Water Resources Applications Software

Geochemical || Ground Water || Surface Water || Water Quality || General

Summary of PHRQPITZ

       phrqpitz - Geochemical calculations in brines

       phrqpitz [infile [ outfile]]

       infile - The name of the file in PHRQPITZ input format.
       outfile - The name of the file that will contain PHRQPITZ results.

       If no arguments are specified, the program prompts for the input,
       output, and two database file names.

       If only infile is specified, then outfile defaults to infile.out.

       The database names default to phrqpitz.dat and pitzer.dat in the
       phrqpitz/bin_data directory.

       PHRQPITZ is a modification of the geochemical modeling code,
       PHREEQE, to permit calculations of geochemical reactions in brines
       and other highly concentrated electrolyte solutions using the Pitzer
       virial-coefficient approach for activity-coefficient corrections.
       Reaction-modeling capabilities include calculation of (l) aqueous
       speciation and mineral-saturation index, (2) mineral solubility, (3)
       mixing and titration of aqueous solutions, (4) irreversible
       reactions and mineral-water mass transfer, and (5) reaction path.
       The computed results for each aqueous solution include the osmotic
       coefficient, water activity, mineral saturation indices, mean
       activity coefficients, total activity coefficients, and scale-
       dependent values of pH, individual-ion activities, and individual-
       ion activity coefficients.  A data base of Pitzer interaction
       parameters is provided at 25 C (Celsius) for the system: Na-K-Mg-Ca-
       H-Cl-SO4-OH-HCO3-CO3-CO2-H2O; and it is extended to include largely
       untested literature data for Fe(II), Mn(II), Sr, Ba, Li, and Br with
       provision for calculations at temperatures other than 25 C.
       PHRQPITZ is accompanied by an interactive input code, PITZINPT.

       The aqueous ion-pairing model of PHREEQE (Parkhurst and others,
       1980) has been replaced with the Pitzer virial-coefficient approach
       (Pitzer, 1973; Pitzer and Mayorga, 1973, 1974; Pitzer and Kim, 1974;
       Pitzer, 1975) in PHRQPITZ, while retaining most of the reaction-
       modeling capabilities of the original PHREEQE code.  The Pitzer
       treatment of the aqueous model is based largely on the equations as
       presented by Harvie and Weare (1980) and Harvie and others (1984).
       An expanded data base of Pitzer interaction parameters is provided
       that is identical to the partially validated data base of Harvie and
       others (1984) at 25 C (Celsius) for the system Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-
       SO4-OH-HCO3-CO3-CO2-H2O, and extended to include largely untested
       literature data for Fe(II), Mn(II), Sr, Ba, Li, Br, and B with
       provision for calculations at temperatures other than 25 C.
       PHRQPITZ offers two scaling conventions based on the work of Harvie
       and others (1984): (1) no scaling is performed, and (2) all
       individual-ion activity coefficients are scaled according to the
       MacInnes (1919) convention.  Much of the structure of PHREEQE is
       maintained in PHRQPITZ.  PHRQPITZ still uses the Newton-Raphson
       approach to solve a set of algebraic equations by generating
       successively better estimates of the molalities and activity
       coefficients of the aqueous species.  Several new subroutines were
       added to PHREEQE that calculate the activity coefficients and
       activity of water using the Pitzer equations.  The most fundamental
       change from PHREEQE is that the master variables are the molalities
       of the master species instead of the activities of the master
       species.  The Newton-Raphson equations rely primarily on the total
       differential of the molality of each aqueous species with respect to
       the master variables.

