Water Resources
Applications Software
TopoDrive and ParticleFlow
Two Computer Models for Simulation and Visualization of Groundwater Flow and
Transport of Fluid Particles in Two Dimensions
- The two-dimensional computer models, TopoDrive and
ParticleFlow, are designed to simulate two ground-water processes:
topography-driven flow and transport of fluid particles. In both cases, the
flow is under steady state. The purpose of the two models is to provide
interactive simulation and visualization capabilities that enable the user to
easily and quickly explore model behavior, and thereby better understand
ground-water flow processes. In this regard, TopoDrive and ParticleFlow are
not intended to be comprehensive modeling tools, but are designed for modeling
at the exploratory or conceptual level, for visual demonstration, and for
educational purposes.
- The models are available in two versions: Windows and Applet. The
Windows version provides stand-alone applications for the Microsoft Windows
operating system. The Applet version can be placed on a web server, allowing
user access via the Internet. The Applet version can also can run locally on a
computer within a Java-enabled web browser. Separate README files for
the Windows and Applet versions are
included with the distribution files.
Windows version - installation program
Applet version - self extracting zip file for Windows (681KB)
Applet version - compressed tar file for UNIX
- Hsieh, P.A., 2001, TopoDrive and
ParticleFlow—Two Computer Models for Simulation and Visualization of Ground-Water Flow and
Transport of Fluid Particles in Two Dimensions: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 01-286, 30 p.
USGS OFR 01-286, Portable Document Format (PDF) (245KB)
- Point of contact for TopoDrive and ParticleFlow:
- Paul A. Hsieh
- U.S. Geological Survey
- 345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 496
- Menlo Park, CA 94025
- (electronic mail: pahsieh@usgs.gov )
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