Model Documentation Report: Masbruch, M.D., and Brooks, L.E., 2017, Potential effects of existing and proposed groundwater withdrawals on water levels and natural groundwater discharge in Snake Valley and surrounding areas, Utah and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1026, 135 p., Model Data Release Report: Masbruch, M.D., and Brooks, L.E., 2017, MODFLOW-2000 model used to evaluate potential effects of existing and proposed groundwater withdrawals on water levels and natural groundwater discharge in Snake Valley and surrounding areas, Utah and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey data release, =================================================================================================== 09/08/2016 Model archive created 01/06/2017 Model data in archive reviewed by John Ellis 02/21/2017 Model data release (including metadata) reviewed by Megan Haserodt 03/01/2017 Model reviewed and approved by Geoff Delin =================================================================================================== OFR2017-1026 Description: The underlying subdirectories contain all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the report, MODFLOW-2000 (v 1.19.01) source and compiled executable codes, and Zonebudget (v 3.01) compiled executable code. Model files presented in this data release were modified from an existing, calibrated, steady-state model of the Snake Valley area, Utah and Nevada. SIR 2014-5103 ( documents the model construction and calibration of the pre-existing steady-state model. Modifications that were made to the input files are documented in OFR2017-1026 ( associated with this data release. The directory structure of the original model archive and files within each subdirectory are described below. =================================================================================================== Reconstructing the model archive from the online data release: This data release is available from: The models will run successfully only if the original model archive directory structure is correctly restored (see structure below). The data release is broken into several pieces to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (README.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the first subdirectory level. All zip files should be unzipped into a subdirectory with the same name as the zip file name without the .zip extension. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". These files should be unzipped and placed into a subdirectory named "georef". All zip files starting with "bin" should be unzipped and placed within a subdirectory named "bin" created at the same level as the "georef" subdirectory. Similarly, all zip files starting with "ancillary", "model", "output", and "source" should be unzipped and placed within an "ancillary", "model", "output", and "source" subdirectory, respectively, created at the same level as the "georef" and "bin" subdirectories. The directory structure of the original model archive is: OFR2017-1026 \ancillary \bin \georef \model \externalfiles \scenario1 \scenario2 \scenario3 \scenario3a \scenario3b \scenario3c \scenario3d \scenario3e \scenario4 \scenario5 \output \output.scenario1 \output.scenario2 \output.scenario3 \output.scenario3a \output.scenario3b \output.scenario3c \output.scenario3d \output.scenario3e \output.scenario4 \output.scenario5 \source This directory structure needs to be followed in order for the model(s) to run correctly. =================================================================================================== System requirements: The models contained in this data release were run successfully on computers running the following Windows operating systems (OS) -Dell laptop running Windows 7 Enterprise (Copyright 2009) with Service Pack 1 installed; the Dell laptop had an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60 GHz with 8GB RAM and a 64-bit operating system =================================================================================================== Running the model(s): Both the MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET simulations for Scenario 1 can be run by double clicking on the 'snake_sc1.bat' file in the model\scenario1 subdirectory. This will bring up a command prompt window which will record the simulation progress. Once the simulation has finished running, press any key to exit and close the command prompt window. All other scenarios can be run in the same way by double clicking on the snake_sc*.bat files in their respective model\scenario* subdirectories. List of .bat files for running the models for the 10 different scenarios: 1. Scenario 1 --- snake_sc1.bat 2. Scenario 2 --- snake_sc2.bat 3. Scenario 3 --- snake_sc3.bat 4. Scenario 3a -- snake_sc3a.bat 5. Scenario 3b -- snake_sc3b.bat 6. Scenario 3c -- snake_sc3c.bat 7. Scenario 3d -- snake_sc3d.bat 8. Scenario 3e -- snake_sc3e.bat 9. Scenario 4 --- snake_sc4.bat 10. Scenario 5 --- snake_sc5.bat The output from the simulations all have the same name but are created and saved in the appropriate output subdirectory. For example, the model results for Scenario 1 are saved to the output\output_scenario1 subdirectory. NOTE 1: The models must be run using the same directory structure as the original model archive (see instructions above). NOTE 2: The files in the model\externalfiles subdirectory are required to run the models. NOTE 3: Model results in the output subdirectory will be overwritten each time the model is run. NOTE 4: Model results in this data release can be post-processed using standard MODFLOW or user-preferred post-processing utilities. =================================================================================================== Subdirectory and file descriptions README.txt -- Documents the structure, directories and files, and instructions on how to run the model(s)for this data release. modelgeoref.txt -- ASCII file containing latitude and longitude coordinates of the four corners of the model domain. \ancillary(.zip)--This subdirectory contains ancillary files that may aid in the interpretation of model results documented in the report ( observations_zonebudget.csv -- Comma delimited table that relates observations to ZONEBUDGET zone numbers used for the observations CaptureGroups.csv ------------ Comma delimited table that relates observations to group names presented in NodeCaptureObs.shp and NodeRemainObs.shp \capture_budget_shp ---------- Shapefile of points used to interpolate capture maps for groundwater budget components \capture_observations_shp ---- Shapefile of points used to interpolate capture maps for specific observations or observation groups \drawdowns_sc1 --------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 1, in meters \drawdowns_sc2 --------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 2, in meters \drawdowns_sc3 --------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 3, in meters \drawdowns_sc3a -------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 3a, in meters \drawdowns_sc3b -------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 3b, in meters \drawdowns_sc3c -------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 3c, in meters \drawdowns_sc3d -------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 3d, in meters \drawdowns_sc3e -------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 3e, in meters \drawdowns_sc4 --------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 4, in meters \drawdowns_sc5 --------------- Shapefile of simulated drawdowns for each stress period for Scenario 5, in meters \remain_observations_shp ----- Shapefile of points used to interpolate discharge remaining maps for specific observations or observation groups \bin(.zip) -- This subdirectory