       Because it was adapted from PHREEQE, PHRQPITZ retains some of the
       limitations of the original code.  All calculations are made
       relative to one kilogram (kg) of water.  As there is no mass balance
       for the elements H and O, there is no formal provision for keeping
       track of the amount of water used in reactions such as hydration and
       dehydration of solids.  This may be a source of error in simulation
       of the evaporation of brines where many of the minerals precipitated
       are often hydrated and remove water from solution.  Geochemical
       redox reactions may not be attempted in PHRQPITZ.  Other precautions
       include the likelihood of introducing error in calculated mean
       activities and saturation indices (particularly for carbonates) when
       the measured pH is on a different activity coefficient scale than
       the aqueous model, and the need for internal consistency between
       mixed-salt and single-salt interaction parameters.  Although the
       Harvie and others (1984) data base has been extended to include
       Fe2+, Mn2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Li+, and Br-, and limited temperature
       dependence, the data base has not been validated beyond that of
       Harvie and others (1984) at 25 C.  Any changes to the single-salt
       parameters of the Harvie and others (1984) data base will likely
       require extensive revision of the mixed-salt parameters and mineral
       free energies.  Any new values of the mixed-salt parameters must be
       internally consistent with the single-salt parameters in the model
       and include the higher-order electrostatic terms.  Any changes to
       the mixed-salt parameters, even if consistent with the given single-
       salt parameters, will likely require changes to the mineral free
       energies. Because of the lack of Pitzer interaction parameters for
       aqueous aluminum and silica species, calculations with a
       aluminosilicates cannot be attempted in PHRQPITZ.  The temperature
       range for equilibria in the phrqpitz.dat file is variable and is
       generally 0 to 60; however, the NaCl system is valid to
       approximately 350 C, and the carbonate system is reliable to about
       100 C.  The temperature dependence of the solubility of many of the
       minerals in phrqpitz.dat is not known and large errors could result
       if calculations are made at temperatures other than 25 C for these
       solids.  Limited temperature-dependent data for single-salt
       parameters are included in the pitzer.dat file.

       Version 1.12 1994/06/01 - Improved file opening procedure and bug
       Version January 1992 - Version 0.2.  Modified for UNIX and PC

       Version 0.2 - December, 1989.  Fortran 77.  Modified to correct
          error in MacInnes scaling convention.  Enhanced to include boron
          speciation of Felmy and Weare (1986).

       Version 0.1 - Initial release, 1988.

       The user-defined input to PHRQPITZ is nearly identical to that of
       PHREEQE.  The interactive input-construction program, PITZINPT,
       facilitates data entry and explanation of data needed.  PHRQPITZ is
       designed to perform a sequence of simulations in a single computer
       run.  Each simulation consists of two separate problems: (1) process
       an initial solution or solutions, and (or) (2) model a reaction
       (starting from the initial solution(s)).  Many pathways for a
       simulation are accessible with a single input file.  Required input
       begins with a title line followed by a line of selected options.
       Depending on the options selected, additional data are supplied
       using various "keyword" data blocks.  A data block consists of a
       keyword followed by appropriate data.  The keyword informs the
       program of the type and format of the data to follow.  ELEMENTS and
       SPECIES, if they are used, should be the first two data blocks while
       the other keyword blocks may follow in any order.  The keyword END
       denotes the end of the input data and is required once for each
       simulation.  See program documentation for definition of keywords
       and input requirements.

       The computed results for each aqueous solution include the osmotic
       coefficient, water activity, mineral saturation indices, mean
       activity coefficients, total activity coefficients, and scale-
       dependent values of pH, individual-ion activities and individual-ion
       activity coefficients.  If chemical reactions are simulated, the
       output depends on the general types of reactions being simulated,
       such as (1) mixing of two solutions, (2) titrating one solution with
       a second solution, (3) adding or subtracting a net stoichiometric
       reaction (changing total concentrations of elements in proportion to
       a given stoichiometry), (4) adding a net stoichiometric reaction
       until the phase boundary of a specified mineral is reached, (5)
       equilibrating with mineral phases, or (6) changing temperature.

       PHRQPITZ and PITZINPT are written in Fortran 77 with the following
       extensions: use of include files and variable names longer than 6
       characters.  Each program requires a minerals data base (provided)
       to be present in the directory from which it is executed.  Simple
       script programs are included to facilitate this.  Generally, the
       program is easily installed on most computer systems.  The code has
       been used on UNIX-based computers and DOS-based 386 or greater
       computers having a math coprocessor and 2 mb of memory.
       Plummer, L.N., and Parkhurst, D.L., 1990, Application of the Pitzer
          Equations to the PHREEQE geochemical model, in Melchior, D.C.,
          and Bassett, R.L., eds., Chemical modeling of aqueous systems II:
          American Chemical Society Symposium Series 416, Washington, D.C.,
          American Chemical Society, p. 128-137.

       Plummer, L.N., Parkhurst, D.L., Fleming, G.W., and Dunkle, S.A.,
          1988, A computer program incorporating Pitzer's equations for
          calculation of geochemical reactions in brines:  U.S. Geological
          Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4153, 310 p.

       Fleming, G.W., and Plummer, L.N., 1983, PHRQINPT--an interactive
          computer program for constructing input data sets to the
          geochemical simulation program PHREEQE:  U.S. Geological Survey
          Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4236, 108 p.

