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Stream transects are established to collect the information required to complete items 13 through 35. Six transects, as a minimum, are established throughout the reach with two transects established at or near each boundary (fig. 6). If the reach is established on the basis of the presence of two examples of each of two types of geomorphic channel units, the remaining four transects are established at the middle of each geomorphic channel unit. If the reach is defined on the basis of channel width, then the remaining four transects are evenly spaced throughout the reach. Transects are oriented perpendicular to streamflow. Drawing a simple map, as shown in figure 6, and marking transect locations when establishing the locations of the reach boundaries and transects facilitate subsequent sampling efforts.

For items 17 through 20, data are collected at three points along each transect. These points should correspond to the thalweg, and to two locations that are equally spaced along the transect (or three equally spaced locations if no thalweg is apparent). At each point, record the distance from the left edge of water and note if the point is located in the thalweg by including the letter "T" next to the distance.