contains the compiled executable codes for MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET used to run all simulation scenarios documented in the report ( mf2k.exe ---- Compiled executable code for MODFLOW-2000 (v. 1.19.01) zonbud.exe -- Compiled executable code for ZONEBUDGET (v. 3.01) \georef(.zip) -- This subdirectory contains a shapefile defining the extent of the model domain and active and inactive areas of the model grid documented in the report ( \model(.zip) -- This subdirectory contains all of the input files for all simulation scenarios documented in the report ( \externalfiles -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files common to all models cap.zon --------------- ZONEBUDGET Zone File input for discharge observations heads_start ----------- Starting heads file read by MODFLOW-2000 snake.bas6 ------------ MODFLOW-2000 Basic package input file snake.gmg ------------- MODFLOW-2000 GMG Liner Equation Solver Package input file snake.mult ------------ MODFLOW-2000 Multiplier file snake_tran.dis -------- MODFLOW-2000 Discretization file snake_tran.drn -------- MODFLOW-2000 Drain Package input file snake_tran.evt -------- MODFLOW-2000 Evapotranspiration Package input file snake_tran.ghb -------- MODFLOW-2000 General-Head Boundary Package input file snake_tran.hfb6 ------- MODFLOW-2000 Horizontal-Flow Barrier Package input file snake_tran.huf2 ------- Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow Package input file snake_tran.obh -------- MODFLOW-2000 Head-Observation Package input file snake_tran.oc --------- MODFLOW-2000 Output Control file snake_tran.rch -------- MODFLOW-2000 Recharge Package input file snake_tran.riv -------- MODFLOW-2000 River Package input file snake_tran.sen -------- MODFLOW-2000 Sensitivity input file ------- MODFLOW-2000 Zone file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time \scenario1 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 1 snake_sc1.bat --------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc1.nam --------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc1.obs --------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc1.wel --------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ------ ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario2 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 2 snake_sc2.bat --------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc2.nam --------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc2.obs --------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc2.wel --------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ------ ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario3 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 3 snake_sc3.bat --------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc3.nam --------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc3.obs --------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc3.wel --------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ------ ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario3a -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 3a snake_sc3a.bat -------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc3a.nam -------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc3a.obs -------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc3a.wel -------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ----- ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario3b -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 3b snake_sc3b.bat -------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc3b.nam -------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc3b.obs -------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc3b.wel -------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ----- ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario3c -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 3c snake_sc3c.bat -------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc3c.nam -------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc3c.obs -------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc3c.wel -------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ----- ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario3d -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 3d snake_sc3d.bat -------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc3d.nam -------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc3d.obs -------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc3d.wel -------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ----- ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario3e -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 3e snake_sc3e.bat -------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc3e.nam -------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc3e.obs -------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc3e.wel -------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ----- ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario4 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 4 snake_sc4.bat --------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc4.nam --------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc4.obs --------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc4.wel --------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ------ ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \scenario5 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET input files for Scenario 5 snake_sc5.bat --------- MS-DOS batch file for running MOFLOW-2000 and ZONBUDGET snake_sc5.nam --------- MODFLOW-2000 Name file; this is the file that MODFLOW-2000 reads to determine input and output files snake_sc5.obs --------- MODFLOW-2000 Observation file containing information applicable to all observations snake_sc5.wel --------- MODFLOW-2000 Well Package input file usgs.model.reference -- ASCII file containing data to register the model in space and time ------ ZONEBUDGET Main input file; this is the file that ZONEBUDGET reads to determine input and output files \output(.zip) -- This subdirectory contains all of the model output files for all simulation scenarios documented in the report ( \output.scenario1 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 1 budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc1.2.csv --- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc1.csv ----- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc1.zblst --- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc1._b -------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc1._nm ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc1._os ------- Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc1._r -------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc1._w -------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc1._ws ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc1._ww ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc1.list ------ Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario2 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 2 budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc2.2.csv --- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc2.csv ----- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc2.zblst --- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc2._b -------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc2._nm ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc2._os ------- Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc2._r -------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc2._w -------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc2._ws ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc2._ww ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc2.list ------ Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario3 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 3 budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc3.2.csv --- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc3.csv ----- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc3.zblst --- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc3._b -------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3._nm ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3._os ------- Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3._r -------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3._w -------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3._ws ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3._ww ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3.list ------ Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario3a -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 3a budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc3a.2.csv -- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc3a.csv ---- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc3a.zblst -- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc3a._b ------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3a._nm ------ NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3a._os ------ Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3a._r ------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3a._w ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3a._ws ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3a._ww ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3a.list ----- Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario3b -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 3b budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc3b.2.csv -- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc3b.csv ---- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc3b.zblst -- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc3b._b ------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3b._nm ------ NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3b._os ------ Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3b._r ------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3b._w ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3b._ws ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3b._ww ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3b.list ----- Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario3c -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 3c budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc3c.2.csv -- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc3c.csv ---- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc3c.zblst -- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc3c._b ------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3c._nm ------ NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3c._os ------ Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3c._r ------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3c._w ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3c._ws ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3c._ww ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3c.list ----- Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario3d -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 3d budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc3d.2.csv -- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc3d.csv ---- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc3d.zblst -- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc3d._b ------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3d._nm ------ NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3d._os ------ Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3d._r ------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3d._w ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3d._ws ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3d._ww ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3d.list ----- Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario3e -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 3e budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc3e.2.csv -- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc3e.csv ---- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc3e.zblst -- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc3e._b ------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3e._nm ------ NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3e._os ------ Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3e._r ------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3e._w ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3e._ws ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3e._ww ------ NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc3e.list ----- Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario4 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 4 budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc4.2.csv --- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc4.csv ----- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc4.zblst --- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc4._b -------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc4._nm ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc4._os ------- Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc4._r -------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc4._w -------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc4._ws ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc4._ww ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc4.list ------ Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \output.scenario5 -- MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET output files for Scenario 5 budget -------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated cell-by-cell flow budget file capture_sc5.2.csv --- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in rows capture_sc5.csv ----- ZONEBUDGET output file in comma-delimited file format where the zones (observations) defined in the model are displayed in columns capture_sc5.zblst --- ZONEBUDGET main output file that gives budgets for each zone (observation) defined in the model drawdown ------------ MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated drawdown file gmg_output ---------- GMG Liner Equation Solver Package output file heads --------------- MODFLOW-2000 unformatted (binary) simulated hydraulic heads snake_sc5._b -------- NOT USED;(Empty) file created as output from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc5._nm ------- NOT USED; weighted residuals and probability plotting positions; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc5._os ------- Unweighted drawdowns for each observation; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc5._r -------- NOT USED; unweighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc5._w -------- NOT USED; weighted residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc5._ws ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and residuals; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc5._ww ------- NOT USED; weighted simulated equivalents and observations; output file from MODFLOW-2000 Observation Process snake_sc5.list ------ Main listing file of model output, including model budget, from MODFLOW-2000 \source(.zip) -- This subdirectory contains standard model source codes and associated files for MODFLOW-2000 and ZONEBUDGET \mf2k.1_19.01 -- MODFLOW-2000 version 1.19.01 \Zonbud.3_01 --- ZONEBUDGET version 3.01