README IPhreeqc--Modules Based on the Geochemical Model PHREEQC for Use in Scripting and Programming Languages This file describes how to compile the IPhreeqc library and use it in C++, C, and Fortran programs. The library may be compiled after generating either a Visual Studio solution for Windows with CMake or a Makefile for Linux with configure. All source and compilation-related files are available at the following web site: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Distribution file B. Documentation C. Installing Windows COM versions D. Downloading and unzipping the distribution file E. Linux compiling, testing, and installing the IPhreeqc library F. Windows compiling, testing, and installing the IPhreeqc library G. Using the library H. Contacts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Distribution file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following distribution packages (containing the software, compilation-related files, and an advection example in C++, C, and Fortran) are available for Linux and Windows: IPhreeqcCOM-3.7.3-15968-win32.msi Windows IPhreeqcCOM-3.7.3-15968-x64.msi Windows Windows iphreeqc-3.7.3-15968.tar.gz Linux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Documentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions and examples of IPhreeqc methods for C++, C, and Fortran are available in HTML format in the doc directory of the distribution. Charlton, S.R., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2011, Modules based on the geochemical model PHREEQC for use in scripting and programming languages: Computers & Geosciences, vol. 37, no. 10, p. 1653-1663. *The following two user's guides are available in electronic format. Portable Document Format (PDF) files are included in the doc subdirectory of all PHREEQC program distributions. Parkhurst, D.L., and Appelo, C.A.J., 2013, Description of input and examples for PHREEQC version 3--A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one- dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A43, 497 p. Parkhurst, D.L., and Appelo, C.A.J., 1999, User's guide to PHREEQC (Version 2)-- A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4259, 312 p. *The following two reports document the theory and implementation of isotopes in PHREEQC. Portable Document Format (PDF) of Thorstenson and Parkhurst (2002) is included in the doc subdirectory of the PHREEQC program distribution. Thorstenson, D.C., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2002, Calculation of individual isotope equilibrium constants for implementation in geochemical models: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4172, 129 p. Thorstenson, D.C., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2004, Calculation of individual isotope equilibrium constants for geochemical reactions: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 68, no. 11, p. 2449-2465. *Brief description of the program PhreeqcI. Charlton, S.R., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2002, PhreeqcI--A graphical user interface to the geochemical model PHREEQC: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-031-02, 2 p. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Installing Windows COM versions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 64-bit computers, download both 32- and 64-bit versions: IPhreeqcCOM-3.7.3-15968-win32.msi IPhreeqcCOM-3.7.3-15968-x64.msi Double click on each .msi file and follow the instructions. IPhreeqcCOM is installed and ready to use for 32- and 64-bit applications. To test the COM, you can open the Excel file and run the "runphreeqc" macro (view->macros): C:\Program Files\USGS\IPhreeqcCOM 3.2.0-9755\examples\com\excel\runphreeqc.xls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Downloading and unzipping the distribution file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the steps using gunzip, 7zip, or other compression program that can unzip a tar.gz/zip file: Steps in extracting files Explanation ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- gunzip iphreeqc-3.7.3-15968.tar.gz Uncompress the tar.gz file. tar -xvpof iphreeqc-3.7.3-15968.tar Extract files from the tar file. The directory iphreeqc-3.7.3-15968 is created when the files are extracted; if this directory already exists, you may want to delete or rename it before extracting the files. The following directory structure is created (the contents of each directory are shown to the right): iphreeqc-3.7.3-15968 Source code and configure/CMake files ./config More configure files ./database Database files for PHREEQC ./doc Documentation files ./examples Advection example for Fortran, C++, and C ./src Source code for IPhreeqc ./tests Tests that check that C++, C, and Fortran(optional) are able to compile, link and run. Note: A compiled executable is not included in the distribution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Linux compiling, testing, and installing the IPhreeqc library ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In general, to compile the software, you will need: (a) a C++ compiler, and (b) knowledge of configure, Make, the compiler, and the Linux operating system. A Makefile is generated by configure, and the Makefile is used to compile, test, and install the software. E.1. Change directory to the directory that was extracted from the tar file. cd iphreeqc-3.7.3-15968 E.2. Make a directory, for example, build. mkdir build E.3. Change directory to build. cd build E.4. Run configure Many of the options for configure can be seen by typing: ../configure --help Most common options: --prefix=dir specifies the directory for installation of the library. Default is /usr/local, $HOME would install to your home directory. --enable-fortran-test=yes specifies that you do want to include the Fortran test files during "make check", which compiles, links, and runs programs that use IPhreeqc. Run configure as follows: ../configure [options] E.5. Compile the IPhreeqc library make [-j 4] Optionally, use -j n--where n is the number of compilations make runs in parallel. E.6. Compile and run the test cases. The files in the directory tests are compiled and linked to the IPhreeqc library. The Fortran files are optionally included (--enable-fortran-test configure option). make check E.7. Install the IPhreeqc library. By default the program is installed in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc. Alternatively, the directory defined by --prefix in the configure command is used. make install The locations of various files are given for default installation (no --prefix definition). Libraries: /usr/local/lib/libiphreeqc.a (Static library) /usr/local/lib/ (Shared object library) /usr/local/lib/ (libtool library file) Include files: C++ and