Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB) Program

Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets(WEBB)Publications, 1992

Publications directly related to one or more WEBB sites [for Theses, meeting abstracts, and posters, see listing of publications on individual WEBB sites]:

Baron, J., and Mast, M.A., 1992, Regional characterization and setting, in Baron, J., ed., Biogeochemistry of a subalpine ecosystem - Loch Vale Watershed: New York, Springer-Verlag Ecological Study Series No. 90, p. 12-27.

Baron, J., Walthall, P.M., Mast, M.S., and Arthur, M., 1992, Soils, in Baron, J., ed., Biogepchemistry of a subalpine ecosystem - Loch Vale Watershed: New York, Springer-Verlag Ecological Study Series No. 90, p. 108-141.

Christophersen, N. and Hooper, R.P.,1992, Multivariate analysis of stream water quality: the use of principal components for the end-member mixing problem: Water Resources Research, v. 28, p. 99-107.

Elder, J.F., Krabbenhoft, D.P., and Walker, J.F., 1992, Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB) program: data availability and research at the northern temperate lakes site, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 92-48, 15 p.

Hooper, R.P. and Christophersen, Nils, 1992, Predicting episodic stream acidification in the southeastern United States - combining a long-term acidification model and the end-member mixing concept: Water Resources Research, v. 28, p. 1983-1990.

Larsen, M.C., and Torres-Sánchez, A.J., 1992, Landslides triggered by Hurricane Hugo in eastern Puerto Rico, September 1989: Caribbean Journal of Science, v. 28, no. 3-4, p. 113-125. (PDF format)

Mast, M.A., 1992, Geochemical characteristics, in Baron, J.S., ed., Biogeochemistry of a subalpine ecosystem: Loch Vale Watershed: New York, Springer-Verlag Ecological Study Series No. 90, p. 93-107.

Pangburn, T., Albert, M.R., Hardy, J.P., McGilvary, W.R., and Shanley, J.B., 1992, Characterization of hillslope thermal and hydrologic processes at the Sleepers River Research Watershed, for Eastern Snow Conference, 49th Annual Meeting, Oswego, N.Y., June 3-4, 1992, Proceedings: Oswego, N.Y., p. 161-167.

Shanley, J.B. ,1992, Sulfur retention and release in soils at Panola Mountain, Georgia: Soil Science, v. 153, no. 6, p. 499-508.

Turk, J.T., Campbell, D.H., Ingersoll, G.P., and Clow, D.W., 1992, Initial findings of synoptic snowpack sampling in the Colorado Rocky Mountains: Denver, Colorado, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-645, 6 p.

Additional publications related to objectives of the WEBB program:

Acker, J.G., and Bricker, O.P, 1992, The 'simplest' watershed; an in-situ study of bedrock-atmospheric deposition reactions, in Kharaka, Y.K., and Maest, A.S., Proceedings of the 7th international Symposum on Water-Rock Interaction, July 9-23, 1992, Park City Utah: Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, p. 533-536.

Bricker, O.P., Paces, T., Johnson, C.E., and Sverdrup, H., 1002, Weathering and erosion aspects of small catchment research, in Moldan, B., and Cerny, J., eds., Biogeochemistry of Small Catchments - A Tool for Enviromental Research: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 87-108.

Johnson, A.H., Friedland, A.J., Miller, E.K., Battles, J.J., Huntington, T.G., Vann, D. R., and Grombeck, G. R., 1992, Regional evaluations of acid deposition effects on forests, Eastern spruce-fir, in Johnson, D.W., and S.E. Lindberg, S.E., eds., Atmospheric deposition and forest nutrient cycling: Ecological Studies Volume 91 New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 496-525.

Johnson, C.E., Litaor, M.I., Billet, M.F., Bricker, O.P., 1992, Chemical weathering in small catchments - Climatic and antrhopogenic influences, in Moldan, B., and Cerny, J., eds., Biopgeochemistry of Small Catchments - A Tool for Enviromental Research: New York, John Wiley and Sons, p. 313-328.

Kendall, C., Mast, M.A., and Rice, K.C., 1992, Tracing watershed weathering reactions with 13C, in Kharaka, Y.K., and Maest, A.S., Proceedings of the 7th international Symposum on Water-Rock Interaction, July 9-23, 1992, Park City Utah: Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, p. 569-572.

Ryan, D.F. Huntington, T.G., and Martin, C.W., 1992, Redistribution of soil nitrogen, carbon and organic matter by mechanical disturbance during whole tree harvesting in northern hardwoods: Forest Ecology and Management, v. 49, p. 87-99.

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