# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Begin METADATA documentation # # METADATA Date: May 30, 2006 # METADATA Contact: Jeffrey D. Martin # U.S. Geological Survey # NAWQA Pesticide Synthesis Project # 5957 Lakeside Boulevard # Indianapolis, IN 46278-1996 # voice: (317) 290-3333 x148 # fax: (317) 290-3313 # email: jdmartin@usgs.gov # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # METADATA Data Description: # # Filename: 6_05_swdata.exceed.txt # # The data provided herein are the stream-water sites and pesticides that exceed one or more aquatic- # life benchmarks in figure 6-5, USGS Circular 1291. Rows are unique by site and pesticide. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # METADATA Basic documentation of dataset elements: # # Data Attributes: # # pcode # pstaid # state # lu # pname # meth # aAQLI # cAQLI # aFISH # cFISH # aINVE # cINVE # aNVPL # aPLAN # cACOM # sname # # Note: The row in the data file that follows the row of variable names describes the # width of the field and the data type. S or s indicates a text variable, # D or d indicates a date variable, and N or n indicates a numeric variable. # For example: 15s indicates a 0- to 15-character text variable whereas # 9N indicates a 0- to 9-digit numeric variable. # # # Attribute label: pcode # # Attribute description: Parameter code. The 5-digit number used to identify an analyte or other # variable in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) # # # Attribute label: pstaid # # Attribute description: Primary station identifier # # # Attribute label: state # # Attribute description: State postal abbreviation # # # Attribute label: lu # # Attribute description: Drainage basin land use class--national classification system # # Code Description # ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Agric Greater than 50% agricultural land and less than or equal to 5% urban land # Undev Less than or equal to 25% agricultural land and less than or equal to 5% urban land # Urban Greater than 25% urban land and less than or equal to 25% agricultural land # Mixed All other combinations of land use # # # Attribute label: pname # # Attribute description: Common name of the pesticide/analyte # # # Attribute label: meth # # Attribute description: Analytical method # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # GCMS Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry # HPLC High performance liquid chromatography # # # Attribute label: aAQLI # # Attribute description: Acute benchmark for aquatic life. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: cAQLI # # Attribute description: Chronic benchmark for aquatic life. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: aFISH # # Attribute description: Acute benchmark for fish. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: cFISH # # Attribute description: Chronic benchmark for fish. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: aINVE # # Attribute description: Acute benchmark for invertebrates. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: cINVE # # Attribute description: Chronic benchmark for invertebrates. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: aNVPL # # Attribute description: Acute benchmark for nonvascular plants. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: cPLAN # # Attribute description: Acute benchmark for vascular plants. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: cACOM # # Attribute description: Chronic benchmark for aquatic community effects. # # Code Description # ---- -------------------------------------- # Yes Benchmark exceeded # No Benchmark not exceeded or no benchmark # # # Attribute label: sname # # Attribute description: Name of data collection station (pstaid) # # # End METADATA documentation # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pcode pstaid state lu pname meth aAQLI cAQLI aFISH cFISH aINVE cINVE aNVPL aPLAN cACOM sname 5S 15S 2s 5S 20S 4S 5S 5S 5S 5S 5S 5S 5S 5S 5S 65s 82686 01573095 PA Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Bachman Run at Annville, PA 38933 01573095 PA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Bachman Run at Annville, PA 39632 01621050 VA Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Muddy Creek at Mount Clinton, VA 46342 01639000 MD Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Monocacy River at Bridgeport, MD 82686 01639000 MD Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Monocacy River at Bridgeport, MD 39532 01639000 MD Agric Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Monocacy River at Bridgeport, MD 39572 02083833 NC Agric Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Pete Mitchell Swamp at Highway 1409 near Penny Hill, NC 34653 02084558 NC Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Albemarle Canal near Swindell, NC 34653 02215100 GA Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Tucsawhatchee Creek at Highway 27 near Hawkinsville, GA 39632 02444490 AL Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Bogue Chitto Creek near Memphis, AL 38933 02444490 AL Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Bogue Chitto Creek near Memphis, AL 39632 03267900 OH Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Mad River at St. Paris Pike at Eagle City, OH 46342 03360895 IN Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Kessinger Ditch near Monroe City, IN 39632 03360895 IN Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Kessinger Ditch near Monroe City, IN 38933 03360895 IN Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Kessinger Ditch near Monroe City, IN 82686 03366500 IN Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Muscatatuck River near Deputy, IN 39632 0357479650 AL Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Hester