C headers for user's code: /usr/local/include/IPhreeqc.h (C header) /usr/local/include/IPhreeqc.hpp (C++ header) Optionally, user's code may need one or more of the following: /usr/local/include/Var.h /usr/local/include/IPhreeqcCallbacks.h /usr/local/include/Keywords.h /usr/local/include/PHRQ_io.h Documentation: /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/IPhreeqc.pdf /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/html/index.html (IPhreeqc API) /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/RELEASE (Release notes) /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/README (this readme file) /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/NOTICE (User rights notice) Databases: /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/database Amm.dat ColdChem.dat core10.dat frezchem.dat iso.dat llnl.dat minteq.dat minteq.v4.dat phreeqc.dat pitzer.dat sit.dat Tipping_Hurley.dat wateq4f.dat Advection example for Fortran, C++, and C: /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/examples Fortran interface /usr/local/share/doc/iphreeqc/src/IPhreeqc_interface.F90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Windows compiling, testing, and installing the IPhreeqc library ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In general, to compile the IPhreeqc library, you will need: (a) CMake (build process manager) (b) a C++ compiler, (c) familiarity with the compiler and the Windows operating system. F.1. Download and install CMake CMake can be downloaded from If you download the executable, CMake is installed when you execute it. F.2 Generate a Visual Studio solution CMake has many options other than Visual Studio, but here we assume that you are using some version of Visual Studio. On the first use of CMake, it may be necessary to close all Visual Studio instances. Open CMake. Fill in the top two lines. Where is the source code: The top level directory (ie c:/iphreeqc-3.7.3-15968). Where to build the binaries: A new directory. It is suggested that the name of the directory include the characteristics of the library that is built, including the VS version, 32/64 bit, dll/lib. for example, vs2012_64_dll. Click Configure. From the pulldown menu select the 64-bit version for your Visual Studio. Normally, the default radio button should be sufficient. Click Finish. Options in the top panel: (1) BUILD_SHARED_LIBS--If checked, .dll files will be created. If not checked, a .lib file will be created. Note that .dll files have a .lib file associated with them, but it is not the same .lib generated when BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is not checked. (2) CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX--Sets the the install directory where the library and header files will be saved. It is suggested that an INSTALL directory be defined inside the directory chosen for the binaries. (3) BUILD_CLR_LIBS--If checked, will compile the CLR version of the library. This will enable the charting capabilities of phreeqc through the use of Zedgraph. This option is only available if BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is checked. (4) IPHREEQC_ENABLE_MODULE--Uncheck if you want to use the deprecated (old-style) include file ( or to define IPhreeqc in Fortran files. Leave checked to use IPhreeqc as a Fortran module (USE IPhreeqc), which is recommended. Leave checked if not using Fortran. (5) IPHREEQC_FORTRAN_TESTING--Sets whether the test calculations (tests directory) will include Fortran test files. A Fortran compiler is required. Click Configure until the screen is not red. If the screen remains red, you will have to deal with the CMake error messages. Click Generate. You should now have a Visual Studio solution file (.sln) in the directory chosen for the binaries (second line of CMake screen). At any point, you can delete the contents of the directory and start over. You can make solutions for different Visual Studios, or different options in other directories. F.3. Compile and install IPhreeqc Open the Visual Studio solution in the build directory defined in CMake. The default configuration is "Debug". If you want a release libraries (or dlls) and examples, change the configuration to "Release". Build ALL_BUILD. IPhreeqc is compiled. Build RUN_TESTS. Programs that test IPhreeqc are compiled and run, and optionally (CMake IPHREEQC_FORTRAN_TESTING option) the Fortran test project. Build INSTALL. The libraries, header files, Fortran module source files, phreeqc database files, and documentation are installed in the install directory selected in CMake. Install\library directory (lib or dll) may include: IPhreeqc.lib (Release) IPhreeqcd.lib (Debug) IPhreeqcmsr.lib (MinSizeRel) IPhreeqcrwdi.lib (RelWithDebInfo) IPhreeqc.dll (Release Shared) IPhreeqcd.dll (Debug Shared) IPhreeqcmsr.dll (MinSizeRel Shared) IPhreeqcrwdi.dll (RelWithDebInfo Shared) ZedGraph.dll (CLR/Charting) Install\include files: C++ and C headers for user's code: IPhreeqc.hpp (C++ header) IPhreeqc.h (C header) Optionally, you may need one or more of the following: Var.h IPhreeqcCallbacks.h Keywords.h PHRQ_io.h Install\src files: To use IPhreeqc in Fortran: IPhreeqc_interface.F90 Install\Database files: Amm.dat frezchem.dat iso.dat llnl.dat minteq.dat minteq.v4.dat phreeqc.dat pitzer.dat sit.dat wateq4f.dat Install\doc files: IPhreeqc.pdf IPhreeqc journal article html\index.html IPhreeqc API documentation NOTICE User rights notice README This readme file RELEASE Release notes Install\examples files: c, cpp, fortran Advection example Note: In order to use the CLR version (Charting) the Zedgraph.dll file must be registered either by installing the Phreeqc or the PhreeqcI MSI, or through the use of the Visual Studio Tool gacutil. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Using the library ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.1. C++ In C++, you will include the IPhreeqc.hpp header file and create an IPhreeqc instance: #include "IPhreeqc.hpp" IPhreeqc iphreeqc; or IPhreeqc *iphreeqc = new IPhreeqc(); You will need to link to the IPhreeqc.lib that you installed. G.2. C In C, you will include the C interface header, IPhreeqc.h, and create an IPhreeqc instance. #include "IPhreeqc.h" int id; id = CreateIPhreeqc(); You will need to link to the IPhreeqc.lib that you installed. G.3. Fortran In Fortran, you will need to include the source file IPhreeqc_interface.F90 in your project files. This file defines the IPhreeqc Fortran module. USE IPhreeqc INTEGER(KIND=4) id id = CreateIPhreeqc() You will need to link to the IPhreeqc.lib that you installed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. CONTACTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inquiries about this software distribution should be directed to: e-mail: or