# # This is an rdb datafile for a station in the # US Geological Survey National Water Conditions Report # # This file contains monthly information for station # 03377500 Wabash River at Mount Carmel, Illinois # Basin 07, Drainage Area 28635 square miles # # Discharge values are in cubic feet per second # # # station USGS station ID (8 or 15 digit, zero filled) # # (not shown in file, it is in the file name) # year Year of this record (ex. 1995) # month Month of this record (zero filled, ex. 06) # max Maximum daily mean value for this month # max_day Day maximum occurred (numerical) # mean Mean of the daily mean values for this month # min Minimum daily mean value for this month # min_day Day minimum occured # end Daily mean value for the end of this month # end_day Day used for end (May not coincide with month end) # The following three fields are used to generate graphs # hmax Historical maximum for this month # hmean Mean for period of record for this month # hmin Historical minimum for this month # year month max max_day mean min min_day end end_day hmax hmean hmin 4s 2s 8s 2s 8s 8s 2s 8s 2s 8s 8s 1991 05 52600.00 106393.00 53162.00 11901.00 1991 06 25320.00 129371.00 38294.00 5805.00 1991 07 17040.00 74497.00 20912.00 5035.00 1991 08 7641.00 73584.00 15685.00 3366.00 1991 09 4942.00 75532.00 9830.00 2372.00 1991 10 4091.00 50670.00 7683.00 2572.00 1991 11 5076.00 30703.00 8111.00 2465.00 1991 12 12990.00 63533.00 12329.00 2632.00 1992 01 16190.00 92345.00 25250.00 2266.00 1992 02 13810.00 199319.00 27134.00 2861.00 1992 03 16650.00 147111.00 38104.00 3758.00 1992 04 19060.00 108719.00 58539.00 4815.00 1992 05 41370.00 106393.00 53162.00 11901.00 1992 06 18440.00 129371.00 38294.00 5805.00 1992 07 13810.00 74497.00 20912.00 5035.00 1992 08 32840.00 73584.00 15685.00 3366.00 1992 09 28880.00 75532.00 9830.00 2372.00 1992 10 13960.00 50670.00 7683.00 2572.00 1992 11 12110.00 30703.00 8111.00 2465.00 1992 12 65170.00 63533.00 12329.00 2632.00 1993 01 33620.00 92345.00 25250.00 2266.00 1993 02 79260.00 199319.00 27134.00 2861.00 1993 03 38850.00 147111.00 38104.00 3758.00 1993 04 66158.00 108719.00 58539.00 4815.00 1993 05 69800.00 106393.00 53162.00 11901.00 1993 06 39870.00 129371.00 38294.00 5805.00 1993 07 28000.00 74497.00 20912.00 5035.00 1993 08 42360.00 73584.00 15685.00 3366.00 1993 09 20300.00 75532.00 9830.00 2372.00 1993 10 30820.00 50670.00 7683.00 2572.00 1993 11 36260.00 30703.00 8111.00 2465.00 1993 12 87460.00 65170.00 12329.00 2632.00 1994 01 56080.00 92345.00 25250.00 2266.00 1994 02 30619.00 199319.00 27134.00 2861.00 1994 03 55740.00 147111.00 38104.00 3758.00 1994 04 27840.00 108719.00 58539.00 4815.00 1994 05 69930.00 106393.00 53162.00 11901.00 1994 06 47700.00 129371.00 38294.00 5805.00 1994 07 15120.00 74497.00 20912.00 5035.00 1994 08 14510.00 73584.00 15685.00 3366.00 1994 09 6407.00 75532.00 9830.00 2372.00 1994 10 4940.00 50670.00 7683.00 2572.00 1994 11 4386.00 30703.00 8111.00 2465.00 1994 12 8373.00 63533.00 12329.00 2632.00 1995 01 15230.00 92345.00 25250.00 2266.00 1995 02 19730.00 199319.00 27134.00 2861.00 1995 03 19510.00 147111.00 38104.00 3758.00 1995 04 36680.00 108719.00 58539.00 4815.00 1995 05 32380.00 106393.00 53162.00 11901.00 1995 06 72010.00 129371.00 38294.00 5805.00 1993 12 1706.00 2156.00 665.00 240.00 1991 06 597.00 1706.00 452.00 129.00 1992 06 364.00 1706.00 452.00 129.00 1993 06 248.00 1706.00 452.00 129.00 1994 06 426.00 1706.00 452.00 129.00 1995 06 304.00 1706.00 452.00 129.00 1994 05 1706.00 6787.00 2738.00 1086.00 1994 08 1706.00 8413.00 2776.00 971.00 1991 12 1706.00 9004.00 1617.00 113.00