Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets(WEBB)Publications, 1994
Publications directly related to one or more WEBB sites [for Theses, meeting abstracts, posters, and publications by scientists from universities or other Government Agencies, see listing of publications on individual WEBB sites]:
Clow, D.W., and Ingersoll, G.I., 1994, Particulate carbonate matter in snow from selected sites in the south-central Rocky Mountains: Atmospheric Environment, v. 28, no. 4, p. 575-584. (pdf*)
Drever, J.I., Murphy, K.M., and Clow, D.W., 1994, Field weathering rates versus laboratory dissolution rates--An update: Mineralogical Magazine, v. 58A, p. 239-240.
Krabbenhoft, D.P., Bowser, C.J., Kendall, C., and Gat, J.R., 1994, Use of oxygen-18 and deuterium to assess the hydrology of groundwater-lake systems, in Baker, L.A., ed., Environmental Chemistry of Lakes and Reservoirs, American Chemical Society, p. 67-90.
Huntington, T.G., Hooper, R.P., and Aulenbach, B.T., 1994, Hydrologic processes controlling sulfate mobility in a small forested watershed: Water Resources Research, v. 30, no. 2, p. 283-295. (pdf format*, 1270 KB, published by the American Geophysical Union, not subject to U.S. copyright)
Lins, H.F., 1994, Recent directions taken in water, energy, and biogeochemical budget research: EOS transactions, v. 75, no. 38, p. 433, 438-439.
Peters, N.E. 1994, Variations in precipitation and stream water quality in a forested piedmont catchment, Georgia, USA., in Peters, N.E., Allan, R.J., and Tsirkinov, V., eds., Hydrological, chemical and biological processes of transformation and transport of contaminants in aquatic environments: IAHS Publication 219, 399-408. (pdf format*, 687 KB)
Peters, N.E., 1994, Water-quality variations in a forested piedmont catchment, Georgia, USA: Journal of Hydrology, v. 156, p. 73-90.
White, A.F., 1994, Chemical weathering rates of silicate minerals in soils, in White, A.F., and Brantley, S.L., eds., Chemical Weathering Rates of Silicate Minerals, Reviews in Mineralogy, v. 31, p. 407-461.
Zack, Allen, and Larsen, M.C., 1994, Island hydrology: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands: National Geographic Research & Exploration: Water Issue, p. 126-134.
Additional publications related to objectives of the WEBB program:
Jenkins, A., Peters, N.E., and Rohde, A., 1994, Chapter 2 - Hydrology, in Moldan, B., and Cerny, J., eds., Biogeochemistry of Small Catchments: A Tool for Environmental Research: SCOPE Report 51, Chichester, England, John-Wiley and Sons, p. 31-54. (pdf format*, 8.5 MB)
Keller, M., and Stallard, R.F., 1994, Methane emission by bubbling from Gatun Lake, Panama: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, no. D4, p. 8307-8319.
Peters, N.E. 1994, Chapter 9 - Hydrologic studies, in Moldan, B., and Cerny J., eds., Biogeochemistry of Small Catchments: A Tool for Environmental Research: SCOPE Report 51, Chichester, England, John-Wiley and Sons, p. 207-228. (pdf format, 7 MB)
Peters, N.E., Allan, R.J., and Tsirkinov, V., eds., 1994, Hydrological, chemical and biological processes of transformation and transport of contaminants in aquatic environments: IAHS Publication 219, 452 p.
White, A.F., and Blum, A.E., 1994, Effects of climate on chemical weathering in watersheds underlain by grantoid rocks: Mineralogical Magazine 58A, p. 967-969.
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