Creek at Buddy Williamsom Road near Plevena, AL 82677 0357479650 AL Agric Disulfoton GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Hester Creek at Buddy Williamsom Road near Plevena, AL 39532 03575100 AL Agric Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Flint River at Brownsboro, AL 46342 04072050 WI Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Duck Creek at Seminary Road near Oneida, WI 46342 04178000 OH Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No St. Joseph River near Newville, IN 39632 04178000 OH Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No St. Joseph River near Newville, IN 46342 04186500 OH Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Auglaize River near Fort Jennings, OH 39632 04186500 OH Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No Yes Yes No Auglaize River near Fort Jennings, OH 46342 04193500 OH Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Maumee River at Waterville, OH 39632 04193500 OH Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Maumee River at Waterville, OH 34653 05082625 ND Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Turtle River at Turtle River State Park near Arvilla, ND 34653 05085900 MN Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Snake River above Alvarado, MN 39632 05455100 IA Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Old Mans Creek near Iowa City, IA 38933 05465500 IA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Iowa River at Wapello, IA 38933 05525500 IL Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Sugar Creek at Milford, IL 39632 05572000 IL Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No Yes Yes No Sangamon River at Monticello, IL 38933 05572000 IL Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Sangamon River at Monticello, IL 82667 05572000 IL Agric Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Sangamon River at Monticello, IL 39632 05584500 IL Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes La Moine River at Colmar, IL 38933 05584500 IL Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No La Moine River at Colmar, IL 46342 06753990 CO Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 82686 06753990 CO Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 82674 06753990 CO Agric Carbofuran GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 38933 06753990 CO Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 39572 06753990 CO Agric Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 82667 06753990 CO Agric Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 82664 06753990 CO Agric Phorate GCMS No No Yes No Yes No No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 82675 06753990 CO Agric Terbufos GCMS No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 34653 06753990 CO Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Lonetree Creek near Greeley, CO 46342 06773050 NE Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Prairie Creek near Ovina, NE 39632 06773050 NE Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Prairie Creek near Ovina, NE 38933 06773050 NE Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Prairie Creek near Ovina, NE 39542 06773050 NE Agric Parathion GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Prairie Creek near Ovina, NE 46342 06795500 NE Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Shell Creek near Columbus, NE 38933 06795500 NE Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Shell Creek near Columbus, NE 46342 06800000 NE Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Maple Creek near Nickerson, NE 38933 06800000 NE Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Maple Creek near Nickerson, NE 46342 07043500 MO Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Little River Ditch no. 1 near Morehouse, MO 39632 07043500 MO Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Little River Ditch no. 1 near Morehouse, MO 39632 07288650 MS Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No No Yes No Bogue Phalia near Leland, MS 82686 07288650 MS Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Bogue Phalia near Leland, MS 39532 07288650 MS Agric Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Bogue Phalia near Leland, MS 82667 07288650 MS Agric Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Bogue Phalia near Leland, MS 82681 07288650 MS Agric Thiobencarb GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Bogue Phalia near Leland, MS 34653 07288650 MS Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Bogue Phalia near Leland, MS 82686 07288955 MS Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Yazoo River below Steele Bayou near Long Lake, MS 39532 07288955 MS Agric Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yazoo River below Steele Bayou near Long Lake, MS 82667 07288955 MS Agric Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yazoo River below Steele Bayou near Long Lake, MS 34653 07288955 MS Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Yazoo River below Steele Bayou near Long Lake, MS 39632 07369500 LA Agric Atrazine GCMS No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Tensas River at Tendal, LA 82674 07369500 LA Agric Carbofuran GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Tensas River at Tendal, LA 38933 07369500 LA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Tensas River at Tendal, LA 82667 07369500 LA Agric Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Tensas River at Tendal, LA 34653 07369500 LA Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Tensas River at Tendal, LA 82686 08064100 TX Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Chambers Creek near Rice, TX 39572 08064100 TX Agric Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Chambers Creek near