# # This is an rdb datafile for a station in the # US Geological Survey National Water Conditions Report # # This file contains monthly information for station # 08960600 Fraser River at Hope, British Columbia, Canada # Basin 11, Drainage Area 83800 square miles # # Discharge values are in cubic feet per second # # # station USGS station ID (8 or 15 digit, zero filled) # # (not shown in file, it is in the file name) # year Year of this record (ex. 1995) # month Month of this record (zero filled, ex. 06) # max Maximum daily mean value for this month # max_day Day maximum occurred (numerical) # mean Mean of the daily mean values for this month # min Minimum daily mean value for this month # min_day Day minimum occured # end Daily mean value for the end of this month # end_day Day used for end (May not coincide with month end) # The following three fields are used to generate graphs # hmax Historical maximum for this month # hmean Mean for period of record for this month # hmin Historical minimum for this month # year month max max_day mean min min_day end end_day hmax hmean hmin 4s 2s 8s 2s 8s 8s 2s 8s 2s 8s 8s 1987 10 36020.00 122173.00 73093.00 36369.00 1987 11 42730.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1987 12 28640.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1988 01 22210.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1988 02 23200.00 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1988 03 28570.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1988 04 85100.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1988 05 192400.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1988 06 209700.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1988 07 156400.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1988 08 106300.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1988 09 66740.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1988 10 54380.00 122173.00 73093.00 36369.00 1988 11 51910.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1988 12 32700.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1989 01 28250.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1989 02 24190.00 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1989 03 24080.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1989 04 62850.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1989 05 171600.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1989 06 212600.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1989 07 140900.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1989 08 111900.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1989 09 64970.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1989 10 48730.00 122173.00 73093.00 36369.00 1989 11 72740.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1989 12 49790.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1990 01 42730.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1990 02 29700.00 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1990 03 32700.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1990 04 105900.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1990 05 178300.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1990 06 309300.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1990 07 221400.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1990 08 117900.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1990 09 63210.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1990 10 8581.00 122173.00 73093.00 36369.00 1990 11 74510.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1990 12 42020.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1991 01 30610.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1991 02 55090.00 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1991 03 37430.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1991 04 94990.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1991 05 205200.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1991 06 244000.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1991 07 221400.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1991 08 152900.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1991 09 96400.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1991 10 55080.00 122173.00 73093.00 36369.00 1991 11 44140.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1991 12 39550.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1992 01 38490.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1992 02 41670.00 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1992 03 62850.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1992 04 104500.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1992 05 169100.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1992 06 202700.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1992 07 137700.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1992 08 91100.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1992 09 69910.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1992 10 77680.00 122173.00 73093.00 36369.00 1992 11 61790.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1992 12 30120.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1993 01 30720.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1993 02 23800.00 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1993 03 26690.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1993 04 62850.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1993 05 199100.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1993 06 174100.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1993 07 129600.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1993 08 103500.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1993 09 62500.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1993 10 39190.00 122173.00 73093.00 36369.00 1993 11 37430.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1993 12 28950.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1994 01 28280.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1994 02 24720.00 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1994 03 41670.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1994 04 126800.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1994 05 211500.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1994 06 209700.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1994 07 184300.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1994 08 102400.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1994 09 55770.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1994 10 48020.00 122173.00 73093.00 8581.00 1994 11 29200.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1994 12 29240.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1995 01 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1995 02 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1995 03 26871.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1995 04 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1995 05 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00 1995 06 208000.00 381348.00 243644.00 155011.00 1995 07 141600.00 338976.00 184322.00 128882.00 1995 08 125000.00 227396.00 124117.00 84038.00 1995 09 66030.00 157483.00 82980.00 54731.00 1995 10 68380.00 122173.00 73093.00 8581.00 1995 11 72390.00 99927.00 57556.00 25670.00 1995 12 55440.00 85450.00 39548.00 19067.00 1996 01 42020.00 205504.00 34922.00 18220.00 1996 02 57202.00 33916.00 17549.00 1996 03 39190.00 64617.00 33174.00 17019.00 1996 04 107700.00 119348.00 72387.00 23870.00 1996 05 143000.00 288483.00 179555.00 94984.00