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OGW BG Toxics Research Team (FY01)

Name:            John W. Lane, Jr. (Chief)
Organization:    U.S. Geological Survey
Office:          Office of Ground Water, Branch of Geophysics
Address:         11 Sherman Place, U-5015
                 University of Connecticut
                 Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269
Phone:           (860) 487-7402 x13
Fax:             (860) 487-8802
Research Interests: Geophysical monitoring of hydrologic processes, 
tracer tests, and remedial measures; use of geophysical methods to 
estimate physical properties of aquifers.


Name:            Carole D. Johnson (Hydrologist)
Organization:    U.S. Geological Survey
Office:          Office of Ground Water, Branch of Geophysics
Address:         11 Sherman Place, U-5015
                 University of Connecticut
                 Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269
Phone:           (860) 487-7402 x17
Fax:             (860) 487-8802
Research Interests:Integration of geophysical and geostatistical
methods; hydraulic containment methods in fractured rock; integrated
geophysical approach to aquifer characterization. 


Name:            John H. Williams (Ground Water Specialist)
Organization:    U.S. Geological Survey
Office:          Office of Ground Water
Address:         425 Jordan Road
                 Troy, New York 12180-8349
Phone:           (518) 285-5670
Fax:             (518) 285-5601
Research Interests:Analysis of borehole geophysical methods and pumping tests. 


Name:            Marc L. Buursink (Graduate Research Fellow)
Organization:    Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface (CGISS) 
Office:          Department of Geosciences, Boise State University
Address:         MG-206, 1910 University Drive, MS-1536
                 Boise, ID 83725-1536
Phone:           (208) 426-1397
Fax:             (208) 426-3888
E-Mail: NOW AT:
Research Interests: Research in near-surface geophysical methods 
applied to environmental and engineering problems


Name:            Fred Day-Lewis (Professor)
Organization:    Bucknell University
Office:          Department of Geology
Address:         Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837
Phone:           (570) 577-3088
Fax:             (570) 577-3031
E-Mail: NOW AT:
Research Interests: Development of high-resolution surface 
geophysical methods; geophysical monitoring of hydrologic processes.


Name:            Kamini Singha
Organization:    Stanford University
Office:          Geological and Environmental Sciences Department
Address:         Building 320, Geology Corner
                 Stanford University
                 Stanford, CA 94305
Phone:           (650) 725-8070
E-Mail: NOW AT:


Name:            Roelof Versteeg (Professor)
Organization:    Columbia University
Office:          Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Address:         Rte. 9 West
                 Palisades, NY 10964
Phone:           (212) 854-1372
E-Mail: NOW AT:

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 28-Dec-2016 15:12:05 EST