Rice, TX 49296 08064100 TX Agric Methomyl HPLC No No No No No Yes No No No Chambers Creek near Rice, TX 38933 11261100 CA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Salt Slough at Highway 165 near Stevinson, CA 39572 11261100 CA Agric Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Salt Slough at Highway 165 near Stevinson, CA 39532 11261100 CA Agric Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Salt Slough at Highway 165 near Stevinson, CA 49296 11261100 CA Agric Methomyl HPLC No No No No No Yes No No No Salt Slough at Highway 165 near Stevinson, CA 34653 11261100 CA Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Salt Slough at Highway 165 near Stevinson, CA 82686 11273500 CA Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Merced River at River Road Bridge near Newman, CA 38933 11273500 CA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Merced River at River Road Bridge near Newman, CA 39572 11273500 CA Agric Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Merced River at River Road Bridge near Newman, CA 49300 11273500 CA Agric Diuron HPLC No No No No No No Yes No No Merced River at River Road Bridge near Newman, CA 82686 11274538 CA Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Orestimba Creek at River Road near Crows Landing, CA 38933 11274538 CA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Orestimba Creek at River Road near Crows Landing, CA 39572 11274538 CA Agric Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Orestimba Creek at River Road near Crows Landing, CA 82685 11274538 CA Agric Propargite GCMS No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Orestimba Creek at River Road near Crows Landing, CA 34653 11274538 CA Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Orestimba Creek at River Road near Crows Landing, CA 82681 11390890 CA Agric Thiobencarb GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Colusa Basin Drain at Road 99E near Knights Landing, CA 82686 12464770 WA Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Crab Creek at Marcellus Road near Ritzville, WA 82686 12472380 WA Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Crab Creek Lateral above Royal Lake near Othello, WA 38933 12472380 WA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Crab Creek Lateral above Royal Lake near Othello, WA 34653 12472380 WA Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Crab Creek Lateral above Royal Lake near Othello, WA 82686 12473740 WA Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No El 68 D Wasteway near Othello, WA 38933 12473740 WA Agric Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No El 68 D Wasteway near Othello, WA 82686 12505450 WA Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Granger Drain at Granger, WA 82680 12505450 WA Agric Carbaryl GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Granger Drain at Granger, WA 82677 12505450 WA Agric Disulfoton GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Granger Drain at Granger, WA 34653 12505450 WA Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Granger Drain at Granger, WA 34653 13092747 ID Agric p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Rock Creek above Highway 30/93 Crossing at Twin Falls, ID 82686 14201300 OR Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Zollner Creek near Mt. Angel, OR 82674 14201300 OR Agric Carbofuran GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Zollner Creek near Mt. Angel, OR 39572 14201300 OR Agric Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Zollner Creek near Mt. Angel, OR 49300 14201300 OR Agric Diuron HPLC No No No No No No Yes No No Zollner Creek near Mt. Angel, OR 39532 14201300 OR Agric Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Zollner Creek near Mt. Angel, OR 82686 14202000 OR Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Pudding River at Aurora, OR 82674 294349094345999 TX Agric Carbofuran GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No East Fork Double Bayou at Sykes Road near Anahuac, TX 82667 294349094345999 TX Agric Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No East Fork Double Bayou at Sykes Road near Anahuac, TX 82671 295001094384699 TX Agric Molinate GCMS No No Yes No Yes No No No No Whites Bayou at Highway 61 near Anahuac, TX 82674 295740094542399 TX Agric Carbofuran GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No West Prong Old River at Highway 146 near Dayton, TX 46342 391732085414401 IN Agric Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Clifty Creek at County Road 1150 East near Hartsville, IN 82686 391732085414401 IN Agric Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Clifty Creek at County Road 1150 East near Hartsville, IN 39381 391732085414401 IN Agric Dieldrin GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Clifty Creek at County Road 1150 East near Hartsville, IN 39572 01403300 NJ Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Raritan River at Queens Bridge at Bound Brook, NJ 38933 01464907 PA Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Little Neshaminy Creek at Valley Road near Neshaminy, PA 39572 01464907 PA Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Little Neshaminy Creek at Valley Road near Neshaminy, PA 82686 01477120 NJ Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Raccoon Creek near Swedesboro, NJ 39572 01477120 NJ Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Raccoon Creek near Swedesboro, NJ 82686 01571490 PA Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Cedar Run at Eberlys Mill, PA 34653 01576540 PA Mixed p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Mill Creek at Eshelman Mill Road near Lyndon, PA 38933 02174250 SC Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Cow Castle Creek near Bowman, SC 39542 02174250 