Publication: Powers, S.M., Labou, S.G., Baulch, H.M., Hunt, R.J., Lottig, N.R., Hampton, S.E., and Stanley, E.H., 2017, Ice duration drives winter nitrate accumulation in north temperate lakes: Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2(5): 177–186, Data Release: Hunt, R.J., and Walker, J.F., 2017, GSFLOW groundwater-surface water model 2016 update for the Trout Lake Watershed, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey data release, 07/10/2013 Original model archive was created. 12/12/2016 Model archive updated to meet new open data policy requirements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017 Update to the Trout Lake GSFLOW model/ Description and Documentation of Model Update: ----------------------------------------------- This model represents a minor 2016 update to the GSFLOW model documented in SIR 2013-5159 ( The recalibration of the fully coupled GSFLOW (PRMS-MODFLOW) model from SIR 2013-5159 was made to better simulate a new ojbective: groundwater inflow into a subset of lakes long studied at the Northern Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research site. In addition, the updated model extended the simulation period to 1975-2015 (first 13 years discarded as spin-up), as compared to 1988-2007 (first 12 years discarded as spinup) for the original GSFLOW model of SIR 2013-5159. The original model files were archived locally at the USGS office, in accordance with USGS policy effective when SIR 2013-5159 was published in 2013. These original files are available for download by contacting the Groundwater Specialist at the USGS Wisconsin Water Science Center. Groundwater discharge to lakes was not the primary focus of the Powers and others (2017) study; the groundwater flow model is mentioned briefly in the journal article. However, the availability of the USGS model allowed a superior estimate of this flux. This readme file provides documentation of the changes made to the original GSFLOW model. The original model design and calibration process is fully documented in SIR 2013-5159 ( ). For this update the following changes were made to the original model files: 1. The simulation period was extended to 1975-2015 (first 13 years discarded as spin-up) as compared to 1988-2007 (first 12 years discarded as spinup). This provided simulated fluxes for more current conditions. 2. The Gage Package (*.ggo) file read block used in the time-series processor TSPROC was changed to include both values from direct groundwater inflow to the lake (GW-Inflw)and GSFLOW calculated components overland flow(LAK-Runoff) and unsaturated zone seepage (UZF-Runoff)to the lake. This allowed for inclusion of groundwater seepage/springs adjacent to the lake in the total groundwater inflow to the lake, which is the quantity measured in the field by the lake stable isotope mass balance. 3. The calibration algorithm and approach was unchanged from that described in SIR 2013-5159. All original adjustable parameters and observations used in the SIR 2013-5159 PEST calibration were unchanged with the following exceptions. Observation parameter estimation weights were kept at values used in SIR 2013-5159 with the exception of weights for observations of groundwater inflow for Big Muskellunge, Crystal, and Sparkling Lakes; these were increased from 100 in 2013-5159 to 1000 so that the parameter estimation gave higher priority to those observations important for the associated publication. In addition, the vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity multipliers for layers 5 and 6 were changed from fixed to adjustable parameters. PEST version 14.0 was used for the recalibration. Model Archive Information -------------------------- This directory includes the steady-state initial-conditions run and the fully coupled transient model simulations used to estimate the groundwater fluxes used in the Powers and others (2017) study. It also includes model geospatial data and the GSFLOW (version 1.1.5) executable and source code, both of which are identical to that archived in the original GSFLOW model documented in SIR 2013-5159. Descriptions of the data in each subdirectory of this model archive are provided to facilitate understanding of this data release. File descriptions are provided for select files to provide additional information that may be of use for understanding this data release. The model simulations were run using 64-bit GSFLOW (v 1.1.5) archived here. Users are encouraged to review the model documentation report to understand the purpose, construction, and limitations of this model. Support is provided for correcting errors in the data release and clarification of the modeling conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Users are encouraged to review the model documentation report ( ) to understand the purpose, construction, and limitations of this model. Reconstructing the archive from the online data release: ------------------------------------------------------------- This data release is available from: The data release is divided into several zipped folders to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the subdirectory level. