SUMMARY OF CRT NOTE: Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. ABSTRACT The U.S. Geological Survey Cascade Routing Tool (CRT) is a computer application for watershed models that include the coupled Groundwater and Surface-water FlOW model GSFLOW and the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). CRT generates output to define cascading surface and shallow subsurface flow paths for grid-based model domains. CRT also includes an option to condition the grid-scale DEM to fill unintended swales and to provide continuous down-sloping HRUs that follow streams. CRT requires a land-surface elevation for each hydrologic response unit (HRU) of the model grid; these elevations can be derived from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster data set of the area that contains the model domain. Additionally, a list is required of the HRUs that contain streams, swales, lakes, and other cascade termination features along with indices that uniquely define these features. Cascade flow paths are determined from the altitudes of each HRU. Cascade paths can occur across any of the four faces of an HRU, to a stream, or to a lake within or adjacent to an HRU. CRT version 1.3 has additional routing options that allow cascade paths to occur across the corners and faces of each HRU, to a stream, or to a lake within or adjacent to an HRU. Cascades can terminate at a stream, lake, or HRU that has been designated as a watershed outflow location. HISTORY CRT Version 1.3.1 3/30/2017 - This version of CRT includes a minor bug fix for specifying outflow HRUs in the cascade ordering routine. This bug resulted in non-convergence of the CRT tool for a user submitted application data set. The updated code did not alter any of the example application output. CRT Version 1.3 12/9/2016 - This version of CRT includes significant changes to the cascade generation algorithm. Connectivity between HRUs can now be defined as four-direction (D4) or eight-direction (D8). Interactions among HRUs that contain streams and adjacent HRUs have been further refined, resulting in some changes in the number and connectivity of cascade links for documented test applications. CRT Version 1.2 09/30/2015 - This version of CRT includes changes to cascade links in HRUs that contain streams, increases precision in computed flow fractions, and adds optional functionality to refine stream to HRU connectivity and write global reach information to CRT output. CRT Version 1.1.01 09/07/2013 - This version of CRT includes minor changes; provides sample application output, corrects a corrupted GIS file, and distributes sample application GIS data in a separate file. CRT Version 1.1.00 07/10/2013 - This version of CRT includes a bug fix for the relative slope calculation and provides some minor enhancements to output files. All of the changes are described in the file 'CRT_Updates.pdf' located in the \doc directory. CRT Version 1.0.00 03/31/2013 - Initial release. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CRT is written in the Fortran 90 programming language. The code has been used on personal computers running various forms of the Microsoft Windows operating system. FUNTIONALITY CRT uses ASCII input files that contain data describing PRMS and GSFLOW simulations and creates ASCII output files that contain data to describe cascading flow, cascade module parameters, and PRMS/GSFLOW cascade module input files. DOCUMENTATION Henson, W.R., Medina, R.L., Mayers, C.J., Niswonger, R.G., and Regan, R.S., 2013, CRT--Cascade Routing Tool to define and visualize flow paths for grid-based watershed models: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-D2, 28 p. CONTACTS U.S. Geological Survey Office of Groundwater 411 National Center Reston, VA 20192 (703) 648-5001