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Site ID: 82 Minnesota River @ Highway 25 near Belle Plaine, MN
File Name Description
Flood_photos.zip Photos taken during April, 2001 flood, description of each photo is documented in MN25_Photos.doc Word file.
PostFlood_photos.zip Photos taken during October, 2001 low-flow survey, description for each is documented in MN25_Post-Flood_Photos.doc Microsoft Word file.
Minn25(TopoQuad).jpg USGS Topo Quadrangle map of bridge reach
BellePlaine(Aerial).jpg Aerial photo of MN 25 bridge site
BellePlaine(Aerial)2.jpg Aerial photo of MN 25 bridge site
BellePlaine(Aerial)3.jpg Aerial photo of MN 25 bridge site
BellePlaine(Aerial)4.jpg Aerial photo of MN 25 bridge site
DS_xsection(Hec-Ras).xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data for the exit section used in a HEC-RAS model of the reach.
US_xsection(Hec-Ras).xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data for the approach section used in a HEC-RAS model of the reach
100'_US.xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data for the section 100' upstream of bridge; location of overbank scour hole.
DS_Face.xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data for the downstream bridge face
US_Face.xls Excel spreadsheet containing surveyed data for the upstream bridge face.
Hwy25_HEC-Ras.xls Excel spreadsheet summarizing the elev. and stationing for all sections in the HEC-RAS model of the reach.
MN25_GrainSizeDist.xls Bed material grain size distribution for the site, determined by analysis of samples collected during post-flood survey.
ADCP_Data.zip WinZip file containing all ADCP data collected in the reach during April, 2001 flood.  The ADCP 3-D velocity data for each 
transect has been processed into depth-integrated 2-D velocity data and summarized in the .vel files.
(Header Definitions for ADCP Files)
All(Site82).zip All files listed above
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