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Using Chemical, Hydrologic, and Age Dating Analysis to Delineate Redox Processes and Flow Paths in the Riparian Zone of a Glacial Outwash Aquifer-Stream System

By Larry J. Puckett, Timothy K. Cowdery, Peter B. McMahon, Lan H. Tornes, and Jeffrey D. Stoner

[Water Resources Research, vol. 38, no. 8, August 2002]

Figure 6. Concentrations of Cl- and SiO2 in wetland and up-gradient ground waters, and in the Otter Tail River. [Data points are averages and error bars are 1 standard deviation.]

Concentrations of Cl- and SiO2 in wetland and up-gradient
ground waters, and in the Otter Tail River.

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