SC Mixed Parathion GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Cow Castle Creek near Bowman, SC 39532 02424000 AL Mixed Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Cahaba River at Centreville, AL 82686 03037350 PA Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No South Branch Plum Creek at Five points, PA 39572 03274000 OH Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Great Miami River at Hamilton, OH 46342 03353637 IN Mixed Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No Little Buck Creek near Indianapolis, IN 38933 03353637 IN Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Little Buck Creek near Indianapolis, IN 39572 03353637 IN Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Little Buck Creek near Indianapolis, IN 39532 03353637 IN Mixed Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Little Buck Creek near Indianapolis, IN 46342 03374100 IN Mixed Alachlor GCMS No No No No No No Yes No No White River at Hazleton, IN 38933 03374100 IN Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No White River at Hazleton, IN 39572 04161820 MI Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Clinton River at Sterling Heights, MI 39572 04208504 OH Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Cuyahoga River at LTV Steel at Cleveland, OH 38933 04211820 OH Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Grand River at Harpersfield, OH 39572 05532500 IL Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Des Plaines River at Riverside, IL 38933 06805500 NE Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Platte River at Louisville, NE 39632 07381440 LA Mixed Atrazine GCMS No No No No No No Yes Yes No Bayou Grosse Tete at Rosedale, LA 82674 07381440 LA Mixed Carbofuran GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Bayou Grosse Tete at Rosedale, LA 39572 08057200 TX Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No White Rock Creek at Greenville Avenue at Dallas, TX 34653 08057200 TX Mixed p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No White Rock Creek at Greenville Avenue at Dallas, TX 39572 08181800 TX Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No San Antonio River near Elmendorf, TX 82686 09153290 CO Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Reed Wash near Mack, CO 82674 09153290 CO Mixed Carbofuran GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Reed Wash near Mack, CO 38933 09514000 AZ Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Buckeye Canal near Avondale, AZ 39572 09514000 AZ Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Buckeye Canal near Avondale, AZ 39532 09514000 AZ Mixed Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Buckeye Canal near Avondale, AZ 34653 09514000 AZ Mixed p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Buckeye Canal near Avondale, AZ 82686 09517000 AZ Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 38933 09517000 AZ Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 39572 09517000 AZ Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 82677 09517000 AZ Mixed Disulfoton GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 49300 09517000 AZ Mixed Diuron HPLC No No No No No No Yes No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 39532 09517000 AZ Mixed Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 39542 09517000 AZ Mixed Parathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 82667 09517000 AZ Mixed Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 34653 09517000 AZ Mixed p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Hassayampa River near Arlington, AZ 82686 11303500 CA Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No San Joaquin River near Vernalis, CA 39572 11303500 CA Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No San Joaquin River near Vernalis, CA 34653 11303500 CA Mixed p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No San Joaquin River near Vernalis, CA 82686 12500420 WA Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Moxee Drain at Birchfield Road near Union Gap, WA 82686 12510500 WA Mixed Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Yakima River at Kiona, WA 39572 16213000 HI Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Waikele Stream at Waipahu, Oahu, HI 38933 393944084120700 OH Mixed Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Holes Creek in Huffman Park at Kettering, OH 39572 393944084120700 OH Mixed Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Holes Creek in Huffman Park at Kettering, OH 82686 09163500 CO Undev Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Colorado River near Colorado-Utah State Line, CO 39572 01102500 MA Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Aberjona River at Winchester, MA 82680 01209710 CT Urban Carbaryl GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Norwalk River at Winnipauk, CT 34653 01209710 CT Urban p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Norwalk River at Winnipauk, CT 39572 01403900 NJ Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Bound Brook at Middlesex, NJ 82686 01410784 NJ Urban Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Great Egg Harbor River near Sicklerville, NJ 39572 01467150 NJ Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Cooper River at Haddonfield, NJ 39572 01654000 VA Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Accotink Creek near Annandale, VA 39532 01654000 VA Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Accotink Creek near Annandale, VA 38933 02169570 SC Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Gills Creek at Columbia, SC 39572 02169570 SC Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Gills Creek at Columbia, SC 39532 02169570 SC Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Gills Creek at