Aulenbach, B.T., Hooper, R.P., and Bricker, O.P. 1996, Trends in precipitation and surface-water chemistry in a national network of small watersheds. Hydrological Processes, v. 10, no. 2, p.b 151-181.
Bullen, T.D., Krabbenhoft, D.P., and Kendall, C., 1996, Kinetic and mineralogic controls on the evolution of groundwater chemistry and 87Sr/86Sr in a sandy silicate aquifer, northern Wisconsin, USA: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 60, no. 10, p. 1807-1821.
Clow, D.W., and Drever, J.I., 1996, Weathering rates as a function of flow through an alpine soil: Chemical Geology, v. 132, p. 131-141.
Williams, M.W., Baron, J.S., Caine, N., and Sommerfeld, R., 1996, Nitrogen saturation in the Rocky Mountains: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 30, p. 640-646.
Huntington, T.G., 1996, Predicting watershed acidification under alternate rainfall conditions: Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 90, p. 429-450.
Huntington, T.G., 1996, Global warming: role of recovering North American forests in offsetting greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels: U.S. Geological Survey Yearbook, Fiscal Year 1995, p. 6-27.
Huntington, T.G., Hooper, R.P., and Murdoch, P.S., 1996, Small watershed studies: analytical approaches for understanding ecosystem response to environmental change: Watershed '96 --Moving Ahead Together, Technical Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland, June 8-12, 1996, Water and Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA, p. 783-786.
Larsen, M.C., Torres Sánchez, A.J., 1996, Climatologic, geographic, and geologic factors influencing the distribution and occurrence of landslides in the Blanco, Cibuco, and Coamo river basins, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 95-4029, 56 p.
McDonnell, J., Freer, J., Hooper, R., Kendall, C., Burns, D., Beven, K., and Peters, J. 1996, New method developed for studying flow on hillslopes. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union v. 77, no. 47, p. 465-472.
Ratcliffe, E.B., Peters, N.E., and Tranter, M., 1996, Chapter 6, Short-term hydrological responses of soil water and groundwater to rainstorms in a deciduous forest hillslope, Georgia, USA., in Anderson, M.G., and S.M. Brooks, S.M., eds., Advances in Hillslope Processes: Chichester, Wiley, p. 129-148.
Church, T.M., Scudlark, J.R., Bricker, O.P., and Rice, K.C., 1997, Transmission of atmospherically deposited trace elements through an undeveloped, forested Maryland watershed: Maryland Department of Natural Resources Report, CB 93-005-002, 59p.
Heathwaite, A.L., Johnes, P.J., and Peters, N.E., 1996, Trends in Nutirents: Hydrological Processes, v. 10, no. 2, p. 263-293.
Ingersoll, G.P., 1996, Snowpack chemistry at selected sites in northwestern Colorado during Spring 1995: Denver, Colorado, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File 96-411, 16 p.
Kendall, C., Silva, S.R., Chang, C.C.Y., Burns, D.A.,Campbell, D.H., and Shanley, J.B., 1996, Use of the Delta 18-O and Delta 15-N of nitrate to determine sources of nitrate in early spring runoff in forested catchments: International Symposium on Isotopes in Water Resources Management, v. 1, p. 167-176.
Leavesley, G.H., Grant, G.E., Markstrom, S.L., Viger, R.J, and Brewer, M.S., 1996, A modular modeling approach to watershed analysis and ecosystem management, in Proceedings Watershed '96 Conference, June 8-12, 1996, Baltimore, MD, p. 794-797.
O'Brien, A.K., Rice, K.C., Bricker, O.P., Kennedy, M.M., and Anderson, R.T., 1997, Use of geochemcial mass balance modeling to evaluate the role of weathering in determining stream chemistry in five mid-Atlantic watersheds on different lithologies: Hydrological Processes, v. 11, p. 719-744.
Rice, K. C., and Bricker, O.P., 1996, Hydrologic and geochemical factors affecting the chemistry of small headwater streams in response to acidic deposition on Catoctin Mountain, north-central Maryland: Water Resources Investigations Report 95-4155, 63p.
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