Water Resources Research Act Program

Details for Project ID 2003CO72B

Canal Modernization for Addressing Salinity Issues in the Arkansas Valley, Colorado

Institute: Colorado
Year Established: 2003 Start Date: 2003-03-01 End Date: 2004-02-28
Total Federal Funds: $7,491 Total Non-Federal Funds: $14,982

Principal Investigators: John Wilkins-Wells, Ramchand Oad

Project Summary: The future of the Arkansas Valley rests on efforts to find innovative ways to bring upstream and downstream users together to solve mutual water problems, particularly those associated with salinity management and canal modernization. This proposal is designed to identify options for canal modernization with canal company managers in the Arkansas Valley that fit within the constraints imposed by the Compact and Colorado water law. It is recognized that care must be taken in addressing such issues, given ongoing circumstances with the Compact. Relative to other basins in the Rocky Mountain region, it is believed that constraints in the Arkansas Valley may be the most severe currently being encountered. This is an applied research program for the purpose of evaluating canal modernization options, with a view that local communities and organizations must be involved to better manage salinity problems. The canal modernization research has several dimensions. These include legal issues surrounding canal modernization; investigating canal modernization potential; and investigating how canal modernization is expected to benefit water supply, reduced water logging and enhance salinity management.