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GIS Software:

The following links take you to sources for no-cost geographic information and data viewers:
  • ArcExplorer - A Windows 95-based data viewer that supports Shapefile vector and a variety of raster data (image) formats.
  • BASIN 4.0 - Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources - BASINS is a multi-purpose environmental analysis system that integrates GIS, national watershed data, and environmental assessment and modeling tools into one package.
  • DEM Viewer, DLG Viewer and DEM3D Viewer - Enhanced Windows 95, NT, and 2000-based viewer for USGS digital elevation model (DEM) data, Digital Line Graph data (DLG) and Digital Elevation Model 3 Dimensional data (DEM3D)
  • DLGV32 - Enhanced Windows -based viewer for USGS digital line graph (DLG) and digital raster graphic (DRG) data.
  • New England SPARROW Data Viewer- New England SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions on Watershed Attributes) are statistical models that provide a regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data for streams.
  • PCI Geomatics - FreeView, SPANS Observer, Demoware
  • LandView III - A Windows-based viewer for selected Census, EPA, USGS, and NOAA data bases.
  • LandView III product options.
The following links take you to manufacturers of desktop mapping, image processing, and geographic information systems software:
  • Capaware – an Open Source GIS, a C++ 3D GIS Framework with a multiple plugin architecture for geographic graphical analysis and visualization.
  • DeLorme Mapping - DeLorme offers a unique set of core competencies across the complex areas of map data (creation and management), software development, and integration with GPS
  • Environmental Systems Research Institute - ESRI develops geographic information systems (GIS) software that functions as an integral component of the desktop platform and has added a development framework and server platform software.
  • ERDAS - In 2010, ERDAS’ parent company, Hexagon, acquired Intergraph®. Intergraph was established in 1969 and ERDAS in 1978. ERDAS managed image processing and raster handling, while Intergraph built a vector-based strategy to build landbases and databases of geospatial intelligence.
  • FalconView – a mapping system created by the Georgia Tech Research Institute for the Windows family of operating systems. A free, open source version is available.
  • Golden Software, Inc. - Golden Software has been located in Golden, Colorado since its founding in March, 1983. Golden Software provides scientific graphics software, its customers include researchers in mining, engineering, and medicine, as well as thousands of applied scientists and engineers.
  • GRASS GIS – Originally developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, open source: a complete GIS
  • gvSIG – Open source GIS written in Java.
  • ILWIS – ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) integrates image, vector and thematic data.
  • JUMP GIS / OpenJUMP – (Open) Java Unified Mapping Platform (the desktop GIS OpenJUMP, SkyJUMP, deeJUMP and Kosmo emerged from JUMP;
  • Kalypso – an Open Source GIS (Java, GML3) and focuses mainly on numerical simulations in water management.
  • Leica Geosystems - Leica Geosystems offers a broad range of software solutions that seamlessly connect measurement sensors to provide maximum productivity from field data collection to final data presentation
  • PCI Geomatics - PCI Geomatics, founded in 1982, developes geo-imaging products and solutions, remote sensing and image processing tools - offering customized solutions to the geomatics community.
  • Quantum GIS – QGIS is an Open Source GIS that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows. MapWindow GIS – Free, open source GIS desktop application and programming component.
  • SAGA GIS – System for Automated Geoscientific Analysis- a hybrid GIS software. SAGA has a unique Application Programming Interface (API) and a fast growing set of geoscientific methods, bundled in exchangeable Module Libraries.
  • uDig – Open source GIS desktop application (API and source code (Java) available).
  • Whitebox GAT – Open source and transparent GIS software
The following are on-line services that provide maps and information:

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 22-Oct-2019 17:46:38 EDT