# # This is an rdb datafile for a station in the # US Geological Survey National Water Conditions Report # # This file contains monthly information for station # 07056000 Buffalo River near St. Joe, Arkansas # Basin 08, Drainage Area 829 square miles # # Discharge values are in cubic feet per second # # # station USGS station ID (8 or 15 digit, zero filled) # # (not shown in file, it is in the file name) # year Year of this record (ex. 1995) # month Month of this record (zero filled, ex. 06) # max Maximum daily mean value for this month # max_day Day maximum occurred (numerical) # mean Mean of the daily mean values for this month # min Minimum daily mean value for this month # min_day Day minimum occured # end Daily mean value for the end of this month # end_day Day used for end (May not coincide with month end) # The following three fields are used to generate graphs # hmax Historical maximum for this month # hmean Mean for period of record for this month # hmin Historical minimum for this month # year month max max_day mean min min_day end end_day hmax hmean hmin 4s 2s 8s 2s 8s 8s 2s 8s 2s 8s 8s 1991 05 4592.00 9584.00 1815.00 237.00 1991 06 1977.00 6975.00 1147.00 352.00 1991 07 314.00 5468.00 450.00 67.59 1991 08 93.30 1134.00 109.00 29.60 1991 09 48.90 1569.00 75.79 15.00 1991 10 64.10 1158.00 70.39 10.19 1991 11 1283.00 3357.00 67.70 14.20 1991 12 2660.00 4808.00 282.00 19.69 1992 01 2402.00 8516.00 771.00 30.40 1992 02 769.00 6934.00 644.00 32.39 1992 03 813.00 5455.00 997.00 114.00 1992 04 901.00 8897.00 1684.00 236.00 1992 05 873.00 9584.00 1815.00 237.00 1992 06 917.00 6975.00 1147.00 352.00 1992 07 2408.00 5468.00 450.00 67.59 1992 08 256.00 1134.00 109.00 29.60 1992 09 265.00 1569.00 75.79 15.00 1992 10 301.00 1158.00 70.39 10.19 1992 11 83.30 3357.00 67.70 14.20 1992 12 1463.00 4808.00 282.00 19.69 1993 01 2358.00 8516.00 771.00 30.40 1993 02 3660.00 6934.00 644.00 32.39 1993 03 1718.00 5455.00 997.00 114.00 1993 04 1609.00 8897.00 1684.00 236.00 1993 05 2242.00 9584.00 1815.00 237.00 1993 06 2393.00 6975.00 1147.00 352.00 1993 07 455.00 5468.00 450.00 67.59 1993 08 129.00 1134.00 109.00 29.60 1993 09 69.10 1569.00 75.79 15.00 1993 10 207.00 1158.00 70.39 10.19 1993 11 253.00 3357.00 67.70 14.20 1993 12 1459.00 4808.00 282.00 19.69 1994 01 981.00 8516.00 771.00 30.40 1994 02 1355.00 6934.00 644.00 32.39 1994 03 2203.00 5455.00 997.00 114.00 1994 04 2707.00 8897.00 1684.00 236.00 1994 05 1813.00 9584.00 1815.00 237.00 1994 06 1169.00 6975.00 1147.00 352.00 1994 07 401.00 5468.00 450.00 67.59 1994 08 93.00 1134.00 109.00 29.60 1994 09 84.00 1569.00 75.79 15.00 1994 10 55.60 1158.00 70.39 10.19 1994 11 34.50 3357.00 67.70 14.20 1994 12 5106.00 4808.00 282.00 19.69 1995 01 1967.00 8516.00 771.00 30.40 1995 02 3359.00 6934.00 644.00 32.39 1995 03 868.00 5455.00 997.00 114.00 1995 04 1996.00 8897.00 1684.00 236.00 1995 05 2262.00 9584.00 1815.00 237.00 1995 06 3301.00 6975.00 1147.00 352.00