Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2006NJ102B

Cranberry Agriculture as Wildlife Habitat in the Pine Barrens Wetland Ecosystem

Institute: New Jersey
Year Established: 2006 Start Date: 2006-03-01 End Date: 2007-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $5,000 Total Non-Federal Funds: $10,893

Principal Investigators: Ai Wen, David Ehrenfeld

Project Summary: Research will determine how the ephadic features and landscape of cranberry bogs interact with historical and current cultivation in abandoned and active bogs, to provide habitats for flora and fauna associated with cranberry production. I hypothesize that active and abandoned bogs support different bird species during winter, depending on their dominant plant coverage, and whether they are flooded or not. This hypothesis will be tested by comparing the density and foraging time of indicator species in different bogs with various conditions.