US Geological Survey Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB) Watershed Program

WEBB Publications, 2003

Publications directly related to one or more WEBB sites [for Theses, meeting abstracts, and posters, see listing of publications on individual WEBB sites]:

Baedecker, M.J., 2003, Overview of the Water, Energy, Biogeochemical Budgets Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, in Renard, K.G., McElroy, S.A., Gburek, W.J., Canfield, H. E., and Scott, R.L., eds. 2003. First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, October 27-30, 2003: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, p. 30-35. (pdf format)

Burns, D.A., Plummer, L.N., McDonnell, J.J., Busenberg, E., Casile, G.C., Kendall, C., Hooper, R.P., Freer, J.E., Peters, N.E., Beven, K., and Schlosser, P., 2003, The geochemical evolution of riparian ground water in a forested piedmont catchment: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 913-925.

Clow, D.W., Schrott, L., Webb, R.M., Campbell, D.H., and Dornblaser, M.M., 2003, Groundwater occurrence and contributions to streamflow in an alpine catchment, Colorado Front Range, USA: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 937-950.

Clow, D.W., Sickman, J.O., Striegl, R.G., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Elliott, J.G., Dornblaser, M.M., Roth, D.A., and Campbell, D.H., 2003, Changes in the chemistry of lakes and precipitation in high-elevation National Parks in the western United States, 1985-99: Water Resources Research, v. 39, no. 6, p. 1171, doi: 10.1029/2002WR001533.

Hooper, R.P, 2003, Diagnostic tools for mixing models of stream chemistry: Water Resources Research, v. 39, no. 3, p. 1055, doi:10.1029/2002WR001528.

Hunt, R.J., Pint, C.D., and Anderson, M.P., 2003, Using Diverse Data Types to Calibrate a Watershed Model of the Trout Lake Basin, Northern Wisconsin, in MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the International Ground Water Modeling Center, Golden, CO, Colorado School of Mines, p. 600-604.

Huntington, T.G, 2003, Climate warming could reduce runoff significantly in New England: Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, v. 117, p. 193-201.

John, R., Pint, C.D., Anderson, M.P., and Hunt, R.J., 2003, The Effects of Potential Climate Change on Lake Levels and Lake Capture Zones, in MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the International Ground Water Modeling Center, Golden, CO, Colorado School of Mines, p. 212-216.

Landers, D.H., Simonich, S.L., Campbell, D.H., Erway, M.M., Geiser, L.H., Jaffe, D.A., Kent, M.L., Shreck, C.B., Blett, T.F., and Taylor, H.E., 2003, Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Program Research Plan: US Environmental Protection Agency EPA/600/R-03/035, 115 p. and appendices. (pdf format, 7.2 MB)

Nanus, L., Campbell, D.H., Ingersoll, G.P., Clow, D.W., and Mast, M.A., 2003, Atmospheric deposition maps for the Rocky Mountains: Atmospheric Environment, v. 37, no. 35, p. 4881-4892.

Peters, N.E., Freer, J., and Aulenbach, B.T., 2003, Hydrologic dynamics of the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 973-988.

Peters, N.E., Freer, J., and Beven, K.J. 2003, Modeling hydrologic responses in a small forested catchment (Panola Mountain, Georgia, USA) — a comparison of the original and a new dynamic TOPMODEL: Hydrological Processes, v. 17, no. 2, p. 345-362.

Pint, C.N., Hunt, R.J., and Anderson, M.P., 2003, Flow Path Delineation and Ground Water Age, Allequash Basin, Wisconsin: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 895-902.(pdf format)

Shanley, J.B., Hjerdt, K.N., McDonnell, J.J., and KendallC., 2003, Shallow water table fluctuations in relation to soil penetration resistance: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 964-972.

Turner, B.F., Stallard, R.F., and Brantley, S.L., 2003, Investigation of quartz diorite weathering in the Rio Icacos Basin, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico: Chemical Geology, v. 202, p. 313-341.

Walker, J.F., Hunt, R.J., Bullen, T.D., Krabbenhoft, D.P., and Kendall, C., 2003, Variability of isotope and major ion chemistry in the Allequash basin, Wisconsin: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 883-894. (pdf format)

Webb, R.M., Peters, N.E., Shanley, J.B., and Aulenbach, B.T. Relations between hydrologic conditions and net solute flux at the five U. S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budget (WEBB) watersheds, in Renard, K.G., McElroy, S.A., Gburek, W.J., Canfield, H. E., and Scott, R.L., eds. 2003. First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, October 27-30, 2003: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, p. 332-339. (pdf format)

White, A.F., 2003, Natural weathering rates of silicate minerals, in Drever, J.I., ed., Surface and Ground Water, Weathering and Soils, Treatise on Geochemistry, v. 5, chapter 5: Elsevier.

Additional publications related to objectives of the WEBB program:

Bricker, O.P., Jones, B.F., and Bowser, C.J., 2003, Mass-balance approach to interpreting weathering reactions, in Drever, J.I., ed., Surface and Ground Water, Weathering and Soils, Treatise on Geochemistry, v. 5, chap 4: New York, Elsevier, p. 119-132.

Bossong, C.R., Caine, J.S., Stannard, D.I., Flynn, J.L., Stevens, M.R., and Heiny-Dash, J.S., 2003, Hydrologic conditions and assessment of water resources in the Turkey Creek Watershed, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1998-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4034, 140 pgs.

