Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2011WI265B

University of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute - 5 Year Information Transfer Program

Institute: Wisconsin
Year Established: 2011 Start Date: 2011-03-01 End Date: 2016-02-29
Total Federal Funds: $85,333 Total Non-Federal Funds: $378,181

Principal Investigators: Moira Harrington

Project Summary: The Wisconsin Water Resources Institute's Information Transfer Program objectives are to document and publicize water resources research; enhance educational capability through training and public service; provide a wide range of information and outreach on water-related issues; and disseminate objective, science-based information to government agencies, the research community, the private sector and the public. To achieve these objectives, the Wisconsin Water Resources Institute maintains a website for the dissemination of water information; supports a library that collects, archives and then provides water-related printed and electronic materials to varied audiences; offers library reference services to interested individuals; sponsors conferences and workshops; produces and distributes videos and audio podcasts; and publishes and distributes a quarterly newsletter, fact sheets, technical reports, news releases, social media announcements of water-related topics, monthly listings of new library acquisitions and listings of noteworthy new water-related websites.