Columbia, SC 39542 02169570 SC Urban Parathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Gills Creek at Columbia, SC 39572 02326838 FL Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Lafayette Creek at Miccosukee Road at Tallahasee, FL 38933 02335870 GA Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Sope Creek at South Roswell Road near Marietta, GA 39572 02335870 GA Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Sope Creek at South Roswell Road near Marietta, GA 39572 05288705 MN Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Shingle Creek at Queen Avenue at Minneapolis, MN 39572 05330902 MN Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Nine Mile Creek near James Circle at Bloomington, MN 39572 05531500 IL Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Salt Creek at Western Springs, IL 82680 06713500 CO Urban Carbaryl GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Cherry Creek at Denver, CO 38933 06713500 CO Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Cherry Creek at Denver, CO 39572 06713500 CO Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Cherry Creek at Denver, CO 39532 06713500 CO Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Cherry Creek at Denver, CO 39542 06713500 CO Urban Parathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Cherry Creek at Denver, CO 82680 06714000 CO Urban Carbaryl GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No South Platte River at Denver, CO 38933 06714000 CO Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No South Platte River at Denver, CO 39572 06714000 CO Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No South Platte River at Denver, CO 82686 07031692 TN Urban Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Fletcher Creek at Sycamore View Road at Memphis, TN 38933 07031692 TN Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Fletcher Creek at Sycamore View Road at Memphis, TN 39572 07031692 TN Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Fletcher Creek at Sycamore View Road at Memphis, TN 39532 07031692 TN Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Fletcher Creek at Sycamore View Road at Memphis, TN 82667 07031692 TN Urban Parathion-methy GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Fletcher Creek at Sycamore View Road at Memphis, TN 34653 07031692 TN Urban p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Fletcher Creek at Sycamore View Road at Memphis, TN 39572 07379960 LA Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Dawson Creek at Bluebonnet Boulevard near Baton Rouge, LA 82686 08049240 TX Urban Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Rush Creek at Woodland Park Boulevard at Arlington, TX 38933 08049240 TX Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Rush Creek at Woodland Park Boulevard at Arlington, TX 39572 08049240 TX Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Rush Creek at Woodland Park Boulevard at Arlington, TX 39532 08049240 TX Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Rush Creek at Woodland Park Boulevard at Arlington, TX 34653 08049240 TX Urban p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Rush Creek at Woodland Park Boulevard at Arlington, TX 39572 08178800 TX Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Salado Creek (lower station) at San Antonio, TX 39532 08178800 TX Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Salado Creek (lower station) at San Antonio, TX 34653 08178800 TX Urban p,p-DDE GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Salado Creek (lower station) at San Antonio, TX 38933 094196783 NV Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Las Vegas Wash below Flamingo Wash Conf. near Las Vegas, NV 39572 094196783 NV Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Las Vegas Wash below Flamingo Wash Conf. near Las Vegas, NV 49300 094196783 NV Urban Diuron HPLC No No No No No No Yes No No Las Vegas Wash below Flamingo Wash Conf. near Las Vegas, NV 39532 094196783 NV Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Las Vegas Wash below Flamingo Wash Conf. near Las Vegas, NV 39572 10168000 UT Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Little Cottonwood Creek at Jordan River near Salt Lake City, UT 38933 11075610 CA Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Santa Ana River above spreading diversion near Anaheim, CA 39572 11075610 CA Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes Yes No No No Santa Ana River above spreading diversion near Anaheim, CA 39532 11075610 CA Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Santa Ana River above spreading diversion near Anaheim, CA 82680 11447360 CA Urban Carbaryl GCMS No No No No No Yes No No No Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights, CA 38933 11447360 CA Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights, CA 39572 11447360 CA Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights, CA 49300 11447360 CA Urban Diuron HPLC No No No No No No Yes No No Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights, CA 39532 11447360 CA Urban Malathion GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Arcade Creek near Del Paso Heights, CA 38933 12128000 WA Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Thornton Creek near Seattle, WA 39572 12128000 WA Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Thornton Creek near Seattle, WA 82686 14206950 OR Urban Azinphos-methyl GCMS No Yes No No Yes No No No No Fanno Creek at Durham, OR 38933 14206950 OR Urban Chlorpyrifos GCMS No Yes No No No Yes No No No Fanno Creek at Durham, OR 39572 14206950 OR Urban Diazinon GCMS No No No No Yes No No No No Fanno Creek at Durham, OR 39381 16242500 HI Urban Dieldrin GCMS No Yes No No No No No No No Manoa Stream at Kanewai Field at Honolulu, Oahu, HI