPW7.wel : MODFLOW-2000 well package file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_base_case_scenario/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the input files used to run the base case scenario documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_base.mfn : MODFLOW-2000 name file 2008MPW7_base.obs : MODFLOW-2000 observation-process file 2008MPW7_base.wel : MODFLOW-2000 well package file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_scenario1/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the scenario 1 input files used to make the moderate pumpage scenario documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_scn1.mfn : MODFLOW-2000 name file 2008MPW7_scn1.obs : MODFLOW-2000 observation-process file 2008MPW7_scn1.wel : MODFLOW-2000 well file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_scenario2/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the scenario 2 input files used to make the maximum capacity pumpage scenario documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_scn1.mfn : MODFLOW-2000 name file 2008MPW7_scn1.obs : MODFLOW-2000 observation-process file 2008MPW7_scn1.wel : MODFLOW-2000 well file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_MODPATH_20_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the input files for the MODPATH simulation using a 20 percent porosity and Scenario 2 run documented in the report. Files: ------ particle_set20PCT.loc : MODPATH locations file particle_set20PCT.mdf : MODPATH main data file particle_set20PCT.nam : MODPATH name file particle_set20PCT.rsp : MODPATH response file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_MODPATH_30_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the input files for the MODPATH simulation using a 30 percent porosity and Scenario 2 run documented in the report. Files: ------ particle_set30PCT.loc : MODPATH locations file particle_set30PCT.mdf : MODPATH main data file particle_set30PCT.nam : MODPATH name file particle_set30PCT.rsp : MODPATH response file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_MODFLOW_20_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the input files for MODFLOW simulation using a 20 percent porosity and Scenario 2 run documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_20PCT.ba6 : MODFLOW-2000 basic package global options file 2008MPW7_20PCT.chd : MODFLOW-2000 constant-head boundary package file 2008MPW7_20PCT.dis : MODFLOW-2000 discretization file 2008MPW7_20PCT.gmg : MODFLOW-2000 geometric multi-grid solver package 2008MPW7_20PCT.hob : MODFLOW-2000 head-observation input file 2008MPW7_20PCT.lpf : MODFLOW-2000 layer-property flow package file 2008MPW7_20PCT.mfn : MODFLOW-2000 name file 2008MPW7_20PCT.obs : MODFLOW-2000 observation-process file 2008MPW7_20PCT.oc : MODFLOW-2000 process output control option file 2008MPW7_20PCT.rch : MODFLOW-2000 recharge package file 2008MPW7_20PCT.riv : MODFLOW-2000 river package file 2008MPW7_20PCT.rvob : MODFLOW-2000 river observation input file 2008MPW7_20PCT.wel : MODFLOW-2000 well package file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. model_MODFLOW_30_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- This directory contains the input files for MODFLOW simulation using a 30 percent porosity and Scenario 2 run documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_30PCT.ba6 : MODFLOW-2000 basic package global options file 2008MPW7_30PCT.chd : MODFLOW-2000 constant-head boundary package file 2008MPW7_30PCT.dis : MODFLOW-2000 discretization file 2008MPW7_30PCT.gmg : MODFLOW-2000 geometric multi-grid solver package 2008MPW7_30PCT.hob : MODFLOW-2000 head-observation input file 2008MPW7_30PCT.lpf : MODFLOW-2000 layer-property flow package file 2008MPW7_30PCT.mfn : MODFLOW-2000 name file 2008MPW7_30PCT.obs : MODFLOW-2000 observation-process file 2008MPW7_30PCT.oc : MODFLOW-2000 process output control option file 2008MPW7_30PCT.rch : MODFLOW-2000 recharge package file 2008MPW7_30PCT.riv : MODFLOW-2000 river package file 2008MPW7_30PCT.rvob : MODFLOW-2000 river observation input file 2008MPW7_30PCT.wel : MODFLOW-2000 well package file usgs.model.reference : temporal and spatial reference for the model. output/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the calibration/verification run and the 5 scenario runs and 2 particle tracking runs documented in the report. Predictive scenarios were simulated from 2009 to 2050. These simulations include the calibrated model up to the year 2008. The predictive simulations utilize various pumping/injection rates in the Mount Pleasant, South Carolina area beginning in 2009. Changes to the pumping rates of wells in the Mount Pleasant area are the only differences between the input files for the base scenario and scenarios 1 and 2. Simulation Model subdirectory ----------- ------------------ calibration output.model.calibration\ base future conditions output.model_base_case_scenario\ scenario 1 output.model_scenario1\ scenario 2 output.model_scenario2\ MODPATH_20_PCT_porosity output.model_MODPATH_20_PCT_porosity\ MODPATH_30_PCT_porosity output.model_MODPATH_30_PCT_porosity\ MODFLOW_20_PCT_porosity output.model_MODFLOW_20_PCT_porosity\ MODFLOW_30_PCT_porosity output.model_MODFLOW_30_PCT_porosity\ Zip Files: ---------- output.model_calibration/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the calibration/verification simulation. Files: ------ 2008MPW7._b : MODFLOW-2000 data exchange file 2008MPW7._nm : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and probability plotting file 2008MPW7._os : MODFLOW-2000 observed values and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7._r : MODFLOW-2000 unweighted residuals file 2008MPW7._w : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals file 2008MPW7._ws : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7._ww : MODFLOW-2000 weighted equivalents and weighted observation file 2008MPW7.ccf : MODFLOW-2000 cell-to-cell flow output file 2008MPW7.glo : MODFLOW-2000 global listing file 2008MPW7_hed : MODFLOW-2000 head output file 2008MPW7_out : MODFLOW-2000 output file output.model_base_case_scenario/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the base case scenario. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_base.b : MODFLOW-2000 data exchange file 2008MPW7_base.nm : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and probability plotting file 2008MPW7_base.os : MODFLOW-2000 observed values and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_base.r : MODFLOW-2000 unweighted residuals file 2008MPW7_base.w : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals file : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_base.ww : MODFLOW-2000 weighted equivalents and weighted observation file 2008MPW7_base.ccf : MODFLOW-2000 cell-to-cell flow output file 2008MPW7_base.glo : MODFLOW-2000 global listing file 2008MPW7_base.hed : MODFLOW-2000 head output file 2008MPW7_base.out : MODFLOW-2000 output file output.model_scenario1/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the moderate pumpage scenario. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_scn1.b : MODFLOW-2000 data exchange file 2008MPW7_scn1.nm : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and probability plotting file 2008MPW7_scn1.os : MODFLOW-2000 observed values and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_scn1.r : MODFLOW-2000 unweighted residuals file 2008MPW7_scn1.w : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals file : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_scn1.ww : MODFLOW-2000 weighted equivalents and weighted observation file 2008MPW7_scn1.ccf : MODFLOW-2000 cell-to-cell flow output file 2008MPW7_scn1.glo : MODFLOW-2000 global listing file 2008MPW7_scn1.hed : MODFLOW-2000 head output file 2008MPW7_scn1.out : MODFLOW-2000 output file output.model_scenario2/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the maximum capacity pumpage scenario. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_scn2.b : MODFLOW-2000 data exchange file 2008MPW7_scn2.nm : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and probability plotting file 2008MPW7_scn2.os : MODFLOW-2000 observed values and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_scn2.r : MODFLOW-2000 unweighted residuals file 2008MPW7_scn2.w : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals file : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_scn2.ww : MODFLOW-2000 weighted equivalents and weighted observation file 2008MPW7_scn2.ccf : MODFLOW-2000 cell-to-cell flow output file 2008MPW7_scn2.glo : MODFLOW-2000 global listing file 2008MPW7_scn2.hed : MODFLOW-2000 head output file 2008MPW7_scn2.out : MODFLOW-2000 output file output.model_MODPATH_20_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the MODPATH simulation using a 20 percent porosity and Scenario 2 model run documented in the report. Files: ------ particle_set20PCT.cbf : MODPATH composite budget file particle_set20PCT.ept : MODPATH endpoint file particle_set20PCT.pth : MODPATH pathline file particle_set20PCT.sum : MODPATH list file output.model_MODPATH_30_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the MODPATH simulation using a 30 percent porosity and Scenario 2 model run documented in the report. Files: ------ particle_set30PCT.cbf : MODPATH composite budget file particle_set30PCT.ept : MODPATH endpoint file particle_set30PCT.pth : MODPATH pathline file particle_set30PCT.sum : MODPATH list file output.model_MODFLOW_20_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the MODFLOW simulation using 20 percent porosity and Scenario 2 model run documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_20PCT._b : MODFLOW-2000 data exchange file 2008MPW7_20PCT._nm : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and probability plotting file 2008MPW7_20PCT._os : MODFLOW-2000 observed values and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_20PCT._r : MODFLOW-2000 unweighted residuals file 2008MPW7_20PCT._w : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals file 2008MPW7_20PCT._ws : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_20PCT._ww : MODFLOW-2000 weighted equivalents and weighted observation file 2008MPW7_20PCT.ccf : MODFLOW-2000 cell-to-cell flow output file 2008MPW7_20PCT.glo : MODFLOW-2000 global listing file 2008MPW7_20PCT_hed : MODFLOW-2000 head output file 2008MPW7_20PCT_out : MODFLOW-2000 output file output.model_MODFLOW_30_PCT_porosity/ Description: ----------- Simulated results for the MODFLOW simulation using a 30 percent porosity and Scenario 2 model run documented in the report. Files: ------ 2008MPW7_30PCT._b : MODFLOW-2000 data exchange file 2008MPW7_30PCT._nm : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and probability plotting file 2008MPW7_30PCT._os : MODFLOW-2000 observed values and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_30PCT._r : MODFLOW-2000 unweighted residuals file 2008MPW7_30PCT._w : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals file 2008MPW7_30PCT._ws : MODFLOW-2000 weighted residuals and simulated equivalents file 2008MPW7_30PCT._ww : MODFLOW-2000 weighted equivalents and weighted observation file 2008MPW7_30PCT.ccf : MODFLOW-2000 cell-to-cell flow output file 2008MPW7_30PCT.glo : MODFLOW-2000 global listing file 2008MPW7_30PCT_hed : MODFLOW-2000 head output file 2008MPW7_30PCT_out : MODFLOW-2000 output file source/ Description: ----------- Source files for standard code versions used to run model simulations included in the model data release. MODPATH 5.0 was used when running the particle tracking simulation in this archive. The previous published simulations used MODPATH 4.2. Results of the different versions were compared and the differences are negligible. Files: ------ mf2k1_18/ Description ----------- Source files for standard code versions used to run MODFLOW model simulations included in the model data release. Mpath.5_0/ Description ----------- Source files for standard code versions used to run the MODPATH simulations included in the model data release.