Class TUndoSetScreenObjectProperties




type TUndoSetScreenObjectProperties = class(TCustomUpdateScreenObjectDisplayUndo)


TUndoSetScreenObjectProperties is used to set or undo the setting of a TScreenObject.




Private FOldChildModelScreenObjects: TList;
Private FNewScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection;
Private FOldScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection;
Private FExistingScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection;
Private FListOfScreenObjects: TList;
Private FUndoEditFluxObservations: TUndoEditFluxObservations;
Private FNewChildModelScreenObjects: TList;
Public FSetCellsColor: boolean;


Protected function Description: string; override;
Private procedure ResetScreenObjectDataSetSubscriptions;
Private procedure SetObjectProperties;
Public procedure DoCommand; override;
Public procedure Redo; override;
Public procedure Undo; override;
Public constructor Create(const AListOfScreenObjects: TList; var NewScreenObjects, OldScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection; var OldChildModelScreenObjects: TList);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure UpdateObservations;



Private FOldChildModelScreenObjects: TList;
Private FNewScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection;
Private FOldScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection;
Private FExistingScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection;
Private FListOfScreenObjects: TList;

FListOfScreenObjects: TList; FListOfScreenObjects contains all the TScreenObject's whose properties are being changed.

Private FUndoEditFluxObservations: TUndoEditFluxObservations;
Private FNewChildModelScreenObjects: TList;
Public FSetCellsColor: boolean;

FSetCellsColor determines whether or not the TUndoSetScreenObjectProperties will need to notify the grid that the colors of the cells needs to be updated.


Protected function Description: string; override;

If Description is true then frmShowHideObjects can be updated. Descendants should set Description to False before calling inherited DoCommand or Undo if they will update frmShowHideObjects with UpdateShowHideObjects. Description describes what this TCustomUndo does for display in a menu or tool tip.

Private procedure ResetScreenObjectDataSetSubscriptions;

ResetScreenObjectDataSetSubscriptions is called to make sure each TScreenObject's subscriptions are set appropriately. ResetScreenObjectDataSetSubscriptions calls TScreenObject.ResetMixtureSubscriptions and TScreenObject.ResetBoundaryMixtureSubscriptions for each TScreenObject.

Private procedure SetObjectProperties;
Public procedure DoCommand; override;

DoCommand assigns the new values to the TScreenObjects.

Public procedure Redo; override;
Public procedure Undo; override;

Undo restores the old values to the TScreenObjects.

Public constructor Create(const AListOfScreenObjects: TList; var NewScreenObjects, OldScreenObjects: TScreenObjectEditCollection; var OldChildModelScreenObjects: TList);

Create stores the TScreenObjects in AListOfScreenObjects and reads and stores their properties.

contains the TScreenObjects that will be affected by this TUndoSetScreenObjectProperties.
Public destructor Destroy; override;

Destroy destroys the TUndoSetScreenObjectProperties and releases its memory.

Public procedure UpdateObservations;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:06