Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2023_WI_Campbell

Assessing Behaviors of Trout Anglers Related to Aquatic Invasive Species in the Upper Mississippi Basin

Institute: Wisconsin
USGS Grant Number:
Year Established: 2023 Start Date: 2024-01-01 End Date: 2025-12-31
Total Federal Funds: $130,992 Total Non-Federal Funds: $130,992

Principal Investigators: Tim Campbell, Adam Driscoll, Deidre Peroff

Project Summary: Aquatic invasive species have negative impacts on our environment and our economy. Wading anglers are water users that may accidentally move invasive species into streams in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. Despite their potential to transport invasive species, little is known about their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors regarding invasive species prevention. We will survey anglers from Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to understand what prevention actions they are currently performing while gathering information that can better target prevention messages to these anglers. Natural resource managers will be able to use this information to create and implement better aquatic invasive species outreach programs, while wading anglers will benefit from this information through the adoption of more sustainable fishing activities.