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". All zip files should be unzipped into a directory the follows the naming conventions and tructure of the master directory listed below. The master directory structure of the original data release is: Hunt2017_LandO_model/ bin/ georef/ model/ output/ source/ readme.txt modelgeoref.txt A full listing of sub-directories associated with this data release can be found below. System requirements: -------------------- The models contained in this data release were run using the gsflow_develop_wi_64.exe (v 1.1.5) executable located in the bin zip file in this data release. The models have been run successfully on computers running the following Windows operating systems (OS): o 64-bit Windows 7 OS (Service Pack 1) o 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Optional system requirements: ----------------------------- A portion of the steady-state and transient model results can be post-processed or viewed using standard MODFLOW post-processing utilities. All output is suitable for post-processing by user-preferred utilities. Running the model: --------------------- The simulation can be run by copying the gsflow_develop_wi_64.exe executable from the bin directory into the model inputs directory of interest, opening a command line/terminal/DOS box window at the inputs directory, and typing the name of the executable and the GSFLOW control file (.control). For the model archived here, type the following into a command line opened in the directory containing the model input: gsflow_develop_wi_64.exe troutlake42d_gsflow_thru_2015.control --OR – Double click the batch file located in the model directory: TL_GSFLOW_2016.bat Note, the steady state and transient runs are combined into a single model simulation with shared input. The generated output combines the steady-state initial condition results and transient model results into the same output files. The generated output are saved in the directory where the model is run. For comparison, a zip file of the output directory is provided as part of this archive. Files: --------------------- readme.txt : This file documents the structure, directories, input/output files, and instructions on how to run the model in this data release. modelgeoref.txt : ASCII file with the four corners of the model domain in decimal degrees. bin/ gsflow_develop_wi_64.exe Readme.txt Description: ----------- gsflow_develop_wi_64.exe is the executable file used to run the model simulations documented in this report. This executable is for a 64-bit Windows Operating System. See the GSFLOW documentation and files in source\ directory for more information. ZIP Files: ---------- georef/ Hunt2017_LandO_model(.dbf/shp/shx formats) readme.txt Description: ----------- This directory contains a shapefile defining the active and inactive areas of the model, as documented in the SIR 2013-5159 and reused in this recalibration. The readme.txt file provides projection information. ZIP Files: ---------- model/ Hunt2017_LandO_model/ readme. txt Description: ----------- This directory contains the combined input files for the steady-state initial condition and transient model simulations documented in the journal article. The initial condition steady-state model is the same as used in SIR 2013-5159. The fully coupled transient run was recalibrated to observed target values of heads, stream and lake groundwater inflows, lake levels, potential and actual evapotranspiration, and lake evaporation as described in SIR 2013-5159. Climatic drivers of precipitation, air maximum and minimum temperatures, and observed lake stages records of SIR 2013-5159 were extended to encompass the period 1975 through 2015. output/ readme.txt output.Hunt2017_LandO_model/ Description: ----------- This directory contains all of the output files for the fully coupled model used for the Powers and Others journal article (available online). Simulated results for the transient and steady-state simulation include the following files: *.cbb = MODFLOW binary cell – by – cell output *.ddn = MODFLOW drawdown file *.ggo = MODFLOW/GSFLOW Gage Package output *.hds = MODFLOW binary head output gsflow.out = mass balance summary report for GSFLOW water budget components gsflow.log = standard out report of GSFLOW model run gsflow_budget.out = PRMS report of problem dimensions in space and time gsflow_statvar.dat = text file that provides the PRMS model output that can be used with visualization and statistics programs SFRflow_9206.out = SFR output (empty) troutlake.csv = daily mass balance report for GSFLOW water budget components TL2007.lst = MODFLOW list file source/ Description: ----------- Source files to compile gsflow_develop_wi_64.exe, version 1.1.5 ZIP Files: ----------