Cayan, D., VanScoy, M., Dettinger, M.D., and Helly, J., 2003, The wireless watershed at the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve: Southwest Hydrology, v. 2, no. 5, p. 18-19.

Dean, W.E., Neff, B.P., Rosenberry, D.O., Winter, T.C., Parkhurst, R., 2003, The significance of ground water to the accumulation of iron and manganese in the sediments of two hydrologically distinct lakes in North-Central Minnesota: A geological perspective: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 951-963.

Gonzales-Bonorino, G., Osterkamp, W.R., and Pinol, C., 2003, An averaging procedure for applying the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to disturbed mountain watersheds: Geogaceta, v. 33, p. 51-54.

Gray, J.R., Melis, T.S, Patiño, Eduardo, Larsen, M.C., Topping, D.J., Rasmussen, P.P., and Figueroa-Alama, Carlos, 2003, U.S. Geological Survey research on surrogate measurements for suspended sediment, in Renard, Kenneth, G., McElroy, Stephen A., Gburek, William J., Canfield, H. Evan, and Scott, Russell L., eds., Proceedings of the 1st Interagency Conference on Research in Watersheds: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, October 27-30, 2003, Benson, Arizona, p. 95-100. (pdf format)

Gray, J.R., Patiño, Eduardo, Rasmussen, P.P., Larsen. M.C., Melis, T.S., Topping, D.J., and Alamo, C.F., 2003, Evaluation of sediment surrogate technologies for computation of suspended-sediment transport: Proceedings of the 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, the Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House, v. III, p. 314-323.

Hunt, R.J., 2003, Ground Water - Lake interaction modeling using the LAK3 Package for MODFLOW2000: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 2, p. 114-118.

Hunt, R.J., Haitjema, H.M., Krohelski, J.T., and Feinstein, D.T., 2003, Simulating ground water-lake interactions: approaches and insights: Ground Water v. 41, no. 2, p. 227-237.

Kendall, C., and Doctor, D.H., 2003, Stable isotope applications in hydrologic studies, in Drever, J.I., ed., Surface and ground water, weathering, and soils: Treatise on Geochemistry, v. 5, p. 319-364.

Leavesley, G.H., Hay, L.E., Viger, R.J., and Markstrom, S.L., 2003, Use of a priori parameter-estimation methods to constrain calibration of distributed-parameter models: in Duan, Q., Gupta, H.V., Sorooshian, S., Rousseau, A.N., and Turcotte, eds., Calibration of Watershed Models, Water, Science and Application 6, American Geophysical Union, p. 255-266.

Mosner, M.S., and Aulenbach, B.T., 2003, Comparison of methods used to estimate lake evaporation for a water budget for Lake Seminole, southwestern Georgia and northwestern Florida, in Hatcher, K.J., ed., Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 23–24, 2003: Institute of Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 4 p. (published on CD-ROM; link is in pdf format)

Muths, E., Campbell, D.H., and P.S. Corn, P.S., 2003, Hatching success in salamanders and chorus frogs at two sites in Colorado, USA: effects of acidic deposition and climate: Amphibia-Reptilia, v. 24, p. 27-36.

Osterkamp, W.R., and Gray, J.R., 2003, A proposed international watershed research network: Proceedings, First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, Benson, AZ, October 28-30, 2003, p. 292-295. (pdf format)

Peters, N.E. 2003, Controlling land-based nutrient sources and transport: integration of science, management and policy: Proceedings of the Rotorua Lakes 2003: Practical Management for Good Lake Water Quality, October 9-10, 2003, Rotorua, New Zealand, Lakes Water Quality Society, Rotorua, New Zealand, p. 44-63.

Peters, N.E., Lawrence, S.J., Reynolds, Brian, and Johnes, P.J., 2003, Uncertainty of water-quality predictions: river quality indices and models: Toward Catchment Hydrosolidarity in a World of Uncertainties - Proceedings of the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) Seminar, SIWI Report 18, p. 43-56.

Rosenberry, D.O., 2003, The Significance of Ground Water in Small Watershed Studies [editorial]: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 881-882.

Rosenberry, D.O., Dean, W.E., Duff, J.H., LaBaugh, J.W., Reddy, M.M., Schuster, P.S., Striegl, R.G., Triska, F.J., and Winter, T.C., 2003, Exchange of water, solutes, and nutrients at the sediment-water interface affects a northern Minnesota watershed at multiple scales, in Renard, K.G., McElroy, S.A., Gburek, W.J., Canfield, H. E., and Scott, R.L., eds. 2003. First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, October 27-30, 2003: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, p. 468-473. (pdf format)

Sickman, J.O., Leydecker, A., Chang, C.C.Y., Kendall, C., Melack, J.M., Lucero, D.M., and Schimel, J., 2003, Mechanisms underlying export of N from high elevation catchments during seasonal transitions: Biogeochemistry, v. 64, p. 1-24.

Sickman, J.O., Melack, J.M., and Clow, D.W., 2003, Evidence for nutrient enrichment of high-elevation lakes in the Sierra Nevada, California: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 48, no. 5, p. 1885-1892. (pdf format)

Winter, T.C., ed., 2003, Hydrological, chemical, and biological characteristics of a prairie pothole wetland complex under highly variable climate conditions : the Cottonwood Lake area, east-central North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1675, 109p.

Winter, T.C., Rosenberry, D.O., and LaBaugh, J.W., 2003, Where Does the Ground Water in Small Watersheds Come From?: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 7, p. 989-1000.

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Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey
WEBB Program || Last Updated: 6/11/2010
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