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USGS Ground-Water Software

GoPhast Version

Graphical User Interface for PHAST


Summary of GoPhast
Revision History

Software (Version, May 13, 2008)

A file containing installation instructions is included with the Microsoft Windows software distribution file.
A readme.linux.txt file containing installation instructions is included with the Linux software distribution file.

GoPhast compiled for Microsoft Windows 2000, or XP

Contains compiled executable program, source code, test problems, and utilities.
[BINARY ICON] SetupGoPhast1_0_9.exe (9.3 Mb)

GoPhast compiled for Linux

Contains compiled executable program, source code, test problems, and utilities.
[BINARY ICON] GoPhast1_0_9.tar.gz (11.7 Mb)


The following report documenting GoPhast is available on-line.

Winston, R.B., 2006, GoPhast: A Graphical User Interface for PHAST: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A20, 98 p.

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Web page comments, contact: Richard Winston
U.S. Geological Survey
431 National Center
Reston, VA 20192

Last Iteration: May 13, 2008