Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2005WA114B

Information Transfer

Institute: Washington
Year Established: 2005 Start Date: 2005-03-01 End Date: 2011-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $49,289 Total Non-Federal Funds: $100,584

Principal Investigators: Michael Barber

Project Summary: Water shortages caused by complex interactions between climate variability, ecosystem processes, and increased demand from human activities destabilize economies and ecosystems. A report to the Washington State legislature summarizing the response to the drought of 2001 identified maintaining critical energy supplies, aiding State agriculture, protecting public water supplies, safeguarding fish and stream flows, and firefighting preparation as important issues caused by droughts. Water availability during drought periods in certain areas within the State has already reached crisis levels and the problems are expected to intensify as the effects of global climate change and population growth continue to alter the supply and demand patterns. Even under normal circumstances, many watersheds are now facing the real problem of allocating water between human and environmental needs as a result of the Endangered Species Act and water quality implications associated with TMDL requirements. These factors have accentuated the need for both research and public outreach programs concerning water-related issues facing the State of Washington. The impacts of urban growth and agricultural production will continue to affect the quality and quantity of water resources. Complex interactions and options will need to be understood by all stakeholders so that informed decisions can be made. The State of Washington Water Research Center is helping to address these challenges and opportunities through its research, education, and outreach missions. Information transfer through conferences, workshops, presentations, and personal contacts are vital components of this objective.