       Parkhurst, D.L., 1995, User's guide to PHREEQC--a computer program
          for speciation, reaction-path, advective-transport, and inverse
          geochemical calculations: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources
          Investigations Report 95-4227, 143 p.

       Parkhurst, D.L., Thorstenson, D.C., and Plummer, L.N., 1980,
          PHREEQE--a computer program for geochemical calculations: U.S.
          Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 80-96,
          195 p. (Revised and reprinted, 1990.)

       Plummer, L.N., Prestemon, E.C., and Parkhurst, D.L., 1991, An
          interactive code (NETPATH) for modeling NET geochemical reactions
          along a flow PATH:  U.S.  Geological Survey Water-Resources
          Investigations Report 91-4078, 227 p.

       Plummer, L.N., Prestemon, E.C., and Parkhurst, D.L., 1994, An
          interactive code (NETPATH) for modeling NET geochemical reactions
          along a flow PATH--version 2.0:  U.S. Geological Survey Water-
          Resources Investigations Report 94-4169, 130 p.

       Felmy, A.R., and Weare, J.H., 1986, The prediction of borate mineral
          equilibria in natural waters: Application to Searles Lake,
          California: Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p. 2771-2783.

       Harvie, C.E., Moller, N., and Weare, J.H., 1984, The prediction of
          mineral solubilities in natural waters: The Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-
          SO4-OH-HCO3-CO3-CO2-H2O system to high ionic strengths at 25 C:
          Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 48, p. 723-751.

       Harvie, C.E., and Weare, J.H., 1980, The prediction of mineral
          solubilities in natural waters: the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl-SO4-H2O system
          from zero to high concentration at 25 C:  Geochimica Cosmochimica
          Acta, v. 44, p. 981-997.

       MacInnes, D.A., 1919, The activities of the ions of strong
          electrolytes: Journal American Chemical Society, v. 41, p.

       Pitzer, K.S., 1973, Thermodynamics of electrolytes. 1. Theoretical
          basis and general equations: Journal Physical Chemistry, v. 77,
          p. 268-277.

       Pitzer, K.S., 1975, Thermodynamics of electrolytes. 5. Effects of
          higher-order electrostatic terms:  Journal Solution Chemistry, v.
          4, p. 249-265.

       Pitzer, K.S., and Kim, J.J., 1974, Thermodynamics of electrolytes.
          4. Activity and osmotic coefficients for mixed electrolytes:
          Journal American Chemical Society, v. 96, p. 5701-5707.

       Pitzer, K.S., and Mayorga, G., 1973, Thermodynamics of electrolytes.
          2.  Activity and osmotic coefficients for strong electrolytes
          with one or both ions univalent:  Journal Physical Chemistry, v.
          77, p. 2300-2308.

       Pitzer, K.S., and Mayorga, G., 1974, Thermodynamics of electrolytes.
          3.  Activity and osmotic coefficients of 2-2 electrolytes:
          Journal Solution Chemistry, v. 3, p. 539-546.

       PHRQPITZ is not currently taught in any of the USGS National
       Training Center courses.

          U.S. Geological Survey
          David Parkhurst
          Denver Federal Center, MS 413
          Lakewood, CO  80225

          U.S. Geological Survey
          Hydrologic Analysis Software Support Program
          437 National Center
          Reston, VA 20192

       Official versions of U.S. Geological Survey water-resources analysis
       software are available for electronic retrieval via the World Wide
       Web (WWW) at:


       and via anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from:

         (path: /pub/software).
       The WWW page and anonymous FTP directory from which the PHRQPITZ
       software can be retrieved are, respectively:


       If you would like to obtain the price of and (or) order paper copies
       of USGS reports, contact the USGS Branch of Information Services at:

                  U.S. Geological Survey
                  Branch of Information Services
                  Denver Federal Center, Box 25286
                  Denver CO 80225-0286

       To inquire about Open-File Reports or Water-Resources Investigations
                  Tel: 303-202-4210; Fax 303-202-4695

       To inquire about other USGS reports:
                  Tel: 303-202-4700; Fax 303-202-4693

       balninpt(1) - An interactive program for mass-balance
       netpath(1) - Interactive program for calculating NET
                    geochemical reactions and radiocarbon dating
                    along a flow PATH
       phreeqc(1) - A program for aqueous geochemical calculations
       phreeqe(1) - A program for geochemical calculations
       wateq4f(1) - A program for calculating speciation of major,
                    trace, and redox elements in natural waters

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