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A Data Input Program (MFI) for the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-468

Data Recovery if MFI Aborts

If something goes wrong and MFI aborts, some data may be recoverable. If the error is detected by MFI, it attempts to save all current data in files named "MFI" followed by a period and a two- or three-character option designation, for example, "MFI.RCH" for the recharge option. Even if MFI aborts without detecting a cause -- for example, the power to the computer could be shut off -- there may be some recoverable data. This is because every time the menu for editing data for a primary option is completed through the "DONE" option, a backup file of the data for that option is written to an "MFI..." file. However, the user would have to use a text editing program and have knowledge of the structure of the files (from MODFLOW or MODPATH documentation) in order to extract data from them.

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