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Site ID: 76 Mississippi River at Martin Luther King Memorial Bridge (S.R. 799)  at St. Louis, MO
File Name Description
Aerial.jpg Satellite image of St. Louis
MLK.doc MS Word summary of site, bridge and scour characteristics
MLK.xls Contains the following worksheets: 
Summary - summary of site, bridge, and scour characteristics
Hydrograph - Hydrograph from USGS station 07010000
US100 - cross section collected approximately 100 ft upstream
US0 - cross section collected along the upstream edge of the bridge
DS0 - cross section collected along the downstream edge of the bridge
DS100 - cross section collected approximately 100 ft downstream
Qmeas - Discharge measurement notes from measurement at St. Louis gage
Pier10.jpg Plan details for pier 10
PierNose.jpg Flow at nose of pier 10
PierSide.jpg Looking at side of pier 10
Profile.jpg profile view of bridge
Prof-Main.jpg detailed profile view of main channel portion of bridge
X-Secs.jpg figure of plotted cross sections collected on 7-15-93
All(Site76).zip All files listed above

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