Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2013CA314B

CA-CIWR Information Transfer

Institute: California
Year Established: 2013 Start Date: 2013-03-01 End Date: 2014-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $6,650 Total Non-Federal Funds: $1,645

Principal Investigators: Doug Parker

Project Summary: While research on solutions to California's water problems is critical for meeting the State's needs, efforts are needed to translate and transfer University research. Implementation of solutions to California's water problems hinges upon education and outreach. The CIWR can serve a unique role in outreach and extension of UC and UCANR research results. CIWR will work with UCANR extension academics to find and promote adoption of solutions to California's water problems. This model of outreach can also be extended for research at other UC campuses. CIWR will promote information transfer and policy relevance of all projects that it funds. This will be done through sponsored workshops, conferences and other outreach events. Additional information transfer can take place through networking and presentations at academic and stakeholder events. CIWR will also work to coordinate research, education and extension at participating California Universities. We will host topical conferences that bring together researchers and stakeholders. We will also seek to coordinate California's academic community. This will be done through a variety of yet to be determined means. We are interested in hosting a UC wide conference on water that will highlight activities across the UC System. We may also seek to provide information on University research through web-based portals and blogs. During the 2013 funding cycle we will explore options for bringing together UC researchers and sharing research results. We expect to broaden this activity to non-UC institutions in futures years.